Newly waxed hallway in front of the Main Control Room shows light reflections.
0831 - "Reflecting Reflections" by Jeffrey Simmons
Have a great Labor Day weekend!
0831 - "Labor Day" by Leticia Shaddix
Julie Vander Meulen enjoys the Technical Division annual picnic.
0831 - "Julie Vander Meulen enjoys the Technical Division annual picnic" by Thomas Nicol
Flowers in the grass.
0831 - "Hidden treasure" by Katherine Lato
Ryan Campbell helps volunteers identify and sort seeds for planting on the prairie.
0830 - "Wednesday Warriors" by Georgia Schwender
Sunflower and the pollinators
0830 - "Sunflower and the pollinators" by Kathy Flores
On right, Mike Roman of the Particle Physics Division Detector Development and Operations Department and Dylan Frizzell from Argonne National Laboratory work on measuring pixel sensor modules for ATLAS in the Lab C cleanroom at SiDet.
0830 - "Measuring Pixel Sensor Modules" by Leticia Shaddix
50th Anniversary Planning
0830 - "High-Level Communications" by Derek Piec
At Playgroup, Anna Elementi decorates an owl with beans, lentils and rice during craft time. Playgroup meets every Wednesday in the Fermilab Village. Everyone is welcome.
0830 - "Craft time at Playgroup" by Jessica Jensen
Compass flowers are blooming en masse around the site right now, and the pollinators are out in force! This picture was taken on the Main Injector road between MI10 and MI20 using my phone.
0830 - "Bee on a Compass Flower" by Marty Murphy
View from the top of the Bubble Chamber
0829 - "Wilson Hall" by Adrian Marquez
Praying mantis looks like it is all hopped up on Mountain Dew!
0829 - "Meet my little green friend" by Ed Dijak
Batavia residents enjoy a quick game of hide and seek.
0829 - "Hide and seek" by Derek Plant
Foggy Fermilab sunrise, west entrance
0829 - "Good Morning Fermilab" by Bridgett Pygott
John Najdzion (using the power washer) and Adrian Marquez, both of the Particle Physics Detector Development and Operations Department, work on making the Bubble Chamber, in the SiDet courtyard, shiny and bright by giving it a power-washing bath.
0829 - "Bubble Chamber Bath" by Leticia Shaddix
This comic was found on the whiteboard in the cafeteria. Fermilab folks can be very creative!
0828 - "Science is fun!" by Eileen Berman
This is a view of the NuMI Target Hall taken from atop the workcell looking upstream. The shielding blocks over the tops of target and horns' respective "T-blocks" are open in preparation for survey and alignment and electrical work. All of this work is part of the 2017 summer accelerator shutdown period for maintenance and development. Several technicians, engineers and physicists have completed jobs in this enclosure, which is over 150 feet underground. I took this photo with my phone toward the end of the day.
0828 - "NuMI Target Hall" by Marty Murphy
Ryan Frantzen, left, and Martin Valenzuela remove some branches from the trees outside Ramsey Auditorium in preparation for the Open House next month.
0828 - "Cleaning up for the Open House" by Elliott McCrory
What do you see between the trees? The high-rise of course. You can see the high-rise from many areas on site.
0828 - "Between the Trees" by Leticia Shaddix
From Jim's garden at Fermilab
0827 - "Heirloom vegetables" by Georgia Schwender
Adam Lister of Lancaster University in the UK sits shift for MINERvA in ROC West on a quiet Saturday afternoon.
0826 - "On shift in ROC West" by Elliott McCrory
Lily ponds near DZero
0826 - "Lilies" by William Bardeen
Olivia Lahs-Bour stands next to the Fermilab logo created by Angela Gonzales, her mother.
0826 - "At the last Art Gallery talk by Anne Mary Teichert" by Georgia Schwender
The beans at the photographer's garden plot in the Fermilab Garden Club are ready to pick.
