The Daily Images From Fermilab, or DIFF, aims to collect at least one photograph taken at Fermilab every day in 2017 — the 50th year of the laboratory. Anyone with a mobile phone or camera can take a picture to be part of the project.
Fermilab staff, users and others are wielding their devices to help chronicle this landmark year: the people and the work on exciting physics projects being developed here — the beautiful Fermilab site, its buildings, landscapes and wildlife through the seasons.
Scroll through to see snapshots of Fermilab at 50.
As the bookend to Dawn of a new year... from January 1, 2017, the sun sets on my favorite tree on December 31.
1231 - "Twilight on 2017 ..." by Thomas Nicol
The last moment of 2017, as seen from the Main Control Room
1231 - "That's all" by Stephen Baginski
Montage one of two of the photographers who contributed to DIFF.
1231 - "Photographers of DIFF 2017"
Montage two of two of the photographers who contributed to DIFF
1231 - "Photographers of DIFF 2017"
Neutrino Campus MINOS.
1231 - "Light and shadow cast on a plane of snow" by Harry Ferguson III
Mr. Snowman just stopped by the Village for new year's eve. If you pass by 15 Potawatomi, make sure to say hello. He seems a bit cold at first, but has a warming heart.
1231 - "Last Snowman of the Year!" by Gustavo Valdiviesso
On the morning of the last day of 2017, the cold, ice crystal-filled air created a parhelion around the sun.
1231 - "Happy New Year" by Kelli Rubrecht
On a cold winter day, the bison stay close to the barn and feed.
1231 - "Bison stay close to barn" by Kathy Flores
It's cold, snow on the ground and roads are closed. Typical for Fermilab.
1230 - "Typical winter day at Fermilab" by Stephen Baginski
A hawk circles over the security office building.
1230 - "Hawk circling" by Kathy Flores
Can see Wilson Hall in the distance with snow on the ground.
1230 - "Fermilab in the distance on a cold day" by Katherine Lato
Three of the senior engineers in the Accelerator Division relax after the last 9:00 Operations Meeting of the year in One West. L-R: Bob Brooker, Chris Jensen and George Krafczyk. George, with ID number 322, has been working at Fermilab forever.
1229 - "Supporting accelerator operations" by Elliott McCrory
She made a difference! Without Leah Hesla the DIFF, or Daily Image from Fermilab project would have been just another good idea. Thanks to her, Elliott McCrory, and Maura Barone Fermilab was able to celebrate it's 50th-anniversary year by gathering a least one image each day of 2017.
1229 - "Leah Hesla - Making a DIFFerence" by Reidar Hahn
Some of the senior members of the ESH&Q's Interlock Group in their lab space adjacent to the Accelerator Division Main Control Room. From left: Chuck Worel, Glenn Federwitz (seated), Randy Zifko and John Fomusa. Each of these folks has a Fermilab ID number lower than 4000; Worel has the lowest one: 01943N.
1228 - "The Interlocks Group in AD" by Elliott McCrory
Wayne Shaddix from the Particle Physics Division Building Management Group says, "See ya next year Fermilab."
1228 - "See Ya!" by Leticia Shaddix
Elliott McCrory was a driving force behind the DIFF project. His upbeat perseverance and encouragement kept all the photographers going and made sure that each day of the year was covered.
1228 - "Office Hours with Dr. McCrory" by Reidar Hahn
Farmland near Site 67, seen from NML
1228 - "Farmland and prairie in winter" by Giulio Stancari
The beauty of the creatures here at Fermilab is something to be enjoyed every day. What a great place to work. We are truly blessed!
1228 - "'Looking back' at 2017 from The DZero Outback" by Ed Dijak
Just had to take a selfie as we grouped together for the DIFF family portrait.
1227 - "The obligatory selfie" by Paula Lambertz
Some of the photographers who contributed photos to the DIFF project gathered for a group photo before the end of the year. DIFF, or Daily Image from Fermilab, was organized and run by Elliott Mccrory, Leah Hesla and Maura Barone to help celebrate Fermilab's 50th-anniversary year by gathering a least one image taken at Fermilab for each day of 2017.
1227 - "Snap Happy" by Reidar Hahn
Reidar Hahn, Fermilab photographer, takes a group picture of the people who participated in the Daily Image From Fermilab — DIFF — project.
1227 - "Reidar" by Giulio Stancari
As the year long Daily Image For Fermilab, or DIFF , project for Fermilab's 50th anniversary comes to an end, Elliott McCrory has a brilliant idea for Fermilab photographer Reidar Hahn to photograph those folks that participated in submitting photos through out the year. My DIFF, of course: It's Reidar!
1227 - "Reidar Hahn" by Leticia Shaddix
Here we are, all posing for Reidar's picture of the DIFF photographers in the Wilson Hall atrium.
1227 - "Posing for Reidar" by Elliott McCrory
Some of the DIFF photographers get ready for a group shot.
1227 - "DIFF photographers" by Christine Ader
Zero-degree temperatures, clear skies and a cover of snow make for a picturesque holiday-time parking lot.
1227 - "Cold, holiday week parking lot" by Heath O'Connell
Outside Wilson Hall.
1227 - "Cold winter day" by Katherine Lato
The atrium is decorated with Christmas lights.
1227 - "Christmas at Wilson Hall" by Maredith Stoffel
The whitetail were out foraging early on a cold winter day.
1226 - "Whitetail in the snow" by Christine Ader
A view from the Big Woods trail while out skiing.
1226 - "View from Big Woods" by Brian Hartsell
It was awfully cold this morning - about 0 degrees Fahrenheit.
1226 - "Sunrise on a frigid day" by Elliott McCrory
Will Flanagan, foreground, and Shakakai Yang take shifts in ROC West, making sure all systems are running optimally for the NOvA experiment.
1226 - "ROCing the NOvA Experiment" by Reidar Hahn
Clecio De Bom, guest visitor from Centro Brasileiro des Pesquisas Fisicas who works with MKIDs at Fermilab, enjoys showing his mother around SiDet.
1226 - "Holiday Visit From Mom" by Leticia Shaddix
The auditorium lobby in the early morning - fisheye view.
1226 - "Early Morning Lobby" by Lori Limberg
Kuhn Barn
1225 - "White Christmas!" by Maria Acosta
The Paterno family takes time out of their Christmas day to get a photo at Fermilab, braving a flat tire, cold temperatures and negative wind chills in order to do so.
1225 - "Paterno Family Photo at Fermilab" by Laura Paterno
Waiting at the light at Kirk and Pine looking north, this is not a typical sight for 8 a.m. on a Monday morning. But it _is_ Christmas morning.
1225 - "Empty Kirk Road" by Amy Scroggins
The fresh snowfall in the parking lot behind Wilson Hall. On any other Monday at 8 a.m., there wouldn't be an inch of undisturbed snow in the whole place, but this was taken on a bright, cold Christmas morning.
1225 - "A White Christmas" by Kelli Rubrecht
The geese don’t mind the snow. In fact, they wear it well.
1224 - "Snowy Geese" by Amy Scroggins
It's snowing!
1224 - "It's snowing!" by Kathy Flores
A holiday tradition in the Main Control Room. The tiers of colors light up sequentially as more and more beam is injected into the accelerators. It was good to see the highest tier light up just in time for Christmas, after several weeks of running low-intensity beam due to vacuum issues in the Main Injector.
1224 - "Intensity Tree" by Kelli Rubrecht
Cattails along the road near the Cryogenics Department building.
1224 - "Cryogenic Cattails" by Reidar Hahn
Walking my dog on a lovely Saturday afternoon at Fermilab
1223 - "Prince Betz" by Timothy Chapman
Quiet sunset on a cold winter day.
1223 - "A quiet winter evening" by Eileen Berman
Who is this, Mr. Christmas? No, it's not Santa Claus: The beard is not gray enough. Why, it's David Andersen, who is the keeper of the IDs. For once he gets his photo taken.
1222 - "David Andersen in the Case of Mistaken Identity" by Reidar Hahn
Fermilab Natural Areas' donation to the Lederman Science Center of numerous field guides was documented in a media photo session. From left: Kurt Riesselmann, Al Johnson, Tim Meyer, Spencer Pasero, Penny Kasper, Liz Copeland, Hema Ramamoorthi.
1221 - "Photographing the photographers" by Paula Lambertz
From left: Bert Gonzalez of the Particle Physics Division Detector Development and Operations Department, Matthew Jones from Purdue University, and Andrei Gaponenko of Mu2e discuss the assembly process for Mu2e modules. Bert holds a test module.
1221 - "Mu2e" by Leticia Shaddix
Inside Fermilab meeting rooms, the unusual and the ordinary.
1221 - "Inside Fermilab meeting rooms" by Katherine Lato
A beautiful beginning to the solstice.
1221 - "Happy Solstice Day!" by Michael McGee
Rich Andrews, ID number 221, poses with the injector for FAST/IOTA in the NML building. Rich has been a mechanical engineer here since the earliest days of Fermilab.
1221 - "Andrews at FAST" by Elliott McCrory
A large number of bidders contractors / offerors attended the pre-bid meeting and walkthrough of the ICBa building project.
1220 - "Pre-bid Meeting" by Emil Huedem
Good food, good friends, great Fermilab!
1220 - "FESS Holiday Party" by Patricia Marsh
Donna Kubik from the Particle Physics Division Detector Development and Operations Department, is pictured with a kinetic inductance detector (KID) that she and others are studying potentially to use for study of the cosmic microwave background. The KID is mounted on one of the millikelvin refrigerators at SiDet.
1220 - "Donna and The KID" by Leticia Shaddix
TJ Sarlina shows off his amazing Christmas attire.
1220 - "Christmas sweater and tie" by Amy Scroggins
Members of the Fermilab Accelerator Physics Center celebrate at the annual holiday luncheon.
1220 - "Celebrating the holidays" by Giulio Stancari
The sky blazes behind Broken Symmetry at the Pine Road West gate.
1220 - "Broken Symmetry sunset" by Elliott McCrory
A place for doing hard work ...
1220 - "A typical graduate student office in Wilson Hall" by Prabhjot Singh
Wilson Hall casts a long shadow just after sunrise on the day before the winter solstice.
1220 - "A long shadow" by Spencer Pasero
The high-rise
1219 - "Sunny day after the all-hands meeting" by Maria Acosta
Beginning of the burn west of Eola Road
1219 - "Praire Burn" by Ed Dijak
Just had to catch this moment.
1219 - "Beautiful December Morning" by Patricia Marsh
Nigel Lockyer listens to remarks made my DOE Fermi Site Office Manager Michael Weis during today's all-hands meeting.
1219 - "All-hands meeting" by Elliott McCrory
An infrared image of the back side of Wilson in the late afternoon light.
1218 - "Wilson in the late afternoon light" by Stephen Baginski
Last seconds of sunlight in a short winter day
1218 - "Sun sets behind the Möbius Strip" by Maria Acosta
This message painted on a rock was lying along the curb at the Wilson Hall front horseshoe drive ... not sure from or for whom, but not a bad thought.
1218 - "Message on a rock..." by Thomas Nicol
Overcast skies on a late Sunday afternoon
1217 - "Low ceiling" by Elliott McCrory
No known names.
1216 - "Fermilab Villages Permanent Residents" by Prabhjot Singh
Sue Campbell has been a faithful auditorium member of the Fermilab Arts and Lecture Series since before 1991.
1216 - "Fermilab Arts and Lecture hosts performance of It's a Wonderful Life" by Georgia Schwender
Some of our technical staff and managers gather round the Technical Division Christmas tree for a photo op.
1215 - "Technical Division Christmas Tree and Staff" by Melonie Hays
Mary Convery and Mike Lindgren enjoy a buffet lunch prepared by the Integrated Planning and Performance Management team on Wilson Hall's second floor.
1215 - "Holiday Luncheon" by Elliott McCrory
Christmas décor in the Wilson Hall atrium, so pretty!!
1215 - "Christmas Decor" by Leticia Shaddix
Henry Pirtle received a gift from Santa at the Festive Holiday Party with Santa.
1215 - "All I want for Christmas" by Kiersten Leidberg
Arturo Gonzales is installing some of the 54 modules in the new solid state Marx generators in the Linac. They replace the 1968-era Continental Electronics tube-based power supplies. The tubes are becoming scarce since the U.S. Coast Guard no longer needs them. Once the supply of them is gone and existing ones can no longer be reconditioned, our Linac would be shut down if these new power sources were not built. There is one 28-cell modulator in station 1, and there will be six 54-cell units including a test/spare unit.
1214 - "Marx Modulator Assembly" by Christine Ader
Adam Lyon, Tracy Usher, Erica Snider
1214 - "LArSoft Discussion" by Katherine Lato
Steve Holmes discusses the positive report for the PIP-II Independent Project Review with Elaine McCluskey, left, and the next PIP-II project leader, Lia Merminga.
1214 - "End of the PIP-II review" by Elliott McCrory
The Particle Physics Division Detector Development Ops Dept. and others enjoys a Christmas lunch of pizza, salad and appetizers at Pal Joey's. Pictured from left are Wojciech Blaszynski, Sabina Aponte, Otto Alvarez, Ron Lipton, Rick Tesarek and JJ Schmidt.
1214 - "Christmas Luncheon" by Leticia Shaddix
Gianluca Petrillo
1213 - "Working on LArSoft" by Katherine Lato
A group of facilities and thermosystem engineers troubleshoot a dedicated outside-air system at the Heavy Assembly Building.
1213 - "Troubleshooting" by Emil Huedem
Most of the Particle Physics Division Mechanical Engineering Department and some recent department retirees gathered for our yearly holiday luncheon. Standing, from left: Z. Tang, L. Martin, R. Sanders, S. Timpone, I. Young, E. Villegas, V. Villegas, D. Allspach, G. Smith, J. Kintner, D. Mitchell, G. Tatkowski, K. Krempetz, J. Rauch, G. Sellberg, D. Friend, J. Catalenello, B. Ellison, S. Sellberg. Seated, from left: R. Reinert, A. Lee, J. Belle, R. Woods, P. Poll, M. Sarychev, J. Kilmer, D. Markley, R. Rucinski, K. Overhage, B. Kristen, J. Loskot, T. Martin, M. Knapp
1213 - "PPD MED Dept" by Barbara Kristen
Hats from over the years ...
1213 - "Past and Present" by Ed Dijak
Battalion Chief Chris Williams discusses the fire service recall features of the Wilson Hall elevators with security personnel.
1213 - "Elevator Training" by Lori Limberg
Eddie Mejia enjoys his yerba mate tea with his ravioli lunch.
1213 - "Eddie Mejia" by Leticia Shaddix
Brian Chase of the Accelerator Division listens to a question from a DOE reviewer during the Independent Project Review of PIP-II for CD-1, in the Racetrack.
1213 - "A review breakout session" by Elliott McCrory
Decorated tree on the 14th floor in Wilson Hall.
1212 - "Twelve Days Before Christmas" by Albert Dyer
Steve Dixon and Nigel Lockyer enjoy a moment during the PIP-II Independent Project Review for CD-1.
1212 - "Steve and Nigel" by Elliott McCrory
Fermilab is a great place to enjoy the great outdoors, even in 18-degree weather! These joggers don't give it a second thought to jog around the Main Ring in this cold weather ... brrrrr!
1212 - "Loyal Joggers" by Leticia Shaddix
Where did that time go?
1212 - "Forty years ago today ..." by Thomas Nicol
The “Bod Squad” annual holiday party was held December 12, 2017, at Chez Leon which included a fun “white elephant” gift exchange. Pictured here are members of the squad and their gifts. Standing, from left: Roger Dixon, Penelope Constanta, David Hockin, Joan Forsberg instructor, Roberta Kucharski, Carol Johnstone, Jeanne and Arthur Kreymer, and Melonie Hays. Seated: Barbara Kristen, Suzanne Wilczak, Marilyn Dixon and Carol’s father Jerry.
1212 - "Bod Squad Holiday Party"
Silly coyote - walking across the ice in front of Wilson Hall in the middle of the day.
1211 - "Ice-skating coyote" by Elliott McCrory
If this owl hadn't flapped its wings, I wouldn't have seen it camouflaged in the woods near the Fire Department.
1211 - "Hidden Owl" by Kelli Rubrecht
I catch Bert getting ready to log back in to his laptop after getting his well deserved cup of java! #MobileMonday
1211 - "Bert Gonzalez" by Leticia Shaddix
Snow after the burn
1210 - "Prairie 14" by Georgia Schwender
On a nice sunny day looking down Blackhawk Boulevard, seeing a nice sky.
1209 - "Looking down Blackhawk Boulevard" by Stephen Baginski
One of the students of Saturday Morning Physics brought his little brother, and a colorful hat, to the final lecture of the term. Pushpa Bhat of the Director's Office is the lecturer.