0825 - "The beans are coming in" by Elliott McCrory
Is it an outhouse or is it the burned vacuum circuit breaker cabinet at MI-60?
0825 - "Outhouse Breaker" by Robyn Madrak Plant
Daily sunrise pic
0825 - "Daily Sunrise" by Adrian Marquez
These blue cornflowers adorn the roadsides and fence rows every summer and early fall.
0825 - "Cornflower blue" by Thomas Nicol
Hard rock concrete cutters work at removing concrete and steel pillars that once held up the Bubble Chamber in the Lab B pit at SiDet.
0825 - "Concrete and Steel" by Leticia Shaddix
View from Wilson Hall
0825 - "Almost Symmetric" by Alejandro Ramírez Delgado
Can't get enough of this sculpture.
0824 - "Tractricious Sculpture" by Leticia Shaddix
SBN-ND Building
0824 - "SBN-ND Building" by Kathy Flores
Walking toward IARC...
0824 - "IARC Building" by Simona Rolli
daily pic
0824 - "Daily Sunrise" by Adrian Marquez
Question: Category: Jobs for $50..."while at work I hang out and keep all my tools within arms reach." Answer: What is a Wilson Hall window washer?
0823 - "Wilson Hall Window Washer" by Albert Dyer
Take 5 for safety
0823 - "Safety first" by Bridgett Pygott
Mr. Froggy sits in the early sunlight waiting for breakfast to fly by.
0823 - "Mr. Froggy" by Stephen Baginski
From left: Renan Silva Soares, undergraduate from the Universidade Federal Do ABC, Brazil, and Dante Totani, Ph.D. student from University of L'Aquila, are testing a SIPM, or silicon photomultiplier, a part of light detector for the DUNE experiment.
0823 - "DUNE Testing" by Leticia Shaddix
I was walking to the car when I noticed this bee on a flower outside of MI65. Took the picture with my phone.
0823 - "Bumblebee on a Purple Flower" by Marty Murphy
Wilson Hall is dwarfed by giant plant-life.
0823 - "After-work prairie walk" by Lauren Biron
Great day to do windows!
0822 - "Window washers" by Kathy Flores
Take a little walk down the lovely Margaret Pearson Memorial Trail, also known as the Fermilab Interpretive Trail. You'll love it!
0822 - "Take a Little Walk" by Leticia Shaddix
Osprey searches for next catch on Ring Road.
0822 - "Osprey searching for next catch" by Timothy Chapman
Wilson Hall eclipse over window washers.
0821 - "Wilson Hall Eclipse" by Jessica Jensen
Some of the Technical Division's brightest stars gather to watch the solar eclipse!
0821 - "Watching the solar eclipse"
A group of Fermilab employees and users watches the eclipse from the courtyard outside the cafeteria. The sun, partially covered by the moon, is visible also on Wilson Hall windows.
0821 - "Watching the eclipse from and into Wilson Hall" by Marco Mambelli
The ICARUS trip!
0821 - "ICARUS has arrived!" by Kathy Flores
21-inch smallmouth bass
0821 - "Friend..." by Peter Garbincius
Eclipse through the clouds behind Wilson Hall.
0821 - "Eclipse" by Valerie Higgins
Kevin Fahey, Jack Fowler, Jim Niehoff, David Montanari, Chris Mossey, and Jolie Macier (left to right), look upward to the eclipse during a break at an LBNF design review at the Sanford Underground Research Facility in Lead, South Dakota.
0821 - "Eclipse viewing from the Sanford Underground Research Laboratory" by Thomas Nicol
Intermittent image due to cloud cover, but when it was mostly clear we could watch the clouds pass across out line of sight to the sun. The video is awesome I took with my phone!
0821 - "Eclipse Projection / Safe Observation" by Mr. Ed
A cloudy sky allowed to see the slice of the sun on Wilson Hall's partially reflecting windows.
0821 - "Eclipse on Wilson Hall" by Marco Mambelli
Monday's solar eclipse, reflected through the two lenses of a pair of protective sunglasses.