1209 - "Final session of SMP - Nice hat" by Elliott McCrory
One of the first hard freezes of winter is shown near the Main Ring cooling ponds.
1208 - "First Freeze" by Christine Ader
Si Xie, a guest and visitor from California Institute of Technology, does some testing in the Photo Detector Timing Lab for the Compact Muon Solenoid / CMS timing project.
1208 - "CMS Timing Project" by Leticia Shaddix
These Accelerator Division folks often enjoy an early morning snack in the cafeteria on a Friday. From left: Paul Czarapata, Bob Brooker, Cons Gattuso, Dave Capista, Stan Johnson and Greg Vogel.
1208 - "A morning snack" by Elliott McCrory
The taco salad in the Fermilab cafeteria is a perennial favorite.
1207 - "Preparing Taco Salad" by Elliott McCrory
Light snow in December.
1207 - "Morning snow" by Katherine Lato
This morning, Thursday, December 7, we work up to our first light dusting of snow for the season. While walking to work, in the woods between the Lederman Science Education Center and Wilson Hall, I noticed this interesting pattern of bicycle tracks. Apparently, the three riders compacted the snow with their tires and when the snow on the warmer path either melted or sublimated. Only the tracks were left visible.
1207 - "Makin' tracks to work" by Peter Garbincius
First snow of the year ... small, but a sign of things to come.
1207 - "First snow ..." by Thomas Nicol
Melonie Hays is shown visiting with Mike Smego, Gary Teafoe and Chuck Wilson about their work on LCLS-II cryomodule 08 after taking their photo to be documented in the Fermilab 50th-anniversary DIFF gallery.
1207 - "Documenting the documenter" by Romesh Sood
December dusting of snow covers some of the road on the way to SiDet.
1207 - "December Dusting" by Leticia Shaddix
Aligning a cold-mass cavity string to the vacuum vessel for LCLS-II Cryomodule 08. Pictured here are Mike Smego, left, Chuck Wilson, center, and Gary Teafoe, sitting.
1207 - "A day in the life ..." by Melonie Hays
Liz Copeland sorts seeds for distribution in specific locations in the prairie.
1206 - "Wednesday Warriors - Fermilab Natural Areas" by Georgia Schwender
View from 15th floor of Wilson Hall.
1206 - "On a clear day you can see Chicago" by Katherine Lato
New bicycles ... Divvy or Fivvy?
1206 - "New bicycles ... Divvy or Fivvy?" by Kathy Flores
Ed Dijak, from the Alignment and Metrology Department in Particle Physics Division, took advantage of using the secured bins for secure shedding placed at SiDet.
1206 - "Mr. Ed" by Leticia Shaddix
Reversed view from IARC to Technical Division.
1206 - "IARC LEED" by Aaron Sauers
MINERvA and MINOS data acquisition experts work hard to get detectors working before beam comes back.
1206 - "Going underground at 8 a.m. to fix MINOS" by Mehreen Sultana
The Main Control Room has through out the day many operators and experts working to deliver beam to the users.
1205 - "MCR guard at work" by Stephen Baginski
Accelerator operators Alyssa Miller and Mike Olander are interviewed by a film crew from WGBH for an upcoming episode of the PBS show Nova.
1205 - "Filming for PBS Nova Episode" by Marty Murphy
Some Christmas décor at SiDet
1205 - "Christmas Decor" by Leticia Shaddix
Before moving to Illinois to work at the lab I lived in areas that had mountains or at least significant hills. Those are among the things I really miss living here. I tend to think of Illinois as being rather flat place. However, that's not quite true. This is a photo taken of the lab prairie adjacent to Pine Street following the burn that was just done. Note the ant mounds that one doesn't normally see when the plants are growing. Now with the plants burned off, you can see that the prairie is anything but "flat," especially at the scale of an ant. Does anyone know which type of ants create the mounds on our/their prairie?
1205 - "Ant mounds in the Fermilab prairie" by Gordon Koizumi
Rich Divelbliss mows down some tall grass in his garden in the Fermilab Garden Club area.
1204 - "Mowing in the Garden Club area" by Elliott McCrory
Andre Donadon Servelle of the Particle Physics Division Astrophysics Department works on the Sub Electron Noise Skipper-CCD Experimental Instrument, SENSEI, a project in the Lab A cleanroom at SiDet. #MobileMonday
1204 - "Andre working on SENSEI" by Leticia Shaddix
Scorched earth day after controlled burn
1203 - "Scorched earth" by Timothy Chapman
It's a beautiful Saturday morning, the sun is shining, and the light is good. So where is everyone?
1202 - "Where is everyone?" by Stephen Baginski
Erik Ramberg talks about the great mathematician, Emmy Noether, in the context of symmetries in physics during Saturday Morning Physics.
1202 - "Ramberg and Noether" by Elliott McCrory
It's done very carefully.
1202 - "Prescribed praire burn" by Georgia Schwender
The waxing gibbous moon makes an early arrival.
1201 - "Waxing Gibbous Moon on a December Eve" by Patricia Marsh
Tom Nicol, mechanical engineer in the Technical Division, at a service recognition lunch at Chez Leon celebrating 40 years at Fermilab with other members of the 25-, 40- and 45-year clubs.
1201 - "Tom Nicol celebrates 40 years at Fermilab" by Becky Nicol
Greg and Andrea share a quiet lunch together in Greg's office in the Transfer Gallery.
1201 - "Lunchtime for the Saewarts" by Elliott McCrory
Joe Schaubel and Dana Smith of Fermilab's Carpenter Shop hang a banner on the billboard along Kirk Toad thanking the public for helping us celebrate this past year.
1201 - "Joe and Dana Putting a Wrap on the 50th Year" by Reidar Hahn
Greg Gilbert leads the meeting to go over the week's safety issues with the electricians and mechanics of Site 38.
1201 - "Friday Safety Meeting at FESS Site 38" by Maredith Stoffel
A Fermilab prairie burn.
1201 - "Do Not Enter." by Valerie Higgins
'Tis the season!
1201 - "'Tis the Season!" by Kathy Flores
Wooded area by Site 38
1130 - "Wooded area by Site 38" by Kathy Flores
Inside of a typical refrigerator at Fermilab.
1130 - "Lunch time!" by Katherine Lato
Holter Road in the Betz Prairie
1130 - "Last Days of Autumn on Holter Road" by Daniel Munger
Sunsets from the lab. A sight that never gets old.
1130 - "End of Another Work Day" by Mehreen Sultana
The Fermilab Fire Department respond to an activated fire alarm at one of our service buildings. Estimates put their response time today at under 8 minutes!
1130 - "8 Minutes Later" by Kelli Rubrecht
View from the Lederman Center
1129 - "View from the Lederman Center" by Kathy Flores
Annual Particle Physics Division Clean Up Day whereby the day was spent sending unused equipment to surplus and reducing the paper footprint on the 14th floor of Wilson Hall. Moving two dumpsters of recyclable paper waste into position for removal are, left to right, Brian Hess, Johnny Green, Tom Zimmerman, Terri Shaw and Carolyn Johnson.
1129 - "PPD Clean Up Day" by Albert Dyer
November at Wilson Hall.
1129 - "Lots of color" by Katherine Lato
1129 - "Kingfisher" by Gordon Koizumi
A new small conference room will soon be available on Wilson Hall, 8th floor.
1129 - "Construction" by Lynn Garren
Weeping willows are weeping because they are losing their leaves.
1128 - "Weeping Willows" by Leticia Shaddix
The rising sun is captured on a beautiful morning.
1128 - "The start of a new day at Fermilab" by Christine Ader
Beautiful sunrise as I headed into work. Corner of Receiving and Batavia roads.
1128 - "Sunrise delight" by Maredith Stoffel
"The Worm" - One of the old Meson Experimental Areas
1128 - "MT-WORM" by Michael Utes
Wilson Hall
1127 - "Sunset" by Tom Kroc
Awesome sunset behind Wilson Hall
1127 - "Sunset" by Ryan Heath
Wilson Hall as viewed from IARC
1127 - "Sunset" by Aaron Sauers
Fall prairie burn north of Wilson Street
1127 - "Fall Prarie Burn" by Derek Piec
One of our bison meanders gracefully across the field.
1127 - "Bison grazing" by Elliott McCrory
Geese having a meeting at Fermilab.
1126 - "Where's the meeting? Here it is. Meeting Adjourned." by Katherine Lato
Mallards sun in the ring pond.
1126 - "Mallard sheen of green" by Timothy Chapman
In the Main Control Room, there are many keytrees holding keys to the many enclosures we run beam through. Again, more keys.
1126 - "Key, keys and more keys" by Stephen Baginski
Early morning light on the geese in front of the Feynman Computing Center.
1125 - "Geese by the Feynman Center" by Stephen Baginski
Barry Glicklich, Elishabet Lato, Sarah Paige Werner
1125 - "Family Fun Thanksgiving Weekend" by Katherine Lato
Starlings gather on a light pole.
1125 - "A gathering of starlings" by Timothy Chapman
Thanksgiving weekend, clear day.
1124 - "Wilson Hall in the Distance" by Katherine Lato
Weeping willows at sunrise
1124 - "Good morning!" by Georgia Schwender
A view of the early morning sunrise on the east side of the lab
1124 - "Early morning at Fermilab" by Stephen Baginski
Backlit cattails in an autumn wind
1124 - "Autumn cattails in the wind" by Timothy Chapman
Moon and Wilson Hall with reflection in Swan Lake
1123 - "Wilson Hall and Thanksgiving Moon" by Reidar Hahn
Wilson Hall from Betz Prairie at sunrise
1123 - "Wilson from Betz Prairie" by Timothy Chapman
Fermilab welcome sign.
1123 - "Welcome on Thanksgiving Day" by Katherine Lato
On a cold turkey day, looking at the empty Wilson Hall
1123 - "Look at Wilson Hall across the icy pond" by Stephen Baginski
Meet Jorge. He is ready to serve you at the Abri Credit Union at Fermilab.
1122 - "Meet Jorge" by Leticia Shaddix
The day before TDay, so where is everyone?
1122 - "It's 0830. Where is everyone?" by Stephen Baginski
Change Advisory Board meets every Wednesday at 9 a.m. Mike Kaiser, Christina Frank, Brittney Driggers, Glenn Cooper, Bonnie King, Andy Romero, Mike Rosier, Jerry Guglielmo.
1122 - "Computing folks work even in black and white" by Eileen Berman
View from the 11th floor of Wilson Hall
1121 - "November clouds at Fermilab" by Katherine Lato
Bald eagle next to Swan Lake at lunch time
1121 - "Bald eagle next to Swan Lake at lunchtime" by Gordon Koizumi
People head home at end of the day as a waxing crescent moon sets to the west of Wilson Hall.
1120 - "Wilson Hall and Crescent Moon at the End of the Day" by Marty Murphy
Fermilab as seen from Blackwell Hill
1120 - "Fermilab in the Distance" by Katherine Lato
It is essential to take moments to internalize beauty.
1119 - "Sunrise on the prairie" by Georgia Schwender
Eagle guarding Lake Logo from afar
1119 - "Forest's sentinel" by Timothy Chapman
A view of Wilson Hall from the Muon g-2 area.
1119 - "Chilly Sunday" by Steven Krave
Rainy late autumn afternoon
1118 - "Wet Forest" by Timothy Chapman
Marcela Carena gives the Saturday Morning Physics lecture to a group of Spanish-speaking high school students, in Spanish.
1118 - "Introducción a la ciencia en Fermilab" by Elliott McCrory
Group photo of the Tesla Test Collaboration (TTC) special topical workshop on "RF Superconductivity: Pushing Cavity Performance Limits” held last week at IARC.
1117 - "Tesla Test Collaboration special topical workshop group photo at IARC" by Thomas Nicol
Andre Salles gives a exceptional tour to visitors.
1117 - "Looking Out" by Georgia Schwender
It was a combination of so many different types of clouds showing this morning, with just a hint of the sun behind them.
1117 - "Hiding behind the clouds" by Maredith Stoffel
Two interlaced spiral staircases lead up to Fermilab's historic Pagoda Control Center.
1117 - "Broken Symmetry at the Pagoda" by Maurice Ball
Andre Frankenthal, visitor from Cornell University, sitting down, and Christina Suarez, visitor from Johns Hopkins University, are both working on Pixel Phase II sensors for CMS. They are using the Detector Test Area at SiDet.
1116 - "Pixel Phase II Sensors" by Leticia Shaddix
John "Bogie" Van Bogaert and Yesenia Govea-Vargas work on a technical document at Bogie's desk.
1116 - "Instrumentation Department technical work" by Elliott McCrory
Heavy Assembly Building — the HAB window
1116 - "HAB Window" by Aaron Sauers
Fermilab's Interpretive Trails
1116 - "Fermilab's Interpretive Trail - Restored Prarie and Savanna path" by Kathy Flores
An unattended mobile chalkboard with an entertaining display.
1116 - "Amusing Musings" by Linda Valerio
Pond near Fermilab
1116 - "A Day in Autumn" by Katherine Lato
Wilson Hall at sunset
1115 - "Wilson Hall at sunset" by Simona Rolli
Sunset through Wilson Hall
1115 - "Sunset at Wilson Hall" by David Caratelli
Short-Baseline Neutrino Far Detector building where the ICARUS will be placed.
1115 - "SBN-FD building where the ICARUS will be placed" by Kathy Flores
Gaston Gutierrez, standing, of the Particle Physics Division Astrophyics Department, and Wojciech Blaszynski of the Particle Physics Division DDOD Experiment Assembly and Installation group, are working on the alignment of the Atmospheric Dispersion Corrector rotator for the DESI experiment.
1115 - "DESI Work" by Leticia Shaddix
Eerie lights illuminate the welcome sign on the NOvA building.
1114 - "Welcome to the Neutrino Campus" by Elliott McCrory
Typical workspace you would see in the SiDet detector test rooms.
1114 - "Detector Test Area at SiDet" by Leticia Shaddix
My understanding is that these were from the lab cafeteria from way back when. They are now in the Fermilab Archives to keep for the history of the lab.
1114 - "Back in Time Artifacts" by Ed Dijak
Alvin Tollestrup addresses the audience in Ramsey Auditorium at the IEEE celebration honoring the Tevatron.
1113 - "IEEE Tevatron honors celebration" by Thomas Nicol
The sun warms off the frost on the evergreens and ginkgo leaves in front of SiDet. #MobileMonday
1113 - "Frosty" by Leticia Shaddix
Dave Myers and Brian Niesman. Dave retires from Fermilab
1113 - "Dave Myers the Dispatcher and Brian Niesman superviser of Transportation" by Kathy Flores
A full house at the Fermilab Folk Club barn dance. We were visited by AFS students and sponsors. The dance is held in the Kuhn Village Barn.
1112 - "Barn Dance" by Lynn Garren
Angela Fava, a Wilson fellow in the Neutrino Division, teaches the Saturday Morning Physics students about detectors, with Wilson Hall eavesdropping. SMP met in IARC this morning, as you can see.
1111 - "SMP in IARC" by Elliott McCrory
Mechanical Engineer Stephanie Timpone gives a tour at SiDet. Since 26 degrees is a little chilly to be outdoors, she was giving her tour group some information on the Bubble Chamber indoors.
1110 - "SiDet Tour" by Leticia Shaddix
Mike Lindgren carries The Gong back to its resting place on the second floor of Wilson Hall. It was being used today, and yesterday, for the Director's Workforce Planning Workshop.
1110 - "Returning the gong" by Elliott McCrory
Sun sets at Fermilab.
1109 - "Sun sets at Fermilab" by Kathy Flores
Bob Zwaska listens to the presentation in the IARC Lecture Hall for the annual labwide strategic planning workshop. The other identifiable people are Mary Convery, Brendan Casey, Sergei Nagaitsev, John Bakken.
1109 - "Strategy workshop" by Elliott McCrory
Three sandhill cranes, Grus canadensis, still here. These most likely are the remaining three of the four we have seen here for a few years now. The fourth was hit by a car back in September 2016 ... like geese, these mate for life.
1109 - "Sandhill Cranes" by Ed Dijak
The MCR Loto Boxes, ready for a MI access
1109 - "MCR Loto Boxes" by Stephen Baginski
Coming in extra early has its perks, especially with a view like this.
1109 - "Early Morning Fermilab" by Leticia Shaddix
The Dark Energy Camera was built at Fermilab and installed atop the 4-meter Blanco Telescope at the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory CTIO in Chile. The camera - inside the long black cylinder at the end of the telescope - is mainly used by the Dark Energy Survey, which is currently in its fifth year of observing at CTIO. In this image the camera is pointed at a section of the sky between the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds. This is a single 30-second exposure; the foreground is lit with moonlight.
1109 - "Dark Energy Camera in Action" by Marty Murphy
Mandeep Gill, Brian Yanny and Marty Murphy pose multiple times in front of the 4-meter Blanco Telescope and Dark Energy Camera for a DES observing team photo.
1108 - Mandeep Gill, Brian Yanny and Marty Murphy pose multiple times in front of the 4-meter Blanco Telescope and Dark Energy Camera for a DES observing team photo.
Spotted together at Fermilab
1108 - "The moon and the bald eagle" by Maria Acosta
Feeling grateful for this
1108 - "Morning Frost on Prairie" by Georgia Schwender
Into the Nepese Marsh
1108 - "Into the Nepese Marsh" by Kathy Flores
Autumn colors along outbound Pine Street
1108 - "Fading Autumn Colors" by Daniel Munger
Visitors Irene Zoi from University of Hamburg, on right, and Weinan Si, from University of California-Riverside, both work together in the Detector Test Area at SiDet, on CMS testing, Phase II pixels.
1108 - "CMS Testing Phase II Pixels" by Leticia Shaddix
A proud-looking bald eagle surveys Swan Lake. This is the second day it has been spotted here.
1108 - "Bald eagle perched over Swan Lake" by Troy Petersen
Robert Barger of the Neutrino Division Technical Support Department ropes off the liquid-nitrogen Dewar area as it empties for safety purposes; afterwards the Dewar will be prepared for service.
1107 - "Liquid-Nitrogen Dewar" by Leticia Shaddix
These beauties were close by the fence today. I just had to stop for quick visit.
1107 - "Bison Love" by Maxine Hronek
Bald eagle next to Swan Lake during early evening
1107 - "Bald eagle next to Swan Lake early evening" by Gordon Koizumi
The Advanced Detector Facility Group in the Particle Physics Division Detector Development and Operations Department is making plastic scintillator for the Pierre Auger KIT project in the FNAL-NICADD Extrusion Line Facility.
Top left photo is of Jerry Zimmerman runs the extruder, while on the right of photo Ebin Joseph is doing quality control tests, measuring the light yield and the whole size of the parts being produced. Every 10 pieces, the light yield is tested with a radioactive source in the black box, and the result added to a spreadsheet.
Bottom photos are of Wanda Newby, far left, Irina Pischalnikova, middle, and Sabina Aponte, who work together to examine the quality of these scintillator bars as they come out of the extrusion line. Sabina Aponte will feed a fiber through the scintillator bars to make sure the holes are wide open.
1106 - Pierre Auger KIT Project in Lab 5
Senior Particle Physics Division Technician Terry Kiper works on some electronics in his 14th floor Wilson Hall office.
1106 - "Terry Kiper" by Elliott McCrory
Beautiful sky over the accelerator. Picture taken from the 15th floor.
1106 - "Beautiful sky over the accelerator" by Marco Mambelli
Andy Stefanik, Neutrino Division, checks the ICARUS installation proposal.
1106 - "Andy Stefanik" by Barbara Kristen
Prince on the hunt - Ring Road
1105 - "Dog currently known as Prince" by Timothy Chapman
Argonne Lab NOvA shifter Maury Goodman during his shift in the ROC (Remote Operations Center) for neutrino experiments in Wilson Hall.
1104 - "ROC Shifter" by Albert Dyer
When a 24,000-pound dipole magnet fails in the NuMI line, rigging expertise and safety protocols, including fall protection, are all part of the job. This is the replacement magnet being rigged into position on a Saturday to ensure quick return to operations.
1104 - "NuMI V108 magnet installation" by Christine Ader
Using examples of symmetries in nature, Leo Aliaga lectures to the Saturday Morning Physics students about how neutrinos fit into the Standard Model.
1104 - "Leo Aliaga: Saturday Morning Physics" by Elliott McCrory
Weeds near E0 in the Tevatron
1103 - "Weeds near E0 in the Tevatron" by Elliott McCrory
The sunset was gorgeous Friday night, so gorgeous that when I got off work I ran home to get my camera and returned in time to take this. Aren’t we lucky to be surrounded by such beauty?
1103 - "Gorgeous Friday afternoon" by Amy Scroggins
Andrew Lathrop of the Particle Physics DDO Department, points to one of the experimental detectors in Lab A at SiDet.
1103 - "Detector" by Leticia Shaddix
Symmetry as seen inside the FZero barn.
1102 - "Symmetry before the science at Fermilab" by Daren Plant
Prairie in the fall
1102 - "Praire in the Fall" by Marco Mambelli
Artur Apresyan of the Particle Physics Division DDO Department, far left, and Si Xe, a postdoc from Caltech, discuss CMS data shown on the monitor.
1102 - "CMS Data" by Leticia Shaddix
Buck wild!
1102 - "Buck Wild!" by Kathy Flores
Crew makes sure everything flows smoothly.
1101 - "Water Maintenance" by Aaron Sauers
Per Wikipedia, the mallard is considered to be a species of least concern by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. Unlike many waterfowl, mallards are considered an invasive species in some regions. My thoughts: They are enjoyable to watch and beautiful as well.
1031 - "Mallard Ducks" by Leticia Shaddix
Walking to Fermilab for a field trip remains a local tradition.
1031 - "Field trip" by Derek Plant
NSF Director France Cordova and Director Nigel Lockyer admire some superconducting RF hardware during a tour of facilities in Technical Division's Industrial Center Building during the recent visit from former Prime Minister of Italy Matteo Renzi.
1031 - "Dr. France Cordova of NSF and Director Nigel Lockyer in TD's Industrial Center" by Thomas Nicol
Dark Matter day and Halloween celebration by the MINERvA collaboration. We had warm dark matter brownies and cold dark pineapple chocolates during our dark coffee break to celebrate the day.
1031 - "Dark Matter Day and Halloween Celebration by the MINERvA Collaboration" by Nuruzzaman
Welcome to Fermilab, aka geese land.
1030 - "Geese Land" by Leticia Shaddix
A 270-degree pano of the Main Control Room taken with a cell phone.
1029 - "Pano of the MCR" by Stephen Baginski
Is it just me or is this maple tree trying to disguise itself as a maple leaf?
1029 - "Maple tree in the village disguised as a maple leaf" by Thomas Nicol
A witch gives out treats to Trick-or-Treaters in the Fermilab Village.
1028 - "A Witch in the Village!" by Jessica Jensen
A look-see inside the KRSS, a look many never see.
1028 - "A look inside KRSS yard" by Stephen Baginski
Valerie Higgins gets into the Halloween spirit in her office on the third floor of Wilson Hall.
1027 - "Valerie Higgins in a witch's hat" by Heath O'Connell
What is this alien space ship looking thing? The item is a liquid-neon-hydrogen pump. It was used with a special dewar Particle Physics Division's Jim Kilmer and others got from Argonne National Laboratory to store their neon-hydrogen mix. It was used to mix the liquid.
1027 - "Take Me To Your Leader" by Leticia Shaddix
Don't forget to STOP at the Frontier Pub on the way home.
1027 - "Stop at the Frontier Pub" by Stephen Baginski
A spooky maze awaits the arrival of kids for the annual Fermilab Student and Postdoc Association Halloween Party.
1027 - "Spooky Maze at Fermilab" by Jessica Jensen
Happy Halloween, MINERvA.
1027 - "Pumpkin Minerva"
Annual Precision Science Lunch in the Barn
1027 - "Precision Science Luncheon" by Eileen Crowley
A white-tailed deer surveys the area south of Lab F SiDet on a gloomy Friday evening.
1027 - "King of the Hill" by Paula Lambertz
One never knows what one may see on the center table in the Main Control Room. Today I saw this hardhat with a unique sticker.
1027 - "Hardhat in Main Control Room" by Christine Ader
Current physics majors and a professor from Carthage College sacrifice a Friday night to take a tour of Fermilab.
1027 - "Carthage College Visits Fermilab" by Kelli Rubrecht
Happy Halloween, Fermilab.
1026 - "Wilson Hall In Pumpkin Candlight"
Walk 2 Run participants stretch after a 30-minute run on the final day of the fall session.
1026 - "Walk 2 Run" by Albert Dyer
Alex Romanenko center, Technical Division associate division head for SRF and head of the new Superconducting Quantum Systems initiative, discusses Quantum Computing Lab facility plans in the Industrial Center Building with his group.
1026 - "Superconducting Quantum Computing Lab" by Melonie Hays
Israel Hernandez Alatorre does some last-minute MIKDs — microwave kinetic inductance detectors — work in Lab C North before going home.
1026 - "MKIDs Work" by Leticia Shaddix
A view into HAB
1026 - "Heavy Assembly Building" by Eileen Crowley
First frost at Fermilab
1026 - "First Frost at Fermilab" by Maredith Stoffel
Fallen leaf and reflections on a breezy day at Fermilab.
1026 - "Fallen leaf and reflections" by Gordon Koizumi
Original gaslight with mantels near the Curia/ daycare areas
1025 - "Village Gaslight" by Derek Piec
Brian Yanny plays piano while he and Bruce Brown practice a song together.
1025 - "Practice a Song" by Leticia Shaddix
Outbound Pine Street fall colors
1025 - "Pine Street Fall Colors" by Daniel Munger
Standing behind Lab 5 in the Fermilab Village, I see this beautiful view of the morning sun shining on Lab 6. Used my iPhone SE to snap this photo.
1025 - "Lab 6" by Wayne Shaddix
Fall colors near Pine Street
1025 - "Fall colors near Pine Street" by Gordon Koizumi
Al Moretti retires after over 30 years of service at Fermilab. The reception is in The Huddle.
1025 - "Al Moretti retirement reception" by Elliott McCrory
Ewa Skup learns you can fry slices from the pufferball mushrooms that pop up locally during rainy season.
1024 - "Who knew you could eat a pufferball?" by JJ Schmidt
Bradford Benson, of the Particle Physics Division Astrophysics Department, installs samples to test in the cryostat.
1024 - "Testing in Lab A at SiDet" by Leticia Shaddix
After a long dry spell, the rains return in force to Fermilab. Todd Nebel is clearly worried that the rain may not stop!
1024 - "Anchors away" by Eugene Schmidt
Rainy Monday in the woods at Fermilab
1023 - "Rainy Monday in the woods at Fermilab" by Gordon Koizumi
Underground tunnel from the Cross Gallery to Wilson Hall
1023 - "Rainy Day Pathway" by Robyn Madrak
Bert Gonzalez, on left, and Israel Hernandez Alatorre are both going to the Lab D cleanroom to work on MKIDs project. Bert is holding an MKIDs test module. #MobileMonday
1023 - "MKIDs test Module" by Leticia Shaddix
A course given by Enrico Fermi at the University of Chicago January to June 1949.
1022 - "Nuclear Physics" by Albert Dyer
The sun was out for only a very short time, and it was gray and rainy the rest of the day.
1022 - "Another beautiful sunrise" by Amy Scroggins
With Fermilab's iconic power poles in the background, a farmer harvests their crop, grown on the Fermilab site.
1021 - "Harvest" by Kelli Rubrecht
Cindy Joe demonstrates the right-hand rule to the Saturday Morning Physics students in One West while Adam Anderson controls the helmholtz coils and a video camera projects Cindy onto the big screen.
1021 - "Demonstrating the right-hand rule" by Elliott McCrory
Autumn color
1021 - "Autumn color" by Timothy Chapman
Carl Lundberg, left, and Troy Petersen of the AD Instrumentation Department examine the final installation of the new Booster IPM at Long 4.
1020 - "Final touches on the Booster IPM installation" by Jim Zagel
Henna tattoos at the Fermilab Diwali celebration.
1020 - "Fermilab Diwali Celebration" by Valerie Higgins
Diwali group photo taken during festivities at Kuhn Barn.
1020 - "Diwali Group Photo" by Marty Murphy
Photo taken during Diwali celebration at Kuhn Barn. One of the many traditions of Diwali is to apply henna temporary tattoos.
1020 - "Diwali 2017 Celebration at Fermilab" by Nuruzzaman
Cormorants on tree adjacent to Swan Lake
1020 - "Comorants" by Gordon Koizumi
Indian community and Global Services. The youngest of Fermilab families celebrated Diwali by making a rangoli-inspired craft with rice, beans and lentils. It was a colossal mess, but look how happy they are.
1020 - "Celebrating Diwali - Making Rangoli" by Jessica Jensen
Shirley Nannini and Candace Wark, artists of "Viewing Silence" on display in the Fermilab Art Gallery, and their many friends.
1020 - "Artists and friends at Art Opening" by Georgia Schwender
Karl Warburton, Jennifer Raaf and Maxine Hronek enjoy working on DUNE.
1019 - "Working on DUNE is fun." by Eileen Berman
Currently starting to demolish #151 trailer near DZero Assembly Building.
1019 - "Trailer #151 being demolished" by Julius Borchert
As we face the bison barn from the side of Pine Street, three centuries are represented: agricultural, technological and Buick.
1019 - "The future may be closer than it appears" by Paula Lambertz
The lab has a combine that it uses to harvest some of the prairie plants. The cutting head was held high, and the combine drove in a seemingly random pattern in order to collect specific plants.
1019 - "Prairie Harvest" by Thomas Kroc
Bobby Santucci in the Main Injector tunnel.
1019 - "Bobby in Main Injector" by Marty Murphy
Red-tailed hawk flies over NML Building.
1018 - "Red-Tailed Hawk at NML" by Julius Borchert
Particle Physics Division Head Patricia McBride starts off the PPD All-Hands meeting with praises on the 50th Anniversary Open House, PPD experiments and the overall great work done by all the PPD employees through out the year. The meeting ends with a pizza and cookies lunch ... now that's my kind of meeting!
1018 - "PPD All Hands" by Leticia Shaddix
Tom Kobilarcik, left, discusses operations after the 9:00 meeting.
1018 - "Discussing operations" by Elliott McCrory
Beautiful October day and lunch outdoors sounds like a great idea. Seated across from his wife Silvia, Gustavo Cancelo from the Scientific Computing Division enjoys the lovely weather with her and visiting friend Horacio.
1017 - "Lunch Outdoors" by Leticia Shaddix
Dozens of cormorants out on Swan Lake
1017 - "Cormorant Convention" by Troy Petersen
While walking on my lunch break, I spotted a baby snake on Batavia Road by the shoulder of the road near driveway of Site 38 Warehouse II Building.
1017 - "Baby Snake by Batavia Road" by Julius Borchert
Fermilab social media pundit Lauren Biron ponders the pristine prairie (and perhaps plans her next post?). #alittlealliteration
1016 - "Prairie" by Deb Sebastian
Joseph Joe Laccone from Security checks me back in to Fermilab. #MobileMonday
1016 - "Joe Laccone" by Leticia Shaddix
Technical Division's Frank McConologue, left, and Tom Nicol out for a lunchtime walk on a beautiful fall day.
1016 - "Frank McConologue and Tom Nicol out for a lunchtime walk" by Thomas Nicol
Fog over the Main Injector as seen from Wilson Hall.
1016 - "Foggy Main Injector" by Lori Limberg
Wilson Hall on a beautiful fall day.
1016 - "Final days of nice weather for fall 2017" by Derek Piec
Sunday afternoon Bubble Chamber visit with these youngsters. What did they say when they saw the Bubble? "THAT'S COOL" — what else!
1015 - "Visiting the Bubble" by Leticia Shaddix
This red-tailed hawk doesn't mind the rain, or me for that matter!
1014 - "In The Rain" by Leticia Shaddix
Girl Scouts visit ROC West and learn about neutrino experiments from Kanika Sachdev.
1014 - "Girl Scouts STEM Journeys at Fermilab" by Stephanie Timpone
Wood ducks sitting on a log enjoy the duck-like weather.
1014 - "All my ducks lined up in a row" by Stephen Baginski
Ron has been coming out to Fermilab to use the Dog Training Area for years. Augie, his Brittany spaniel, named after Augustana College, finishes up his 6-mile run and is a satisfied 6-year old pup!
1013 - "Ron and Augie" by Leticia Shaddix
Wally Kissel, left, and Steve Hahn are great buddies.
1013 - "Operations buddies" by Elliott McCrory
Coming in Pine Street just after sunrise, looking over the ponds in front of the high-rise.
1012 - "Sunrise" by Karlton Williams
The Festival of Lights Committee met to finalize preparations for next week's Festival of Lights Celebration. Please join us at Kuhn Barn next Friday, October 20, at 5:30 p.m. for authentic Indian food, Dandiya dancing and other fun activities!
1012 - "Preparing for the Festival of Lights" by Jessica Jensen
This caterpillar was gathering sun rays during the lunchtime hour. He is about two-and-a-half inches long, and we carried him to safety.