0821 - "Cool Guy Eclipse" by Kelli Rubrecht
People watch the solar eclipse in front of Wilson Hall.
0821 - "Cloudy Eclipse" by Emil Huedem
Waiting for the total eclipse on a mostly cloudy day.
0821 - "#MobileMonday" by Maredith Stoffel
Frog in pond on Ring Road.
0820 - "Frog" by Timothy Chapman
Little do the citizens of Earth know that in less than 48 hours, the moon will be blocking, for a moment, the source of their heat and light.
0819 - "The sun" by Elliott McCrory
Sunrise Eola Road.
0819 - "Sunrise Eola Rd" by Timothy Chapman
Artwork by Angela Gonzales
0819 - "Artwork by Angela Gonzales" by Kathy Flores
David Butler shows off the walk-in oven at Lab 3 in the Village.
0818 - "The walk-in oven at Lab 3" by Elliott McCrory
Phil Crabtree and John Anderson III show off the enclosure keys they needed that day for vacuum work they were doing.
0818 - "Technicians and keys" by Christine Ader
In response to my picture with Phil and John with all their enclosure keys, John took this photo and said: "We decided to get some blue and purple keys."
0818 - "More keys" by John Anderson III
A bumblebee visits flowers behind Aspen East.
0818 - "Busy" by Derek Plant
A fun crew Friday Night for the party, "In Front of the Barn"
0818 - "Brazilian Party" by Luciano Elementi
The Particle Physics Division have their picnic today at Kuhn Barn. On the right, Patricia McBride, head of the division, welcomes folks to the picnic. Dee Hahn, PPD/DDOD; and Callie Surber, PPD Office, hand out raffle tickets.
0817 - "Welcome To the PPD Picnic" by Leticia Shaddix
SUSY Swan, new Fermilab Theory Department mascot, watches over the Director's Coffee Break.
0817 - "SUSY Swan" by Valerie Higgins
Aleksey Akimov carefully installs a 3.9-gigahertz superconducting radio-frequency cavity into the Horizontal Test Stand at MDB.
0817 - "More work getting done" by Derek Plant
Evening at the pasture
0817 - "Evening at the pasture" by Kathy Flores
Beautiful view from east Booster parking lot.
0817 - "Beautiful view from east Booster parking lot" by Shailesh Khole
Tyler Drendel works on Muon Campus instrumentation devices, including PWC proportional wire chambers and ion chambers at NWA.
0816 - "Working on instrumentation devices at NWA" by Christine Ader
Getting ready for the eclipse on Monday. Using a transit to project the image of the sun onto a pad of paper. Basic concept works ... now it's time for some refinements to the apparatus before the big day!
0816 - "Work in progress" by Ed Dijak
Wilson Hall and the new lily pads
0816 - "Wilson Hall and the new lily pads" by Julie Vander Meulen
0816 - "Wildflowers" by Kathy Flores
Life in the village.
0816 - "Papa bear, Momma bear...." by Derek Plant
A beautiful start to the day as the sun comes up over the fields by Wilson Street.
0816 - "Morning Fog" by Maredith Stoffel
Geese on the tennis courts after the rain
0816 - "Game - Set - Match" by Jessica Jensen
The LHC Physics Center guest and visitors from Texas Tech University, along with Zotlan Gecse and Maral Alyari from Fermilab, work in the Lab C cleanroom at SiDet. They are working on the CMS testing Co2 cooling performance of the cassette for the CMS high-granularity calorimeter. From left: Samila Muthumuni, TTU; Tielige Mengke, TTU; Zoltan Gecse, Fermilab CMS; Kamal Lamichhane, TTU; Maral Alyari, Fermilab CMS.
0816 - "CMS Work" by Leticia Shaddix
This willow tree at Site 58 has the prettiest twist to it.