1012 - "Green Caterpillar on Main Ring Road" by Christine Ader
Long may she wave!
1012 - "America" by Leticia Shaddix
Lunch time in the Wilson Hall atrium
1011 - "Lunch time" by Elliott McCrory
This is Carla Bonifazi, a visiting scientist from Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, working on CONNIE and SBND with Juan Estrada and others at Fermilab.
1011 - "Carla Bonifazi" by Leticia Shaddix
Stefan Gruenendahl sits in the Lab C clean room and is bundling and reorganizing the wires into bundles by module - "it was just getting too messy" he said.
1010 - "Stefan Gruenendahl" by Leticia Shaddix
Steve Holmes, project manager for PIP-II, introduces the project to the Director's Review Team in One West.
1010 - "PIP-II Director's Review" by Elliott McCrory
Columbus Day. This means an empty microbonding cleanroom at SiDet because parents are home with their kiddos. Happy Columbus Day! Mobile Monday
1009 - "Empty Microbonding Cleanroom" by Leticia Shaddix
Driving around by the bison area and saw this view and just had to stop to take a photo of it. Fermilab all lit up.
1008 - "Light Up the Night" by Laura Paterno
Wood duck in golden light at Main Ring pond.
1008 - "How much wood, would a Wood Duck ..." by Timothy Chapman
A board used for counting electronic pulses
1008 - "Electronic counter" by Giulio Stancari
A new exhibit is installed in the Fermilab Art Gallery. Photographs by Candace Wark and Shirley Nannini.
1007 - "Viewing Silence" by Georgia Schwender
The Saturday Morning Physics tour ends with questions and answers in the atrium.
1007 - "SMP tour end in the Atrium" by Elliott McCrory
Elliott McCrory presents a lecture on modern physics, focusing on special relativity, to the Saturday Morning Physics students. One-hundred forty students have registered for this semester of SMP.
1007 - "SMP Lecture on Modern Physics" by Javier Duarte
Site 67 seen from NML
1007 - "From the little office in the prairie" by Giulio Stancari
Charmonium experiment E-760 / E-835 at AP-50 ex Antiproton Accumulator, 1990-2000.
1006 - "The charm of experiments past" by Giulio Stancari
Duane Newhart, foreground, and Dan Johnson busy running the Operations Department in the Accelerator Division.
1006 - "Running AD/Operations" by Elliott McCrory
From left, Christopher, Saul and CraVon, and the rest of this class from Henry W Cowherd Middle School in Aurora, Illinois, enjoy a fantastic October day studying insects they catch on the Fermilab prairie.
1005 - "Field Trip at Fermilab" by Leticia Shaddix
October colors at Fermilab.
1005 - "Fermilab prairie and woods 5 October 2017" by Gordon Koizumi
Waiting out the - what is that stuff? Rain. We haven’t seen rain in a long time at Fermilab.
1004 - "Much needed rain" by Amy Scroggins
What a great group of workers! Thanks, Art Gallery Committee, for your hard work! Pictured are Margie Nagaitsev, Anne Mary Teichert and Ana Zanic.
1004 - "Installing the new exhibit 'Viewing Silence by Wind Flow Photography'" by Georgia Schwender
What did one ear of corn say to the other ear of corn? It looks like something is stalking us! I know, it’s corny.
1004 - "Corn Fields on Fermilab Property" by Leticia Shaddix
These common asters attract these yellow butterflies.
1003 - "Purple and Yellow" by Leticia Shaddix
"Paul Czarapata" by Elliott McCrory
1003 - "Paul Czarapata" by Elliott McCrory
Victor Yarba, right, Technical Division associate division head, is shown here with Andrei Lunin, one of the division's senior engineers in the SRF Development Department.
1002 - "Familiar faces in Technical Division" by Melonie Hays
Carrington lives near the lab and brings her pup Archie to the Dog Training Area at Fermilab.
1002 - "Carrington and Archie" by Leticia Shaddix
My last sunset at Fermilab, the end of a wonderful experience.
1001 - "Sunset at Wilson Hall" by Matteo Mazzanti
Sunrise over Lake Logo
1001 - "Sunrise Lake Logo" by Timothy Chapman
Cubs and Boy Scouts participate in STEM-O-Rama at the Sandwich Fair Grounds. A member of the Alignment and Metrology Department from Fermilab demonstrates how to align a quadrupole using a laser tracker.
0930 - "Scouts learning about metrology" by Gary Teafoe
Dan Hooper of the Astrophysics Department begins the 38th year of Saturday Morning Physics. 136 high school students signed up; 90 came to this first lecture.
0930 - "Saturday Morning Physics starts" by Elliott McCrory
Janet MacKay and Georgia Schwender prepare for the World Guitar concert.
0930 - "Fermilab's Arts Coordinators" by Georgia Schwender
A cyclist takes a break at Fermilab just after sunrise.
0930 - "Cyclist at sunrise" by Amy Scroggins
This large set of cutters, affectionately known as the Master Key, is used to remove padlocks under certain specific circumstances.
0929 - "Master Key" by Kelli Rubrecht
The Lake Law area is a lovely spot for Lidija Kokoska, a mechanical engineer in Technical Division, to play her electric guitar at lunch time.
0929 - "Lunch Time" by Leticia Shaddix
Beautiful sunrise. Anything is possible today.
0929 - "Its a GOOD morning" by Maredith Stoffel
Cruising through the parking lot!!
0929 - "Caterpillar Site #38 Parking Lot" by Kimberly McDaniel
Romesh Sood, Technical Division associate head, for having TD's lowest badge ID number. Romesh has been with the lab for about 45 years and has helped tremendously in TD's recent renovation projects, which were featured during our Open House event!
0929 - "And the award goes to ..." by Melonie Hays
Accelerator Division electrical engineer Alexei Semenov is surrounded by computers, screens, oscilloscopes, probes, reference manuals and hot tea.
0929 - "Alexei Semenov" by Elliott McCrory
To stay safe, they keep in practice with the fire drills. Nice day for it too.
0928 - "Fire Drill" by Leticia Shaddix
An afternoon in the Fermilab Library.
0928 - "Fermilab Library" by Heath O'Connell
It's another Linac modulator, Station 3, being dismantled to be replaced my a Marx modulator.
0928 - "Another one bites the dust" by Thomas Kroc
We demonstrate to STEM students the techniques used for metrology and alignment here at Fermilab. This shows a working model that students will use to see how to measure geometric features and align the quadrupole to a beamline.
0927 - "Fermi Quadrupole Model" by Gary Teafoe
Big equipment used over by Casey's pond - MobilePic.
0927 - "Big Boy Toys" by Leticia Shaddix
Praying mantis on the Feynman Computing Center window.
0926 - "Praying Mantis on FCC Window" by Ryan Heath
Clouds before the sunrise
0926 - "Clouds" by Adrian Marquez
Chicago Blackhawk legend Denis Savard shows off his NHL Stanley Cup Championship ring to Fire Department Lieutenant Bryan Needham.
0926 - "Championship Ring" by Elliott McCrory
Amber Scroggins was so excited to wear her new shirt to school on Monday that she said, "Send that to Fermilab, mommy" as I took this picture. Future scientist perhaps?
0925 - "Proud T-Shirt Wearer" by Amy Scroggins
Praying mantis near the Print Services area on the Wilson Hall ground floor.
0925 - "Praying mantis" by Heath O'Connell
King, from Franklin Park, fishes on a hot day.
0925 - "Never too hot to fish!" by Timothy Chapman
Evidence of the tent pegs used to secure the large tent outside Wilson Hall.
0925 - "Evidence of tent pegs" by Lynn Garren
Sunday morning nature fix
0924 - "Peaceful Walk" by Georgia Schwender
Zoltan Gecse is in Lab C and talks about the Higgs boson discovery. Fermilab Open House at SiDet.
0923 - "Zoltan" by Leticia Shaddix
Most folks headed directly to the atrium to get tickets for Mr. Freeze or the 15th floor tour.
0923 - "Wilson Hall Atrium" by Lynn Garren
A member of the Fermilab Society of Women Engineers explains the beam pipe exhibit to a curious visitor.
0923 - "What's this?"
Kevin Kuk introduces himself then welcomes them to the Silicon Detector Facility.
0923 - "Welcome To SiDet" by Leticia Shaddix
Eileen Crowley, left, and Patty McBride are the gatekeepers for entry to the CMS Remote Operations Center during the Open House.
0923 - "Waiting to enter ROC-E" by Elliott McCrory
SiDet Open House group picture before the crowds came.
0923 - "Waiting For The Open House To Begin At SiDet" by Leticia Shaddix
Louis Suter presents a live video feed from the MINOS Near Detector Cavern to Open House visitors on the surface.
0923 - "Video Feed with Louise Suter Underground in MINOS Near Detector Cavern" by Gordon Koizumi
Michael Wesley talks to an Open House tour group about the Main Control Room.
0923 - "Tours at the MCR" by Elliott McCrory
I was at the Open House, see??
0923 - "Time Stamp in the MCR" by Amy Scroggins
Sandra Lee is happy to be giving out Mr. Freeze tickets in the Wilson Hall atrium.
0923 - "Tickets" by Elliott McCrory
The initial crew of tour experts for the CMS Remote Operations Center East: Front row: Seyda Ipek with her new Higgs Boson tattoo; Pushpa Bhat; Kaori Maeshima; Jen Adelman-McCarthy. Back row: Richard Carrigan, Eileen Crowley, ____, and Patty McBride.
0923 - "The ROC-East crew" by Elliott McCrory
The orange route buses dropped off folks for the SiDet tours.
0923 - "The Orange Bus" by Leticia Shaddix
Guram Chlachidze explains the science behind the Fermilab logo during the Open House.
0923 - "The LOGO" by Amy Scroggins
The Kindness Rocks project made it to Fermilab during Open House.
0923 - "The Kindness Rocks project" by Melonie Hays
So it begins!
0923 - "The First Bus Arrives at Wilson Hall" by Patricia Marsh
I dressed up my nails to match the theme of the day.
0923 - "The final touches" by Melonie Hays
Sun sets, marking the end of the Open House.
0923 - "The end" by Maria Acosta
Hema Ramamoorthi, left, and Fermilab Director Nigel Lockyer are ready for the Open House.
0923 - "The directorate is ready" by Elliott McCrory
How to secure a really big tent Wilson Hall parking lot.
0923 - "tent peg" by Lynn Garren
The a.m. crew at the Technical Campus ADA West tent prepare for visitors!
0923 - "Technical Campus ADA West preparing for visitors" by Melonie Hays
Don Lincoln talks to Open House tourists about CMS.
0923 - "Talking CMS" by Elliott McCrory
Taking a selfie with Reidar.
0923 - "Taking a selfie with Reidar" by Kathy Flores
0923 - "Taking A Closer Look" by Leticia Shaddix
Julius Borchert, Mary-Ellyn McCollum, Andrew McDaniel, Kimberly McDaniel, Maredith Stoffel, Sabina Aponte, Margaret LeKander, Gayle Millman, Wanda Newby, Leah Turner.
0923 - "T-Shirt Sales Team! Fermilabs 50th Celebration" by Maredith Stoffel
Wanda Newby keeps smiling as the crowds keep coming to buy Fermilab Open House t-shirts.
0923 - "T-shirt sales are brisk" by Amy Scroggins
This little guy is smiling with excitement.
0923 - "Sweet Smile" by Leticia Shaddix
As the Open House tour of the Linac ends and visitors exited, this is the stunning view they were greeted with.
0923 - "Stunning blue sky" by Amy Scroggins
Escorts Stephanie Timpone and Gustavo Cancelo await their groups.
0923 - "Stephanie and Gustavo" by Leticia Shaddix
Sten Hansen talks about the Bubble Chamber at SiDet.
0923 - "Sten Hansen" by Leticia Shaddix
A young Fermilab fan (check out the t-shirt) examines the 3D-printed model of a magnet support at the Fermilab Society of Women Engineer's table at the STEM fair.
0923 - "STEM fair fun" by Linda Valerio
Young scientists enjoy the STEM fair at Fermilab's Open House.
0923 - "STEM fair fun" by Lauren Biron
Stage in the welcome tent and line of buses ready to pick up and welcome the visitors of Fermilab's 50th Open House
0923 - "Stage ready, buses ready, people can come" by Marco Mambelli
The South Pole Telescope station at SiDet, run by Brad Benson, have the folks fascinated!
0923 - "SPT" by Leticia Shaddix
Open House SiDet tours
0923 - "SiDet Tours" by Leticia Shaddix
Fermilab Open house SiDet tours
0923 - "SiDet Tours" by Leticia Shaddix
People come and go with a smile
0923 - "SiDet Stations" by Leticia Shaddix
Stations at SiDet for the Open House
0923 - "SiDet Stations" by Leticia Shaddix
Group photo after the Open House
0923 - "SiDet Group Photo" by Leticia Shaddix
Fermilab Open House at SiDet
0923 - "SiDet Bubble" by Leticia Shaddix
Sabina Aponte and colleague work the t-shirt desk at the Open House.
0923 - "Selling t-shirts" by Elliott McCrory
Neutrino detector technologies seemed to capture this Open House guest's attention.
0923 - "Scintillating" by Gordon Koizumi
Andrew Norman leads a tour of Open House tourists in the Remote Operations Center West.
0923 - "ROC-W crowd" by Elliott McCrory
Rich Schmitt talks a little bit about dark matter.
0923 - "Rich" by Leticia Shaddix
Saturnino Villa finds a spot in the shade to get some relief from the heat.
0923 - "Relief from the heat" by Amy Scroggins
Reidar Hahn prepares for the craziness of the day!
0923 - "Reidar" by Leticia Shaddix
Line of buses ready to pick up and welcome the visitors of Fermilab's 50th Open House
0923 - "Ready for the day" by Marco Mambelli
Q&A time at the Fermilab Open House at SiDet
0923 - "Q&A Time" by Leticia Shaddix
A group of workers — Colleen Yoshikawa in the middle — await the crowds who want to see Mr. Freeze in the auditorium.
0923 - "Preparing the auditorium" by Elliott McCrory
At the Open House, a visitor takes a shot of the impressive Wilson Hall.
0923 - "Picture of a camera" by Amy Scroggins
Reidar Hahn and Ian Krass capture the beginnings of the Open House in ROC West.
0923 - "Photographing the Open House" by Lauren Biron
Fermilab Open House at SiDet, enjoying the photo booth
0923 - "Photo Booth" by Leticia Shaddix
Pat Lukens talks about detectors at Fermilab.
0923 - "Pat" by Leticia Shaddix
The Wilson Hall atrium was packed with lunchers during the noon hour of Open House.
0923 - "Packed Atrium" by Elliott McCrory
Open wide, hon!
0923 - "Open Wide" by Leticia Shaddix
Pano shot of the Open House SiDet tours.
0923 - "Open House Pano" by Richard Ford
Rick Ford chats with Open House attendees at the Fermilab Open House at SiDet.
0923 - "Open House At SiDet" by Leticia Shaddix
Jen gives Nigel an "I love Higgs Bosons" temporary tattoo in ROC East.
0923 - "Nigel gets a tattoo" by Eileen Crowley
Almost immediately after I took this photo a World War II poster "We Can Do It" by J. Howard Miller that was done for Westinghouse came to mind. Pictured here are Louise Suter, Anne Norrick, Laura Fields and Kanika Sachdev at the MINOS Building for the Open House.
0923 - "Neutrino Physicists "We Can Do It!"" by Gordon Koizumi
The atrium is ready for all the folks who want Mr. Freeze tickets during the Open House.
0923 - "Mr. Freeze Tickets" by Elliott McCrory
Jerry Zimmerman, aka Mr. Freeze, did four shows during the Open House. And each one filled Ramsey Auditorium.
0923 - "Mr. Freeze packs them in" by Elliott McCrory
Alyssa Miller tells a group of Open House tourists about the ins and out of the Main Control Room.
0923 - "Miller at the MCR" by Elliott McCrory
Alyssa Miller tells an Open House tour group about the Recycler and the Main Injector.
0923 - "Miller and the MI" by Elliott McCrory
Mike Crisler talks about the history of the Bubble Chamber.
0923 - "Mike" by Leticia Shaddix
"Make sure that's in the background," said Jodi Coghill and Helen Szuba, referring to one of Fermilab's famous sculptures, Tractricious.
0923 - "Make sure that's in the background" by Amy Scroggins
The Bubble Chamber was known as the Bubble to many of the folks.
0923 - "Loving The Bubble" by Leticia Shaddix
Live video feed from MINOS Underground
0923 - "Live feed from MINOS Underground Viewd Outside MINOS Detector Building" by Gordon Koizumi
A boy poses for his mom to get a picture in front of one of the Fermilab Linac's 7835 power amplifier tubes during the Open House.
0923 - "Linac Power Amplifier" by Elliott McCrory
Trevor Butler of the Linac Group tells the Open House tourists about the equipment in the Linac.
0923 - "Linac Open House" by Elliott McCrory
Cameras everywhere, it was great!
0923 - "Let's Take a Picture Of The Underside Of The Dome" by Leticia Shaddix
Fermilab Open house SiDet tours
0923 - "Lab A at SiDet" by Leticia Shaddix
Look at me, mom!
0923 - "Kids Love The Photo Booth" by Leticia Shaddix
Kevin Kuk welcomes and escorts a group to the first station, The Bubble!
0923 - "Kevin" by Leticia Shaddix
Juan Estrada talks a little about the Dark Energy Camera and CCDs.
0923 - "Juan" by Leticia Shaddix
Etta Johnson decided to enhance her orange attire for the Open House.
0923 - "Johnson blings" by Elliott McCrory
Information tent ... handing out freebies!
0923 - "Information tent at east parking" by Kathy Flores
In line to board the bus and start the tour during the Open House
0923 - "In line to board the bus and start the tour" by Amy Scroggins
Enjoying the beauty of Wilson Hall while waiting for the 50th Anniversary Open House to begin.
0923 - "I didn't expect these lines" by Patricia Marsh
The auditorium stage is set for Mr. Freeze during the Open House.
0923 - "How cold is it?" by Amy Scroggins
Meiqin Xiao applies a Higgs boson tattoo to the hand of an Open House tourist in the ROC East.
0923 - "Higgs Tattoo" by Elliott McCrory
Elizabeth Alvarez, the better half to AD engineer Matt Alvarez, and her baby are enjoying the Open House. Well, at least Beth is.
0923 - "Happy family" by Elliott McCrory
Hanover Park Fire Department cooling mist station
0923 - "Hanover Park Fire Department cooling mist station" by Kathy Flores
Panoramic shot of guests in line to enter Fermilab's 50th Open House
0923 - "Guests lined up to start their visit at Fermilab" by Marco Mambelli
Donna uses these beach balls to share fascinating info at the Open House.
0923 - "Globe Beach Balls" by Leticia Shaddix
Giorgio Bellettini talks a little about the top quark discovery and the Tevatron.
0923 - "Giorgio" by Leticia Shaddix
Kyimoi Seiya and Edgar prepare to put up the welcome mat for the Linac tours.
0923 - "Getting ready in the Linac" by Elliott McCrory
Gaston Gutierrez talks about the Dark Energy Camera, one of the stations in the SiDet tours.
0923 - "Gaston" by Leticia Shaddix
Gary Teafoe gowns up to work in the Lab C cleanroom.
0923 - "Gary Teafoe" by Leticia Shaddix
A young woman shows great enthusiasm for the displays in the Wilson Hall atrium during the Open House.
0923 - "Future scientist" by Elliott McCrory
Women Engineers booth's morning shift awaits visitors to the Chicagoland STEM Fair.
0923 - "fSWE morning shift"
The Fermilab Society of Women Engineers, or fSWE, booth at the Chicagoland STEM Fair is ready for visitors.
0923 - "fSWE Booth Ready"
The very first tour of the Bubble Chamber for the Open House at SiDet.
0923 - "First Tour" by Richard Ford
Fermilab firemen Greg Hansen and Eliseo Anaya man the first aid station.
0923 - "First aid station with Fermilab Firemen Greg and Eliseo" by Kathy Flores
Fermilab engineer Mayling Wong-Squires answers questions for a group gathered at the Fermilab Society of Women Engineer's table at the STEM fair.
0923 - "Fermilab SWE at the STEM fair" by Linda Valerio
Fermilab Open House at one of the SiDet stations
0923 - "Fermilab Open House" by Leticia Shaddix
From the Neutrino Campus portion of the Open House
0923 - "Fermilab 50th Anniversary Open House" by Gordon Koizumi
I met Duane and Shirley Bartelt. Duane was born in Weston, Illinois, now Fermilab! He was 10 years old when the original residents of Weston relocated to Dixon, Illinois. He also told me that the old residents still have annual reunion at the Kuhn's barn. It was a fun day!
0923 - "Fermilab 50th Anniversary Open House Photo" by O'Sheg Oshinowo
Me and the Red Bus tour guides coordinator, Greg Gilbert.
0923 - "Fermilab 50th Anniversary Open House Photo" by O'Sheg Oshinowo
Me and fellow volunteer Matt Alvarez!
0923 - "Fermilab 50th Anniversary Open House Photo" by O'Sheg Oshinowo
I was a volunteer bus tour guide at the Fermilab's 50th Anniversary Open House. I met a lot of people and I talked a lot. It was hot all day but it was fun! Me, the tour guide, and my 79-year-old bus driver Tom at the Fermilab's 50th Anniversary Open House on September 23!
0923 - "Fermilab 50th Anniversary Open House Photo" by O'Sheg Oshinowo
I was a volunteer bus tour guide today at Fermilab's 50th Anniversary Open House. I met a lot of people and I talked a lot. It was hot all day but it was fun!
0923 - "Fermilab 50th Anniversary Open House Photo" by O'Sheg Oshinowo
Maxine Hronek and dummy normally employed by Radiation Safety for a search-and-secure routine, but she borrowed it for use during Open House.
0923 - "Fermilab 50th Anniversary Open House MINOS Building" by Gordon Koizumi
"Fermilab 50th Anniversary Open House Guests @ MINOS Building" by Gordon Koizumi The number of 50th Anniversary Open House guests at the MINOS building swelled in the afternoon. People everywhere! These two young boys were too short to see the NuMI horn that Debbie Harris was talking about since grown-ups blocked that view. Instead, their attention was focused on a different display partially behind the camera. The display behind the camera seemed to have caught the attention, especially of the younger of the two.
0923 - "Fermilab 50th Anniversary Open House Guests @ MINOS Building" by Gordon Koizumi
A future Fermilab employee examines a 360-degree virtual view of Fermilab at the Open House.
0923 - "Fermilab 360" by Elliott McCrory
Families flock to the Fermilab Open House at SiDet.
0923 - "Families Flock" by Leticia Shaddix
For the first time in years, the Eola gate was open to traffic!
0923 - "Exiting at Eola" by Kris Brandt
This cool banner of the CMS detector drew people in.
0923 - "Entering the Detector" by Leticia Shaddix
Sandra Biedron talks to visitors about Enrico Fermi and his connection to Fermilab.
0923 - "Enrico Fermi display" by Georgia Schwender
These two stop and examine the film.
0923 - "Enjoying Particle Interactions" by Leticia Shaddix
Fermilab engineer Lucy Nobrega explains accelerator components to a group of children at the Fermilab Society of Women Engineer's table at the STEM fair.
0923 - "Engineering explanation at the STEM fair" by Linda Valerio
End of the Open House tour now waiting for the Orange Route bus.
0923 - "End Of Tour At SiDet" by Leticia Shaddix
Everybody wants to see Mr. Freeze today.
0923 - "Don't miss Mr. Freeze!" by Elliott McCrory
Direction signs were all around Wilson Hall for the Open House.
0923 - "Directions" by Elliott McCrory
Gonzalo Diaz Bautista of the University of Rochester shows how the light fibers in NOvA work to tourists at the Open House.
0923 - "Demos in ROC West" by Elliott McCrory
A family tries to decide exactly which Fermilab 50th anniversary t-shirts to buy.
0923 - "Decisions, decisions" by Elliott McCrory
Dave Johnson, in the Main Control Room, knows how to wear the orange of the tour guides.
0923 - "Dave rocks the orange" by Elliott McCrory
Tourists at the Open House hear a little bit about the Dark Energy Camera.
0923 - "Dark Energy Survey overview" by Elliott McCrory
Computer expert at the Open House
0923 - "Computer Expert" by Elliott McCrory
The CMS photo booth was loved by kids of all ages.
0923 - "CMS Photo Booth" by Leticia Shaddix
This young girl is enjoying the Open House at Fermilab, especially the photo booth!
0923 - "CMS Detector Photo Booth" by Leticia Shaddix
Folks love a photo booth!
0923 - "CMS Detector Photo Booth" by Leticia Shaddix
Cindy Joe points out the camera location underground where live video feed is taking place at the MINOS Near Detector Building.
0923 - "Cindy Joe Commenting on Video Feed from MINOS Near Detector Cavern" by Gordon Koizumi
After a long, hot day of celebration, it is good to relax and get to know peers from across the lab!
0923 - "Chillin at the pub" by Melonie Hays
Tippy toe and say cheese please.
0923 - "Cheese!" by Leticia Shaddix
Sheila Cisko checks in with Facebook — I am at the Fermilab Open House.
0923 - "Checking in" by Elliott McCrory
Anadi Canepa, of Fermilab's CMS group, talks about CERN to a group of Open House tourists.
0923 - "Canepa in the ROC-E" by Elliott McCrory
One visitor came all the way from California to experience the Open House.
0923 - "California at the Open House" by Lauren Biron
T-shirt group works to fill orders. #Fermilab 50th
0923 - "Busy, busy, busy" by Maredith Stoffel
Busses are ready to roll!
0923 - "Busses are ready to roll!" by Kathy Flores
Pat Poll, on the right, will greet folks getting off the Orange Route bus to tour the Silicon Detector Facility, and the Bubble, as they called it.s
0923 - "Bus Greeter at SiDet" by Leticia Shaddix
A souvenir of the 15-foot Bubble Chamber and an image of particle interaction first tracks were handed out at the Fermilab Open House at SiDet.
0923 - "Bubble Chamber Souvenirs" by Leticia Shaddix
Steve Gould was brimming over with enthusiasm as he explained what he does at Fermilab.
0923 - "Brimming with enthusiasm" by Amy Scroggins
Bison up close!
0923 - "Bison" by Kathy Flores
The bison experts
0923 - "Bison info tent" by Kathy Flores
Watching the bison come up to the fence before the crowds came
0923 - "Bison and the Open House" by Amy Scroggins
The Ask-A-Scientist representatives are busy talking to Open House attendees.
0923 - "Ask A Scientist" by Lynn Garren
Have a question, ask a scientist.
0923 - "Ask A Scientist" by Leticia Shaddix
Scientists are ready to answer questions at the Open House.
0923 - "Ask A Scientist" by Lauren Biron
Artur Apresyan talks a little about the Higgs boson discovery.
0923 - "Artur" by Leticia Shaddix
Tanya Levshina shows how the eddy current works with the sculpture.
0923 - "Art + Science" by Georgia Schwender
Jim Jenkins, 2017 artist-in-residence, and Lindsay Olson, 2015 artist-in-residence, work at the Open House.
0923 - "Art + Science" by Georgia Schwender
Artist-in-residence Jim Jenkins demonstrates the eddy current sculpture at Open House.
0923 - "Art + Science" by Georgia Schwender
Gaston Gutierrez talks about the Dark Energy Camera, one of the stations in the SiDet tours.
0923 - "Anticipating the start" by Amy Scroggins
Is everything OK on the home front? Email is clear, so I think we are ready to start the Open House.
0923 - "Almost ready" by Elliott McCrory
Alan talks a bit about the history of the Bubble Chamber.
0923 - "Alan" by Leticia Shaddix
CY Tan of the Linac Group did an excellent job describing the Linac to the Open House tourists. He was pretty funny!
0923 - "A regular stand-up comedian" by Elliott McCrory
Karl Williams was so busy with his presentation during the Open House that he had no idea I was taking his picture.
0923 - "A presentation" by Amy Scroggins
K-9 unit taking checks things out!
0923 - "A little extra security ... K-9 unit" by Kathy Flores
Christine points out some interesting info from the film that records the particle interaction from the Bubble Chamber.
0923 - "A Little Bubble Knowledge" by Leticia Shaddix
This sight can bring terror to the hearts of students.
0923 - "80 school buses just waiting for duty" by Jim Zagel
Wow, they are still coming. This is amazing!
0923 - "3:30 and we are still unloading!" by Patricia Marsh
A beautiful Friday.
0922 - "Sun Rise" by Jeffrey Simmons
Near the bubble chamber, this guy was out of place on this hot day.
0922 - "Ribbit" by Adrian Marquez
If you build it they will come.
0922 - "Preperation for the celebration!" by Ed Dijak
This aquatic turtle was seen in the AZero parking lot.
0922 - "Out of the water" by Elliott McCrory
Particle Physics Division Head Patricia McBride beams as she tries out the CMS Detector Photo Booth, which people will be able to enjoy at the end of their SiDet Tour at the Fermilab Open House. #MobilePic
0922 - "Beaming Through The CMS Detector" by Leticia Shaddix
Troy Petersen, Bill Dymond, Carl Lundberg and Bob Steinberg, left to right, reinstall a Recycler Ring ionization profile monitor after preventive maintenance.
0921 - "Instrumentation Maintenance" by Jim Zagel
Bet you'll never see the Wilson Hall parking lot looking like this at 8:30 on a weekday morning again.
0921 - "Empty parking lot on a Wednesday" by Amy Scroggins
Open House run-through at SiDet. Barb Kristen, Particle Physics Admin Team, looks at the film souvenir of the image of particle interaction from the first tracks, recorded Sept. 29, 1973, from the 15-foot Bubble Chamber, which now sits in the SiDet courtyard.
0921 - "Bubble Chamber Souvenir" by Leticia Shaddix
As autumn sets in, it is time for many visiting students to return to their universities and homes. Lessons have been learned, experiences had, and friendships made. The youthful exuberance of summer students is always a shot in the arm. Good luck!
0921 - "'We will miss you'" by Derek Plant
Yellow fields from Batavia Road
0920 - "Yellow fields" by Marco Mambelli
Bert Gonzalez sets things in order for the Fermilab Open House. Only three more days!
0920 - "Open House Preparations" by Leticia Shaddix
Sunrise from Site 38
0920 - "Morning sunrise by Site 38" by Kathy Flores
The preparation for the Open House continues. In my nearly 20 years at Fermilab, I must say our lab has never looked better. Roads and Grounds is just knocking it out of the park right now, as well as many others.
0920 - "Huddle" by Derek Plant
Barb Kronkow preps Open House gear.
0919 - "Four Days to Open House" by Kim Mazur
Nice day for a flight.
0919 - "Flight" by Derek Plant
Time to pick up my volunteer stuff for Saturday's Open House.
0919 - "Fermi Orange T's and Hats" by Leticia Shaddix
A dramatic sky on a beautiful afternoon, as seen from the Main Ring.
0919 - "Crepuscular rays over Wilson Hall and prairie" by Linda Valerio
A different view of Wilson Hall.
0918 - "Wilson Hall at night" by Stephen Baginski
Wayne Shaddix unloads traffic cones in preparation for the Open House tours at SiDet, now only four days away.
0918 - "Preparing for the Fermilab Open House" by Leticia Shaddix
Craig Bradford traveling in the Main Injector at "warp speed."
0918 - "Main Injector at Warp Speed" by Gary Teafoe
Preparing for Open House workers to pick up parking passes, t-shirt and ID.
0918 - "Getting ready for Open House" by Georgia Schwender
Dusk at the garden
0918 - "Dusk at the garden" by Kathy Flores
Autumn leaves in sunlight
0917 - "Autumn Leaves" by Timothy Chapman
Another beautiful morning at Fermilab
0917 - "Another beautiful morning at Fermilab" by Amy Scroggins
Silhouetted heron through the grass
0916 - "Silhouetted heron through the grass" by Timothy Chapman
Sun-filled day. Time to get a picture at Fermilab.
0916 - "Saturday Stroll" by Leticia Shaddix
How peaceful everything is at night.
0916 - "IARC at night" by Stephen Baginski
Fall colors at Wilson Hall
0915 - "Fall Colors at Wilson Hall" by Simona Rolli
This central tracking chamber was the central portion of the CDF detector, which at one time sat in the Collider Detector Facility, aka CDF. For the time being this cool piece of Fermilab history sits in Lab A at SiDet.
0915 - "Central Tracking Chamber" by Leticia Shaddix
A colorful tree near the Lederman Center
0915 - "A colorful tree near the Lederman Center" by Don Cossairt
Wilson Hall encapsulated by the quietness of fog.
0914 - "Quietness of Fog" by Albert Dyer
These yellow coneflowers stand tall by soaking in the morning mist.
0914 - "Misty Morning Beauty" by Leticia Shaddix
Down is up. Up is down. Such is life with Inverted Goose in town.
0914 - "Inverted Goose" by Marty Murphy
Wilson Hall hidden in the mist
0914 - "In the mist" by Adrian Marquez
Bison wandering around in the fog
0914 - "Foggy Morning"
Eating lunch outside at Wilson Hall with an unannounced but welcome guest.