0815 - "Willow Tree" by Leticia Shaddix
The Fermilab gym recently acquired some new equipment, including this squat rack. It's the best!
0815 - "New gym equipment" by Leah Hesla
0815 - "Mutual aid to Geneva, Illinois" by Derek Piec
Morning walk in foggy sunrise
0815 - "Morning walk in foggy sunrise" by Timothy Chapman
Armando Barboza polishes vacuum flanges on PIP-II 325-MHz superconducting half-wave resonators at Lab 2.
0815 - "Infectious Grin" by Derek Plant
Matt Crawford of Fermilab, Barry Glicklich. In the background, the gamer on the far right is Bill Tannenbau. On the far left is Howard Sanders.
0815 - "Fermilab Game Night" by Katherine Lato
Dana Smith of the carpenter shop fixes up a small conference room at Site 38 OPS.
0815 - "Dana Smith working hard" by Maredith Stoffel
Alignment of the LCLS-II cavity string to vessel
0815 - "Alignment of the LCLS II" by Gary Teafoe
Rise and shine!
0814 - "Rise and Shine!" by Kathy Flores
Bob Barger performs instrument calibration at PAB.
0814 - "Quest To Quantify" by Derek Plant
Luna moth on the ground just outside of AZero. Credit to Matt Alverez for pointing it out and not accidentally stepping on it!
0814 - "Luna Moth Up Close" by Troy Petersen
Monday morning
0814 - "Foggy mornings" by Adrian Marquez
Cloud reflections
0814 - "Cloud reflections" by Timothy Chapman
Bison eat in the evening while the sun is peeking through the clouds.
0814 - "Bison in the evening" by Marco Mambelli
Baby swallows wait for the parents to return at AP0.
0814 - "Baby swallows wait for the next meal" by Steve Carrigan
Beetle-like creatures swarm on a daisy-like weed in the wide median on Pine Street. Wilson Hall is in the background.
0813 - "Ew!" by Elliott McCrory
Fermilab Garden
0812 - "Tendril on a Zucchini Plant" by Georgia Schwender
I've always enjoyed that Fermilab continues in its Illinois heritage by allowing the use of part of its open space by local farmers to grow and harvest corn and beans.
0812 - "Fermilab corn crop" by Thomas Nicol
Guess where.
0812 - "Enterprise" by Derek Plant
Welcome to the world Baby #11!
0811 - "Welcome to the world Baby #11!" by Kathy Flores
0811 - "Reflection" by Derek Plant
Main Ring Pond near C-0
0811 - "Main Ring Pond Foliage" by Derek Piec
Fermilab Photo Club celebrates its 50th anniversary today at the Water Street Studios exhibit opening. The studios feature photos that have been taken at Fermilab by many of the Photography Club members.
0811 - "Laura Paterno and Marty Murphy" by Leticia Shaddix
The opening reception for the 50th Anniversary Fermilab Photo Club Show at Water Street Studios in Batavia.
0811 - "Fermilab Photo Club Show" by Lynn Garren
Early morning before the moon had set.
0810 - "Wilson Hall and the Moon" by Stephen Baginski
Wasp of Fermilab Fire Department's glass firetruck.
0810 - "Wasp on a windshield" by Derek Piec
Patience abounds while waiting for wildlife.
0810 - "Waiting for Wildlife" by Kim Mazur
Sump in pbar
0810 - "Sumpterranean Homesick Blues" by Robyn Madrak Plant
The yellows, purples, pinks and whites of August.
0810 - "Summer flowers" by Valerie Higgins
Ryan Kos, vet tech intern, works on the Linac Marx generator.
0810 - "Ryan Kos and Marx" by Robyn Madrak
ICARUS has arrived!
0810 - "ICARUS is here!" by Kathy Flores
The face only a mother could love.
0810 - "Black Swallowtail"
Momma bird waits for me to stop taking pictures of her babies so she can feed them. SiDet residents.