0913 - "Lunch with a Mantis @ Wilson Hall" by Albert Eiffes
Why did the turtle cross the road ...
0913 - "Chrysemys picta on Pavement" by Jeffrey Simmons
Main Injector scientist Bruce Brown in his Cross Gallery office.
0913 - "Bruce Brown" by Elliott McCrory
Seeing the bison herd grazing in the fog made me stop. Usually when you stop by a herd of cows, they tend to come towards you. This herd did the exact opposite when I approached them. I consider myself a friendly human, and I just wanted a good picture from up close, so I was rather miffed by this reaction. However, considering that once upon a time they occupied all this land, and we humans brought them to near extinction, I have to concede that they are right to stay wary of me.
0913 - "Bison, Fog" by Sajith Sasidharan
Rick Espinoza assembles the IOTA beamline.
0913 - "Assembling IOTA Beamline" by Gary Teafoe
Contract worker paints the man door in Lab C at SiDet.
0913 - "A Little Paint" by Leticia Shaddix
Architect Andrew Federowicz prints the Muon g-2 ring in 3-D.
0913 - "3-D Printing" by Emil Huedem
Roger Dixon relaxes in his Accelerator Division office.
0912 - "Roger Dixon" by Elliott McCrory
Sunset over the prairie from the start of the trails
0912 - "Prairie at sunset" by Marco Mambelli
Every living critter is still out on this foggy morning.
0912 - "Foggy morning" by Barbara Kristen
Although it cannot be used in any vacuum system because it is plastic, this prototype will test the geometry of a vacuum seal design. This SLA 3-D printer uses a laser to draw the shape of the part in the resin to create the prototype.
0912 - "3-D printer creating a vacuum seal prototype" by Linda Valerio
Accelerator Instrumentation Engineer Jim Zagel in his Transfer Gallery office.
0911 - "Jim Zagel" by Elliott McCrory
Fermilab Fire Department personnel
0911 - "Fermilab Fire Department at the Sept. 11, 2001, Anniversary Memorial Ceremony" by Derek Piec
Fermilab Fire and Paramedics
0911 - "911 - First Responders Memorial Moment at the Fermilab Flagpoles" by Jim Zagel
The mink that's no longer missing.
0910 - "The missing mink" by Stephen Baginski
Early morning is the most beautiful time of day here.
0910 - "Morning" by Amy Scroggins
Foggy pond bank in morning sun
0910 - "Foggy Pond Bank" by Timothy Chapman
Fall begins to colorize Fermilab vistas.
0909 - "The colors of fall" by Amy Scroggins
Near Site 56
0909 - "Sunrise over farm"
Dave Andersen of the Badging Office from our perspective.
0908 - "The man behind the camera" by Daren Plant
Fermilab's Open House is just a couple of weeks away, and scientists, engineers and other folks prepare for the hundreds of visitors who will enjoy hearing about the Bubble Chamber and other cool stuff at SiDet.
0908 - "SiDet Tour Open House Run-Through" by Leticia Shaddix
It's beautiful.
0908 - "Beautiful walk on Road B" by Maredith Stoffel
Maral Alyari, on right, listens intently as Mike Roman has questions regarding the Open House SiDet tours.
0907 - "Preparing for SiDet Open House Tours" by Leticia Shaddix
Derek Piec of the Fire Department shaved off his mustache!
0907 - "Derek's Mustache is Gone!" by Derek Piec
The clouds of The Simpsons over Wilson Hall
0906 - "Wilson Hall and Simpson Skies" by Harry Ferguson
In the foreground is the Tevatron Ring, then the treeline along Eola Rd. After that is Warrenville, Wheaton, Glen Ellyn, Lombard, Villa Park, Elmhurst, Oakbrook Terrace "T" Tower obstructing Sears Tower, Hillside, Bellwood, Maywood, Forest Park, Oak Park, and Chicago ... then big clouds over Lake Michigan.
0906 - "Tevatron, Chicago Skyline and Clouds Over Lake Michigan" by Marty Murphy
Niral Patel, left, and Troy Petersen are the newest engineering in the Accelerator Divison's Instrumentation Department.
0906 - "Instrumentation Engineers" by Elliott McCrory
0906 - "ICARUS Neutrino Detector" by Kathy Flores
Daniel McNeel, far right, and Sean Kuvin of Argonne National Laboratory get help on HELIOS experiment modules from Tamara Hawke at SiDet.
0906 - "HELIOS Experiment Modules" by Leticia Shaddix
Flags fly proudly in front of Wilson Hall.
0906 - "Flags" by Emil Huedem
Kirsty Duffy and Leo Aliaga Soplin rehearse their spiels at the Fermilab 50th Anniversary Open House dry run at the MINOS Detector Building.
0906 - "Fermilab 50th Anniversary Open House Rehearsal"
Double rainbow and the Bubble Chamber
0906 - "Double rainbow and Bubble Chamber" by Terry Tope
Looking east from Wilson Hall.
0906 - "Clouds" by Lynn Garren
Interesting clouds appear on the horizon east of the BEG building.
0906 - "Clouds on the horizon" by Barbara Kristen
"An unexpected guest traveling with us on site" by Marcus and Emrah
0906 - "An unexpected guest"
Mr. Froggy sits there keeping a watchful eye on me.
0905 - "Waiting for lunch" by Stephen Baginski
In this picture, Adam Anderson of the Particle Physics Division Astrophysics Dark Matter and Initiatives Group is setting up and testing readout electronics and detectors that will be deployed on the South Pole Telescope in November of this year.
0905 - "Testing Readout Electronics and Detectors" by Leticia Shaddix
Nice walk towards IARC Office, Technical and Education Building
0905 - "Lunchtime walk" by Emil Huedem
The green heron is keeping a watchful eye on me.
0904 - "The watchful eye" by Stephen Baginski
Turtle on Main Ring Road near C-3.
0904 - "Tevatron Turtle" by Derek Piec
Amana orange, Kellogg's breakfast, oxheart, to name a few.
0904 - "Last Harvest" by Georgia Schwender
Fermilab family enjoys the holiday.
0904 - "Family Time" by Derek Plant
Enjoying the bison
0904 - "Bison" by Maredith Stoffel
Enjoying the Showing out-of-town family around Fermilab
0903 - "Touring Fermilab" by Maredith Stoffel
Thistle blossom with some insects.
0903 - "Thistles and bugs" by Derek Plant
Hawk watches over Eola Road near the control gate by Site 3
0903 - "The Eye in the Sky" by Derek Piec
A couple of deer out for a stroll.
0903 - "Hello Deer!" by Donna Iraci
Mr. Froggy went to the Green Heron's place for breakfast and was the breakfast.
0903 - "Good to the last foot" by Stephen Baginski
Dipole magnets in the MI60 high bay.
0903 - "Dipole Magnets at MI60" by John Kuharik
is beautiful
0902 - "The prairie" by Georgia Schwender
A foggy morning at Technical Division
0902 - "Foggy Mornings" by Jeremy Brown
A bee harvests nectar.
0902 - "Busy" by Derek Plant
The garden by the Village barn is a purple haze of flowers.
0901 - "Purple Haze" by Barbara Kristen
A nifty little Mazda RX5 two-seater is parked near Wilson Hall, which is reflected in the hood.
0901 - "Mazda and Wilson" by Elliott McCrory
Newly waxed hallway in front of the Main Control Room shows light reflections.
0831 - "Reflecting Reflections" by Jeffrey Simmons
Have a great Labor Day weekend!
0831 - "Labor Day" by Leticia Shaddix
Julie Vander Meulen enjoys the Technical Division annual picnic.
0831 - "Julie Vander Meulen enjoys the Technical Division annual picnic" by Thomas Nicol
Flowers in the grass.
0831 - "Hidden treasure" by Katherine Lato
Ryan Campbell helps volunteers identify and sort seeds for planting on the prairie.
0830 - "Wednesday Warriors" by Georgia Schwender
Sunflower and the pollinators
0830 - "Sunflower and the pollinators" by Kathy Flores
On right, Mike Roman of the Particle Physics Division Detector Development and Operations Department and Dylan Frizzell from Argonne National Laboratory work on measuring pixel sensor modules for ATLAS in the Lab C cleanroom at SiDet.
0830 - "Measuring Pixel Sensor Modules" by Leticia Shaddix
50th Anniversary Planning
0830 - "High-Level Communications" by Derek Piec
At Playgroup, Anna Elementi decorates an owl with beans, lentils and rice during craft time. Playgroup meets every Wednesday in the Fermilab Village. Everyone is welcome.
0830 - "Craft time at Playgroup" by Jessica Jensen
Compass flowers are blooming en masse around the site right now, and the pollinators are out in force! This picture was taken on the Main Injector road between MI10 and MI20 using my phone.
0830 - "Bee on a Compass Flower" by Marty Murphy
View from the top of the Bubble Chamber
0829 - "Wilson Hall" by Adrian Marquez
Praying mantis looks like it is all hopped up on Mountain Dew!
0829 - "Meet my little green friend" by Ed Dijak
Batavia residents enjoy a quick game of hide and seek.
0829 - "Hide and seek" by Derek Plant
Foggy Fermilab sunrise, west entrance
0829 - "Good Morning Fermilab" by Bridgett Pygott
John Najdzion (using the power washer) and Adrian Marquez, both of the Particle Physics Detector Development and Operations Department, work on making the Bubble Chamber, in the SiDet courtyard, shiny and bright by giving it a power-washing bath.
0829 - "Bubble Chamber Bath" by Leticia Shaddix
This comic was found on the whiteboard in the cafeteria. Fermilab folks can be very creative!
0828 - "Science is fun!" by Eileen Berman
This is a view of the NuMI Target Hall taken from atop the workcell looking upstream. The shielding blocks over the tops of target and horns' respective "T-blocks" are open in preparation for survey and alignment and electrical work. All of this work is part of the 2017 summer accelerator shutdown period for maintenance and development. Several technicians, engineers and physicists have completed jobs in this enclosure, which is over 150 feet underground. I took this photo with my phone toward the end of the day.
0828 - "NuMI Target Hall" by Marty Murphy
Ryan Frantzen, left, and Martin Valenzuela remove some branches from the trees outside Ramsey Auditorium in preparation for the Open House next month.
0828 - "Cleaning up for the Open House" by Elliott McCrory
What do you see between the trees? The high-rise of course. You can see the high-rise from many areas on site.
0828 - "Between the Trees" by Leticia Shaddix
From Jim's garden at Fermilab
0827 - "Heirloom vegetables" by Georgia Schwender
Adam Lister of Lancaster University in the UK sits shift for MINERvA in ROC West on a quiet Saturday afternoon.
0826 - "On shift in ROC West" by Elliott McCrory
Lily ponds near DZero
0826 - "Lilies" by William Bardeen
Olivia Lahs-Bour stands next to the Fermilab logo created by Angela Gonzales, her mother.
0826 - "At the last Art Gallery talk by Anne Mary Teichert" by Georgia Schwender
The beans at the photographer's garden plot in the Fermilab Garden Club are ready to pick.
0825 - "The beans are coming in" by Elliott McCrory
Is it an outhouse or is it the burned vacuum circuit breaker cabinet at MI-60?
0825 - "Outhouse Breaker" by Robyn Madrak Plant
Daily sunrise pic
0825 - "Daily Sunrise" by Adrian Marquez
These blue cornflowers adorn the roadsides and fence rows every summer and early fall.
0825 - "Cornflower blue" by Thomas Nicol
Hard rock concrete cutters work at removing concrete and steel pillars that once held up the Bubble Chamber in the Lab B pit at SiDet.
0825 - "Concrete and Steel" by Leticia Shaddix
View from Wilson Hall
0825 - "Almost Symmetric" by Alejandro Ramírez Delgado
Can't get enough of this sculpture.
0824 - "Tractricious Sculpture" by Leticia Shaddix
SBN-ND Building
0824 - "SBN-ND Building" by Kathy Flores
Walking toward IARC...
0824 - "IARC Building" by Simona Rolli
daily pic
0824 - "Daily Sunrise" by Adrian Marquez
Question: Category: Jobs for $50..."while at work I hang out and keep all my tools within arms reach." Answer: What is a Wilson Hall window washer?
0823 - "Wilson Hall Window Washer" by Albert Dyer
Take 5 for safety
0823 - "Safety first" by Bridgett Pygott
Mr. Froggy sits in the early sunlight waiting for breakfast to fly by.
0823 - "Mr. Froggy" by Stephen Baginski
From left: Renan Silva Soares, undergraduate from the Universidade Federal Do ABC, Brazil, and Dante Totani, Ph.D. student from University of L'Aquila, are testing a SIPM, or silicon photomultiplier, a part of light detector for the DUNE experiment.
0823 - "DUNE Testing" by Leticia Shaddix
I was walking to the car when I noticed this bee on a flower outside of MI65. Took the picture with my phone.
0823 - "Bumblebee on a Purple Flower" by Marty Murphy
Wilson Hall is dwarfed by giant plant-life.
0823 - "After-work prairie walk" by Lauren Biron
Great day to do windows!
0822 - "Window washers" by Kathy Flores
Take a little walk down the lovely Margaret Pearson Memorial Trail, also known as the Fermilab Interpretive Trail. You'll love it!
0822 - "Take a Little Walk" by Leticia Shaddix
Osprey searches for next catch on Ring Road.
0822 - "Osprey searching for next catch" by Timothy Chapman
Wilson Hall eclipse over window washers.
0821 - "Wilson Hall Eclipse" by Jessica Jensen
Some of the Technical Division's brightest stars gather to watch the solar eclipse!
0821 - "Watching the solar eclipse"
A group of Fermilab employees and users watches the eclipse from the courtyard outside the cafeteria. The sun, partially covered by the moon, is visible also on Wilson Hall windows.
0821 - "Watching the eclipse from and into Wilson Hall" by Marco Mambelli
The ICARUS trip!
0821 - "ICARUS has arrived!" by Kathy Flores
21-inch smallmouth bass
0821 - "Friend..." by Peter Garbincius
Eclipse through the clouds behind Wilson Hall.
0821 - "Eclipse" by Valerie Higgins
Kevin Fahey, Jack Fowler, Jim Niehoff, David Montanari, Chris Mossey, and Jolie Macier (left to right), look upward to the eclipse during a break at an LBNF design review at the Sanford Underground Research Facility in Lead, South Dakota.
0821 - "Eclipse viewing from the Sanford Underground Research Laboratory" by Thomas Nicol
Intermittent image due to cloud cover, but when it was mostly clear we could watch the clouds pass across out line of sight to the sun. The video is awesome I took with my phone!
0821 - "Eclipse Projection / Safe Observation" by Mr. Ed
A cloudy sky allowed to see the slice of the sun on Wilson Hall's partially reflecting windows.
0821 - "Eclipse on Wilson Hall" by Marco Mambelli
Monday's solar eclipse, reflected through the two lenses of a pair of protective sunglasses.
0821 - "Cool Guy Eclipse" by Kelli Rubrecht
People watch the solar eclipse in front of Wilson Hall.
0821 - "Cloudy Eclipse" by Emil Huedem
Waiting for the total eclipse on a mostly cloudy day.
0821 - "#MobileMonday" by Maredith Stoffel
Frog in pond on Ring Road.
0820 - "Frog" by Timothy Chapman
Little do the citizens of Earth know that in less than 48 hours, the moon will be blocking, for a moment, the source of their heat and light.
0819 - "The sun" by Elliott McCrory
Sunrise Eola Road.
0819 - "Sunrise Eola Rd" by Timothy Chapman
Artwork by Angela Gonzales
0819 - "Artwork by Angela Gonzales" by Kathy Flores
David Butler shows off the walk-in oven at Lab 3 in the Village.
0818 - "The walk-in oven at Lab 3" by Elliott McCrory
Phil Crabtree and John Anderson III show off the enclosure keys they needed that day for vacuum work they were doing.
0818 - "Technicians and keys" by Christine Ader
In response to my picture with Phil and John with all their enclosure keys, John took this photo and said: "We decided to get some blue and purple keys."
0818 - "More keys" by John Anderson III
A bumblebee visits flowers behind Aspen East.
0818 - "Busy" by Derek Plant
A fun crew Friday Night for the party, "In Front of the Barn"
0818 - "Brazilian Party" by Luciano Elementi
The Particle Physics Division have their picnic today at Kuhn Barn. On the right, Patricia McBride, head of the division, welcomes folks to the picnic. Dee Hahn, PPD/DDOD; and Callie Surber, PPD Office, hand out raffle tickets.
0817 - "Welcome To the PPD Picnic" by Leticia Shaddix
SUSY Swan, new Fermilab Theory Department mascot, watches over the Director's Coffee Break.
0817 - "SUSY Swan" by Valerie Higgins
Aleksey Akimov carefully installs a 3.9-gigahertz superconducting radio-frequency cavity into the Horizontal Test Stand at MDB.
0817 - "More work getting done" by Derek Plant
Evening at the pasture
0817 - "Evening at the pasture" by Kathy Flores
Beautiful view from east Booster parking lot.
0817 - "Beautiful view from east Booster parking lot" by Shailesh Khole
Tyler Drendel works on Muon Campus instrumentation devices, including PWC proportional wire chambers and ion chambers at NWA.
0816 - "Working on instrumentation devices at NWA" by Christine Ader
Getting ready for the eclipse on Monday. Using a transit to project the image of the sun onto a pad of paper. Basic concept works ... now it's time for some refinements to the apparatus before the big day!
0816 - "Work in progress" by Ed Dijak
Wilson Hall and the new lily pads
0816 - "Wilson Hall and the new lily pads" by Julie Vander Meulen
0816 - "Wildflowers" by Kathy Flores
Life in the village.
0816 - "Papa bear, Momma bear...." by Derek Plant
A beautiful start to the day as the sun comes up over the fields by Wilson Street.
0816 - "Morning Fog" by Maredith Stoffel
Geese on the tennis courts after the rain
0816 - "Game - Set - Match" by Jessica Jensen
The LHC Physics Center guest and visitors from Texas Tech University, along with Zotlan Gecse and Maral Alyari from Fermilab, work in the Lab C cleanroom at SiDet. They are working on the CMS testing Co2 cooling performance of the cassette for the CMS high-granularity calorimeter. From left: Samila Muthumuni, TTU; Tielige Mengke, TTU; Zoltan Gecse, Fermilab CMS; Kamal Lamichhane, TTU; Maral Alyari, Fermilab CMS.
0816 - "CMS Work" by Leticia Shaddix
This willow tree at Site 58 has the prettiest twist to it.
0815 - "Willow Tree" by Leticia Shaddix
The Fermilab gym recently acquired some new equipment, including this squat rack. It's the best!
0815 - "New gym equipment" by Leah Hesla
0815 - "Mutual aid to Geneva, Illinois" by Derek Piec
Morning walk in foggy sunrise
0815 - "Morning walk in foggy sunrise" by Timothy Chapman
Armando Barboza polishes vacuum flanges on PIP-II 325-MHz superconducting half-wave resonators at Lab 2.
0815 - "Infectious Grin" by Derek Plant
Matt Crawford of Fermilab, Barry Glicklich. In the background, the gamer on the far right is Bill Tannenbau. On the far left is Howard Sanders.
0815 - "Fermilab Game Night" by Katherine Lato
Dana Smith of the carpenter shop fixes up a small conference room at Site 38 OPS.
0815 - "Dana Smith working hard" by Maredith Stoffel
Alignment of the LCLS-II cavity string to vessel
0815 - "Alignment of the LCLS II" by Gary Teafoe
Rise and shine!
0814 - "Rise and Shine!" by Kathy Flores
Bob Barger performs instrument calibration at PAB.
0814 - "Quest To Quantify" by Derek Plant
Luna moth on the ground just outside of AZero. Credit to Matt Alverez for pointing it out and not accidentally stepping on it!
0814 - "Luna Moth Up Close" by Troy Petersen
Monday morning
0814 - "Foggy mornings" by Adrian Marquez
Cloud reflections
0814 - "Cloud reflections" by Timothy Chapman
Bison eat in the evening while the sun is peeking through the clouds.
0814 - "Bison in the evening" by Marco Mambelli
Baby swallows wait for the parents to return at AP0.
0814 - "Baby swallows wait for the next meal" by Steve Carrigan
Beetle-like creatures swarm on a daisy-like weed in the wide median on Pine Street. Wilson Hall is in the background.
0813 - "Ew!" by Elliott McCrory
Fermilab Garden
0812 - "Tendril on a Zucchini Plant" by Georgia Schwender
I've always enjoyed that Fermilab continues in its Illinois heritage by allowing the use of part of its open space by local farmers to grow and harvest corn and beans.
0812 - "Fermilab corn crop" by Thomas Nicol
Guess where.
0812 - "Enterprise" by Derek Plant
Welcome to the world Baby #11!
0811 - "Welcome to the world Baby #11!" by Kathy Flores
0811 - "Reflection" by Derek Plant
Main Ring Pond near C-0
0811 - "Main Ring Pond Foliage" by Derek Piec
Fermilab Photo Club celebrates its 50th anniversary today at the Water Street Studios exhibit opening. The studios feature photos that have been taken at Fermilab by many of the Photography Club members.
0811 - "Laura Paterno and Marty Murphy" by Leticia Shaddix
The opening reception for the 50th Anniversary Fermilab Photo Club Show at Water Street Studios in Batavia.
0811 - "Fermilab Photo Club Show" by Lynn Garren
Early morning before the moon had set.
0810 - "Wilson Hall and the Moon" by Stephen Baginski
Wasp of Fermilab Fire Department's glass firetruck.
0810 - "Wasp on a windshield" by Derek Piec
Patience abounds while waiting for wildlife.
0810 - "Waiting for Wildlife" by Kim Mazur
Sump in pbar
0810 - "Sumpterranean Homesick Blues" by Robyn Madrak Plant
The yellows, purples, pinks and whites of August.
0810 - "Summer flowers" by Valerie Higgins
Ryan Kos, vet tech intern, works on the Linac Marx generator.
0810 - "Ryan Kos and Marx" by Robyn Madrak
ICARUS has arrived!
0810 - "ICARUS is here!" by Kathy Flores
The face only a mother could love.
0810 - "Black Swallowtail"
Momma bird waits for me to stop taking pictures of her babies so she can feed them. SiDet residents.
0810 - "Barn Swallows" by Leticia Shaddix
A beautiful sunrise
0809 - "Sunrise today" by Al Lilianstrom
Ring ride at lunch time. I love the contrast in colors between the sky, clouds and greenery.
0809 - "Ring Ride" by Leticia Shaddix
Dew on ornamental grass sparkles in the morning sunlight.
0809 - "Morning Dew" by Barbara Kristen
The path was busy on this beautiful day!
0809 - "Lunchtime Walk"
Looking northwest
0808 - "The view from Wilson Hall 9 West" by Lynn Garren
Dr. Don Lincoln, Fermilab physicist, concludes the Undergraduate Summer Lecture Series on "A Theory of Everything: Are We There Yet?"
0808 - "That's All, Folks" by Leticia Shaddix
Naked Ladies aka surprise lilies, Lycoris squamigera planted in front of The Outback at DZero
0808 - "Naked Ladies in front of The Outback!" by Edward Dijak
Why dragon fly when you can dragon sit on a bench?
0808 - "Dragonflazy" by Lauren Biron
One of hundreds of bees on the Russian sage along the Outback at DZero.
0808 - "Bee all you can be ..." by Ed Dijak
Spotted in Wilson Hall cafeteria, east side
0807 - "Profit!?" by Aaron Sauers
The morning sun on the evening moon flower at The Outback
0807 - "Moon Flower" by Ed Dijak
The full moon is visible between the branches of the willow tree next to Batavia Road.
0807 - "Full moon through the willow tree" by Marco Mambelli
So many cool looking things at SiDet. I asked Javier Tiffenberg of the Particle Physics Division Astrophysics Department what this is. He explained to me that this is an engineering replica of the Dark Energy Camera focal plane. It was used during the construction of the DECam instrument that is installed in Chile in the telescope that is being used for the Dark Energy Survey. #MobileMonday
0807 - "An Engineering Replica of the DECam Focal Plane" by Leticia Shaddix
Flowers outside of Wilson Hall on the east side.
0806 - "Summer Colors at Wilson Hall" by Laura Paterno
A parent osprey sits in a tree while a juvenile flies around asking for food.
0806 - "Osprey sitting in a tree" by Stephen Baginski
Heron on Outer Ring Road
0806 - "Heron on Outer Ring Road" by Timothy Chapman
Zucchini plants in the Fermilab Garden
0805 - "Holding On" by Georgia Schwender
Today participants of the past week DPF meetings and Fermilab employees tour different labs at SiDet, ending with some sorbet and a group picture in front of the Bubble Chamber.
0804 - "SiDet Tours" by Leticia Shaddix
Last day of Phriendly Physics Teacher Workshop.
0804 - "Phriendly Physics Workshop" by Laura Paterno
Phriendly Physics Workshop toured the IB3 facility. This is part of the magnet assembly process.
0803 - "IB3 Magnet Production" by Laura Paterno
One of today's DPF speakers in 1 West was Enhao Song from the University of Virginia. He spoke on "A Neural Network Trigger for Magnetic Monopoles with the NOvA Far Detector."
0803 - "DPF Speaker Enhao Song" by Leticia Shaddix
Collecting seeds for prairie restoration with Fermilab Natural Areas volunteers.
0802 - "Wednesday Morning Warriors" by Georgia Schwender
Walking the Main Ring at lunchtime, we saw these lilies in a Main Ring cooling pond.
0802 - "Main Ring Cooling Pond Lilies" by Christine Ader
Doug Berry of the University of Illinois at Chicago gives a talk on behalf of the CMS collaboration.
0802 - "DPF Talks" by Leticia Shaddix
Butterfly hanging around Playgroup at Kuhn Barn
0802 - "Butterfly at Playgroup" by Jessica Jensen
... flock together.
0802 - "Birds of a feather..."
Tony Tong, from Harvard University, enjoys todays physics talks at the DPF 2017 meetings.
0801 - "Enjoying the Physics Talks" by Leticia Shaddix
I was on the back of a golf cart when I took this picture when I was inspecting the F Sector conversion from ion pumps to turbo pumps shutdown work in the Tevatron tunnel.
0731 - "Tevatron F Sector Conversion from Ion Pumps to Turbo Pumps Inspection Tour" by Christine Ader
The 2017 Division of Particles and Fields meeting is held this year at Fermilab beginning July 31 through August 4, 2017. Here Keisuke Yoshihara gives a 10-minute talk on particle physics at today's start of the DPF meetings.
0731 - "Talk on Particle Physics" by Leticia Shaddix
Blooming American lotus and a glimpse of Wilson Hall
0731 - "Lotus in the afternoon" by Eileen Crowley
Flowers of the compass plants along the path between IARC and Wilson Hall on a beautiful Sunday evening in July.
0730 - "Compass plant flowers" by Thomas Nicol
A Saturday morning gardening, organic and mostly heirloom.
0729 - "Lucid gem grown by Jim Simone" by Georgia Schwender
The one in the front is a cryogenic magnet, and the two behind are helium refrigerators. They caught my eye when I walked into Lab B.
0728 - "Oohh, Shiny Sciencey Stuff" by Leticia Shaddix
Early morning light on the Ramsey Auditorium and Wilson Hall
0728 - "Early morning light" by Stephen Baginski
Looking like a leaf in the middle of Blackhawk Boulevard in the morning is dangerous business! This one was helped reaching closer to Dusaf Pond.
0728 - "Crawfish crossing the road" by Luciano Elementi
ICARUS is now at Fermilab!
0727 - "ICARUS...It's Here" by Leticia Shaddix
Feathers and egg
0727 - "Feathers and Egg"
This caterpillar decided to cross Main Ring Road during lunch. We carried him to safety.
0727 - "Caterpillar on Main Ring Road" by Christine Ader
A lovely site at Aspen East on a beautiful summer's day.
0727 - "Aspen East" by Linda Valerio
Jim Annis of the Scientific Computing Division points out something interesting in his talk on the LIGO experiment and related cosmological ideas. The audience is undergraduate interns at Fermilab. The three students in the front, just behind Annis, are Andrea Bryant, Kevin Ingles and Leonardo Rodriguez.
0727 - "Annis lectures on cosmology" by Elliott McCrory
A group of students take some time off from their tour to relax in front of Wilson Hall.
0726 - "Skipping stones and flying kites" by Jamieson Olsen
ICARUS heads toward the Neutrino Campus.
0726 - "ICARUS on site" by Michael Utes
Just listen...
0726 - "Bee Balm and Bee" by Georgia Schwender
At lunch I sat and admired this beautiful barn.
0726 - "Barn - Site 67" by Leticia Shaddix
Robert Barger, on left, of the Neutrino Division Technical Support Department and Greg Tatkowski of the Particle Physics Mechanical Department discuss hooking up a temporary Dewar at SiDet.
0725 - "Temporary Dewar at SiDet" by Leticia Shaddix
Underground Utilities
0725 - "If only I had X-ray vision!" by Bridgett Pygott
Fermilab intern Marika McGee shows off her new, Fermilab-themed fingernails.
0725 - "Fermilab nails" by Elliott McCrory
This amphibian visitor was found in the ladies' washroom at SiDet. Cute, isn't it!
0724 - "Amphibian Visitor" by Leticia Shaddix
Martha Michels, Dave Esterquest and Chuck Kuhn discuss 50th-anniversary plans with first responders.
0724 - "50th Anniversary Planning" by Derek Piec
Trees and blackbirds in golden light
0723 - "Trees and blackbirds in golden light" by Timothy Chapman
Wilson Hall At Dusk
0722 - "Wilson Hall Rests"
Michael McGee is showing off his operator's t-shirt during the Operator's Reunion Party. Marty Murphy and Nick Gurly designed and drew the design on the back of the shirt.
0722 - "Operators' Reunion Party" by Christine Ader
Multiple generations of operators gathered at Kuhn barn for a reunion pig roast on Saturday, July 22. Over 100 current and former operators attended, along with their respective families. The unique nature of the accelerator operators' job — the long hours, rotating shift work, considerable training regimen, working weekends and holidays, and being with the same crew for months or years — creates a camaraderie rare in most other fields. This was evident by the great distances traveled for some who attended. Former ops came from Indiana, Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota, Kansas, Virginia, Georgia, Arizona, Utah, New Mexico, Oregon, California and Illinois. Our motto is "Once an Operator, Always an Operator." A great time was had by all.
0722 - "Once an Operator, Always an Operator" by Marty Murphy
Blooming flower near ring road
0722 - "Blooming flower" by Timothy Chapman
Anne Mary Teichert talking to visitors during the Art Gallery tour of "A Lasting Mark: Angela Gonzales at Fermilab."
0722 - "Art as science outreach" by Georgia Schwender
Cell phone picture of some wildflowers on the side of C-D Road.
0721 - "Wildflowers" by Leticia Shaddix
Tree branch on a power line off Giese Road.
0721 - "Tree Branch on Power Line" by Derek Piec
Approaching severe thunderstorm from the northwest at Wilson Hall
0721 - "Severe Thunderstorm Warning" by Derek Piec
Bo Jaytilaka is a speaker for the Summer Undergraduate Lecture Series. He speaks on scientific computing at Fermilab.
0720 - "Scientific Comptuing at Fermilab" by Leticia Shaddix
The morning rains left puddles on the water lilies in the Wilson Hall reflecting pond.
0720 - "Puddles in the Pond" by Thomas Kroc
A pair of green herons perch near the Main Ring.
0720 - "Green heron pair" by Troy Petersen
Checking out the morning view atop Acqua Alle Funi.
0719 - "Rise and Shine" by Joe Pygott
Watching Anne Heavey and Andrew Dalesandro give the Light and Color school presentation in St. Charles.
0719 - "Light and Color" by Lynn Garren
The LArIAT collaboration
0719 - "LArIAT Collaboration" by Veronica Pronitcheva
Summer students Arielle Pfeil and Marlene Ortega, left of the picture, and visitor Katie Chennault of Olivet Nazarene University enjoy a lovely summer day outside in the SiDet courtyard.
0719 - "Enjoying Lunch Outdoors" by Leticia Shaddix
Linda Valerio gives a talk at the Summer Lecture Series on the engineering of accelerators and does an excellent job.
0718 - "Summer Lecture with Linda Valerio" by Leticia Shaddix
Osprey chicks ready to fledge
0718 - "Osprey Chicks" by Timothy Chapman
Muon Campus - M5 beamline elements staged for installation. These magnets were originally part of the Antiproton Source.
0718 - "Magnets are Reused" by Marty Murphy
A damselfly stands on a rock adjacent to the Wilson Hall parking lot.
0718 - "Damselfly" by Gordon Koizumi
Sue Quarto and Maredith Stoffel and growing some wonderful produce to share with our coworkers in a few weeks!
0717 - "The Garden at Site 38" by Maredith Stoffel
Exploring a passageway in the the main ring tunnel near DZero. The Fermilab scientists and engineers in this group are training to become DZero tour guides.
0717 - "Exploring the Main Ring tunnel" by Jamieson Olsen
The upcoming Linac Marx modulator has 54 active cells, each of which needs three lengths of fiber optic cable to transmit the charge, fire and status signals. Cutting the cables is easy; keeping each of the 54 sets organized is the tough part.