0810 - "Barn Swallows" by Leticia Shaddix
A beautiful sunrise
0809 - "Sunrise today" by Al Lilianstrom
Ring ride at lunch time. I love the contrast in colors between the sky, clouds and greenery.
0809 - "Ring Ride" by Leticia Shaddix
Dew on ornamental grass sparkles in the morning sunlight.
0809 - "Morning Dew" by Barbara Kristen
The path was busy on this beautiful day!
0809 - "Lunchtime Walk"
Looking northwest
0808 - "The view from Wilson Hall 9 West" by Lynn Garren
Dr. Don Lincoln, Fermilab physicist, concludes the Undergraduate Summer Lecture Series on "A Theory of Everything: Are We There Yet?"
0808 - "That's All, Folks" by Leticia Shaddix
Naked Ladies aka surprise lilies, Lycoris squamigera planted in front of The Outback at DZero
0808 - "Naked Ladies in front of The Outback!" by Edward Dijak
Why dragon fly when you can dragon sit on a bench?
0808 - "Dragonflazy" by Lauren Biron
One of hundreds of bees on the Russian sage along the Outback at DZero.
0808 - "Bee all you can be ..." by Ed Dijak
Spotted in Wilson Hall cafeteria, east side
0807 - "Profit!?" by Aaron Sauers
The morning sun on the evening moon flower at The Outback
0807 - "Moon Flower" by Ed Dijak
The full moon is visible between the branches of the willow tree next to Batavia Road.
0807 - "Full moon through the willow tree" by Marco Mambelli
So many cool looking things at SiDet. I asked Javier Tiffenberg of the Particle Physics Division Astrophysics Department what this is. He explained to me that this is an engineering replica of the Dark Energy Camera focal plane. It was used during the construction of the DECam instrument that is installed in Chile in the telescope that is being used for the Dark Energy Survey. #MobileMonday
0807 - "An Engineering Replica of the DECam Focal Plane" by Leticia Shaddix
Flowers outside of Wilson Hall on the east side.
0806 - "Summer Colors at Wilson Hall" by Laura Paterno
A parent osprey sits in a tree while a juvenile flies around asking for food.
0806 - "Osprey sitting in a tree" by Stephen Baginski
Heron on Outer Ring Road
0806 - "Heron on Outer Ring Road" by Timothy Chapman
Zucchini plants in the Fermilab Garden
0805 - "Holding On" by Georgia Schwender
Today participants of the past week DPF meetings and Fermilab employees tour different labs at SiDet, ending with some sorbet and a group picture in front of the Bubble Chamber.
0804 - "SiDet Tours" by Leticia Shaddix
Last day of Phriendly Physics Teacher Workshop.
0804 - "Phriendly Physics Workshop" by Laura Paterno
Phriendly Physics Workshop toured the IB3 facility. This is part of the magnet assembly process.
0803 - "IB3 Magnet Production" by Laura Paterno
One of today's DPF speakers in 1 West was Enhao Song from the University of Virginia. He spoke on "A Neural Network Trigger for Magnetic Monopoles with the NOvA Far Detector."
0803 - "DPF Speaker Enhao Song" by Leticia Shaddix
Collecting seeds for prairie restoration with Fermilab Natural Areas volunteers.
0802 - "Wednesday Morning Warriors" by Georgia Schwender
Walking the Main Ring at lunchtime, we saw these lilies in a Main Ring cooling pond.
0802 - "Main Ring Cooling Pond Lilies" by Christine Ader
Doug Berry of the University of Illinois at Chicago gives a talk on behalf of the CMS collaboration.
0802 - "DPF Talks" by Leticia Shaddix
Butterfly hanging around Playgroup at Kuhn Barn
0802 - "Butterfly at Playgroup" by Jessica Jensen
... flock together.
0802 - "Birds of a feather..."
Tony Tong, from Harvard University, enjoys todays physics talks at the DPF 2017 meetings.
0801 - "Enjoying the Physics Talks" by Leticia Shaddix