0717 - "Charge, Fire, Status" by Kelli Rubrecht
This thistle is pretty, even if it is a weed. #Mobile Monday
0717 - "A Thistle Weed" by Leticia Shaddix
Pond lilies - Outer Ring Road
0716 - "Pond lilies" by Timothy Chapman
The old Bubble Chamber on display in the court yard by Lab B
0715 - "The Bubble Chamber" by Stephen Baginski
The New York Times crossword puzzle from last Thursday quotes our motto from this year on 4-down, "What's the DIFF?"
0715 - "Crossword and DIFF" by Elliott McCrory
Representing Fermilab at the Windmill City Festival in Batavia.
0715 - "At the Windmill City Festival" by Lynn Garren
Stuffing name badges for the upcoming DPF Conference at Fermilab from July 31-Aug. 4.
0714 - "Stuffing Name Badges" by Leticia Shaddix
The wildflowers near the Lederman Education Center.
0714 - "Queen Anne's Lace" by Elliott McCrory
Stan Johnson takes on a controlled blaze during fire extinguisher training, hosted by the Fermilab Fire Department.
0714 - "Fire Extinguisher Training" by Kelli Rubrecht
Typical assortment of keys needed in a day in the life of an RF Group technician during shutdown.
0713 - "The keys of a shutdown" by Daren Plant
Gary Smith prepares brats for a summer cookout at the BEG building.
0713 - "Summer cookout" by Barbara Kristen
Facing the camera, Ashton Cattenhead of Facilities Engineering Services Section and Joseph McDermott of the Fermilab Natural Areas weed the sustainable plants in front of the IARC building.
0713 - "Outdoor Cleanup" by Leticia Shaddix
The old modulator at Station 2 of the linac is being dismantled so it can be replaced by a new Marx Modulator.
0713 - "Out with the old" by Thomas Kroc
Dr. Mark Pankuch Northwestern Medicine Chicago Proton Center in Warrenville discusses how to engage students in the ideas of Medical Physics with Teacher Research Associate TRAC Sundaram Thirukkurungundi. Pankuch was the lecturer today in the Undergraduate Summer Lecture Series, speaking on the topic "Cancer treatment with accelerators."
0713 - "A medical physicist converses with a high school teacher" by Elliott McCrory
From left: Arielle Pfeil, Cory Cotter and Andrea Bryant, three of this year's Fermilab summer students, stop at my desk for a snack.
0712 - "Snack Time" by Leticia Shaddix
Kate Sienkiewicz examines the operation of a 3-D printer while touring the Polsky Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the University of Chicago. Meredith Ament, left, looks on.
0711 - "Examining a 3-D printer at UChicago's Polsky Center" by Elliott McCrory
That little insect never had a chance.
0711 - "Caught in a Spider's Web" by Leticia Shaddix
The TARGET high school interns spend a moment during their first day at work, their orientation day, to get to know each other on the Wilson Hall second-floor crossover.
0710 - "The TARGET interns get aquainted" by Elliott McCrory
Storm fronts approach the Lederman Science Education Center, with Broken Symmetry in the background.
0710 - "Ominous Approach" by Laura Paterno
Looking up Wilson Hall on a sunny morning.
0709 - "Reach for the sky" by Derek Piec
The same old service building from back in January. The green grass has grown and the air is warm, but the sweeping marks on the wall still remain.
0708 - "Windswept Part II" by Kelli Rubrecht
A green heron and a great blue heron wait for breakfast to come by.
0708 - "Two Herons" by Stephen Baginski
Xiao Luo, David Caratelli and Kurt Riesselmann sit in the Remote Operations Center West in Wilson Hall and participate via video conference in Neutrino Day 2017 at Sanford Lab in South Dakota. They are explaining the particle tracks that Fermilab's MicroBooNE detector records using the same liquid-argon technology that scientists will use for the 70,000-ton particle detectors of the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment at Sanford Lab.
0708 - "Helping with Neutrino Day" by Sheila Cisko
Irma Campos and Jose De La O conduct science demonstrations for children at the Fermilab booth at the Railroad Days Festival in West Chicago.
0708 - "Fermilab booth at Railroad Days in West Chicago" by Jose De La O
The continuous electrical ramp in the Main Injector orange falls to zero as the 2017 summer shutdown begins. This will be a period of maintenance and upgrades for the accelerator complex.
0707 - "Shutdown!" by Kelli Rubrecht
A beautiful summer sky is reflected in a DZero building window.
0707 - "Reflections of a sky" by Barbara Kristen
Morning fog
0706 - "Morning fog" by Timothy Chapman
Linac power
0706 - "Linac Power" by Derek Piec
I like to park by Kidney Pond because it's so picturesque. Yesterday as I got ready to leave, I came upon this heron, and I interrupted this turtle's picnic, apparently. I tried to get a picture of the two together but the turtle was too fast. Yes, really.
0706 - "Heron and turtle at Kidney Pond" by Amy Scroggins
Geese, water, flags and Wilson Hall in July
0706 - "Geese Approaching" by Katherine Lato
Egrets and ducks on the water close to Fermilab's east gate
0706 - "Egrets and ducks on water" by Marco Mambelli
Control Room door at CMTF
0706 - "Door Guard"
Egrets and other waterfowl enjoy the clearing made in the cattails at A.E. Sea.
0706 - "'Egrets? I've had a few.'" by Paula Lambertz
The inside of ROC East, highlighting the CMS artwork on the south wall by Xavier Cortada and Pete Markowitz. The meaning of this artwork can be found at
0705 - "The CMS Remote Operations Center, East - ROC-East" by Elliott McCrory
Two that didn't make it.
0705 - "Fermi Lake"
Egrets, herons and cranes gather in a new mowed down, marshy area at Fermilab.
0705 - "Cool New Hangout Spot" by Josh O'Connell
Linac accelerator
0705 - "Cockcroft Walton" by Derek Piec
This is a composite of various firework photos captured from atop Wilson Hall.
0704 - "Independence Day Fireworks Over Batavia from Wilson Hall" by Marty Murphy
Single shot of Batavia fireworks from 13th floor Wilson Hall
0704 - "Independence Day Fireworks from inside Wilson Hall" by Katherine Lato
Fireworks go off in the distance, with the Feynman Computing Center in the foreground.
0704 - "Fireworks in the Distance" by Laura Paterno
The Teachers Research Associates participants for 2017: Jeffrey Breiten, Amanda Whaley, Subdaram Thirukkurungundi, Petar Kesic, Joanne Bader, and Emmanuel Aldana. This program is coordinated by Harry Cheung.
0703 - "The TRAC Interns for 2017" by Elliott McCrory
Not for human consumption!
0703 - "Poisonous Mushrooms" by Derek Piec
Having fun learning about perspective with the IARC building.
0702 - "Fun with Perspective" by Laura Paterno
Two coyote siblings having fun.
0702 - "Coyote puppies" by Stephen Baginski
Morning in July
0702 - "Bike Path and Road on a Quiet Sunday" by Katherine Lato
Heron in the Main Ring pond
0701 - "Heron" by Timothy Chapman
Wildflowers bloom outside of the Transfer Gallery, near Ramsey Auditorium.
0630 - "Wildflower" by Elliott McCrory
Scaffolding stairs down to the future detector.
0630 - "SBN/Far Detector Scaffolding Stairs" by Derek Piec
Among the offerings from the hot-beverage vending machine in the Wilson Hall atrium is CHI tea. I have to believe it's a pun.
0630 - "CHI tea" by Leah Hesla
Rainbow from IARC in the evening
0629 - "Rainbow From IARC" by Vikas kumar Jain
The projection screen inside the ROC East was removed this morning, making the view a lot nicer.
0629 - "New look for the CMS ROC East" by Harry Ferguson
One of the many reasons working at Fermilab is amazing!
0629 - "Early morning playtime" by Patricia Marsh
Marco Bonati works in the Lab A cleanroom with bits and pieces for the DESI detector testing.
0629 - "DESI Bits n Pieces" by Leticia Shaddix
Not easy to stay dry on this rainy day.
0628 - "Trying to Stay Dry" by Leticia Shaddix
Pat Riehecky explains yum repositories.
0628 - "Linux at Fermilab meeting" by Lynn Garren
Today's Summer Lecture Series speaker, Marc Weinberg, right, engages in a postlecture discussion of the Higgs boson with three summer interns at Fermilab. The interns are Marlene Ortega, Katie Chennault and Bernadette Haig.
0627 - "Talking about the Higgs Boson" by Elliott McCrory
Meet Callie Surber! Callie has been at Fermilab since May 2017 and works with the Particle Physics Administrative Support Group in the Particle Physics Division office.
0627 - "Meet Callie Surber" by Leticia Shaddix
Erica Snider, Gianluca Petrillo, Hans Wenzel, Jason Stock
0627 - "LArSoft Meeting" by Katherine Lato
CMS pixels prototype FCP 130 ASIC has initial testing performed by Lou DalMonte of the Particle Physics Division Electrical Engineering Department in FCP 130 test lab, Wilson Hall, 14th floor.
0627 - "Initial Test" by Albert Dyer
This heron is a little camera shy.
0627 - "Heron on the Reflecting Pond" by Eileen Berman
John E. Anderson III helped conduct a test on a 12-inch bellows installed in the Tevatron to see if the bellows can be reused elsewhere.
0627 - "Conducting a bellows test in the accelerator tunnel" by Christine Ader
Wilson Hall
0626 - "Wilson Hall" by Aaron Sauers
It's like Bob Ross painted the sky above Wilson Hall - so many happy little clouds!
0626 - "Wilson Hall panorama" by Lauren Biron
Marc Paterno of the Computing Division still working hard at the end of a long day.
0626 - "Happy Birthday" by Laura Paterno
The clematis is the BEG south courtyard is in full and glorious bloom.
0626 - "Clematis" by Barbara Kristen
Maral Alyari of the Particle Physics Division Compact Muon Solenoid Department and Petar Kesic with the Summer TRAC Teacher program discuss the “Big Pink Foam” located in the Lab C cleanroom, which is being used for testing the HGCal cassette tubings for CMS phase 2 upgrade. #MobileMonday
0626 - "Big Pink Foam" by Leticia Shaddix
Cherry picking of data: Bad. Cherry picking of, well, cherries: Delicious! Elliott McCrory and the photographer have had a bumper crop of cherries at the Fermilab garden this year.
0625 - "Cherry picking" by Joanne McCrory
Bird goes airborne from the back of one of the Fermilab bison.
0625 - "Bison birds" by Elliott McCrory
Fermilab attracts many visitors, especially when the weather is beautiful.
0624 - "Visiting Fermilab" by Eileen Berman
Jose Sepulveda contemplates the age of this rock.
0624 - "Conquering rocks in the Village" by Mehreen Sultana
Anne Mary Teichert talks about Angela Gonzales'"Lasting Mark" at Fermilab.
0624 - "Art Gallery talk and tour" by Georgia Schwender
In this picture Bert Gonzalez is performing an inspection of the first 2S thermal mockup he assembled and mounted into a cooling frame for the CMS upgrade.
0623 - "CMS Upgrade Work" by Leticia Shaddix
Inside view of the colorful Lab A dome.
0622 - "Inside Lab A" by Emil Huedem
John Anderson reminds the folks in the Accelerator Division about our common-sense safety procedures in preparation for the coming shutdown period.
0622 - "Accelerator Division All-Hands Meeting" by Elliott McCrory
Taking a walk on Road B at lunchtime.
0621 - "The Long and Winding Road" by Maredith Stoffel
Bert Gonzalez from the Particle Physics Division Detector Development and Operation Department and R&D Assembly Department works in the Lab D cleanroom at SiDet. He is assembling a precision silicon plane. This is work for others.
0621 - "Assembling Sensors" by Leticia Shaddix
It looks like those thick dark clouds will touch the Bubble Chamber.
0620 - "Thick Dark Clouds" by Leticia Shaddix
Erica Snider standing, workshop attendees
0620 - "Question time at the LArSoft Workshop" by Katherine Lato
A cloudy, Midwestern sky over the bison field.
0620 - "Big Sky Country" by Elliott McCrory
Marlene Ortega is a Summer student working for Daniel Bowring. She is working at SiDet in Lab B doing some testing on different materials.
0619 - "Marlene Ortega" by Leticia Shaddix
A dickcissel sitting on a branch waiting for his true love to show up.
0619 - "Dickcissel" by Stephen Baginski
Feeding swallows
0618 - "Feeding swallows" by Timothy Chapman
The art work of Angela Gonzales
0617 - "The art work of Angela Gonzales" by Kathy Flores
The 2017 Fermilab Fishing Derby!
0617 - "Fermilab Fishing Derby" by Denton Morris
Clouds over Wilson Hall
0617 - "Clouds over Wilson Hall" by Timothy Chapman
Looking down from the 15th floor on Saturday, June 17, 2017, all that is left from the celebration is the DOTS.
0617 - "50 DOTS!" by Maredith Stoffel
A redwing blackbird eats seeds from roadside grasses.
0616 - "Redwing Blackbird" by Barbara Kristen
Lori Haseltine from the Workforce Development and Resources Section, Education Office, assists Anatoly Ronzhin in purchasing some Fermilab T-shirts for family members.
0616 - "Lederman Science Center" by Leticia Shaddix
Chalk dust from old equations buffs a Fermilab chalkboard like a pale rouge.
0616 - "Dust" by Kelli Rubrecht
Debbie takes a short break.
0616 - "Debbie Gomez working at Frontier Pub" by Kathy Flores
Ice cream in the atrium for the 50th anniversary employee celebration.
0615 -"Ice cream in the atrium" by Valerie Higgins
Zoltan waits patiently for the Fermilab photo to be taken.
0615 - "Zoltan Gecse" by Leticia Shaddix
Jamie Santucci helps operate the dunk tank event while a dunker gets ready to pitch.
0615 - "Winding up to dunk" by Tom Nicol
Nice throw!
0615 - "Whoosh!" by Thomas Nicol
Talent abounds during the afterparty.
0615 - "Who's on the bill tonight?" by Tom Nicol
When the party is over but you're not ready to go home yet...
0615 - "When the party is over but you're not ready to go home yet..." by Amy Scroggins
People smile and wave their hands as they are photographed by Reidar Hahn, who is at the top of the high-rise. Excitement all around.
0615 - "Wave Your Hands In The Air ... Picture Time!" by Leticia Shaddix
As the excitement builds, people get ready for Reidar to take the Fermilab's 50th birthday group picture.
0615 - "Waiting to be Photographed" by Leticia Shaddix
People in the horseshoe waiting for the 50th anniversary group picture.
0615 - "Waiting for the picture 2" by Marco Mambelli
People in the horseshoe wait for the 50th anniversary group picture.
0615 - "Waiting for the picture 2" by Marco Mambelli
Anne Heavey winds up for the dunk!
0615 - "Throw it!" by Tom Nicol
The unfolding of a dunking at the 50th anniversary employee celebration.
0615 - "The unfolding of a dunking" by Valerie Higgins
Terry Hart contemplates perhaps how he might complete a perfect game.
0615 - "The pitcher" by Tom Nicol
A large fraction of Fermilab's employees gather in front of Wilson Hall for a group shot. The group that organized this photograph was Harry Ferguson, Lauren Biron, Kimberly Pearce, Kathrine Cipriano, Robert J. O'Sullivan, Kelly Dombrowski, Luz Jaquez, Marilyn Franck and Rosette A Mace.
0615 - "The Official Group Photo of the Fermilab 50" by Reidar Hahn
Delicious ice cream toppings were served on the ever popular round table in the cafeteria.
0615 - "The Ice Cream Toppings Round Table" by Leticia Shaddix
Visitor-scientist Teppei Katori enjoys his bowl of ice cream.
0615 - "Teppei Katori" by Leticia Shaddix
Taking selfies while waiting for group picture!
0615 - "Taking selfies with our Firemen" by Kathy Flores
Employees line up to get their T-shirts for the 50th anniversary photo.
0615 - "T-Shirts" by Barbara Kristen
A beautiful sunset caps an enjoyable day celebrating Fermilab's 50th anniversary.
0615 - "Sunset" by Barbara Kristen
Stephany Unruh dares the next person in line to dunk her.
0615 - "Stephany asks, What's up?" by Tom Nicol
Happy 50th birthday Fermilab!!
0615 - "Standing on this dot ensured my spot in Fermilab history" by Amy Scroggins
From left: Stacey Lindeman and Mari Mendez chill out during the June 15 afterparty.
0615 - "Stacey and Mari" by Tom Nicol
Spentz gets dunked, and Heath is up next!
0615 - "Spentz gets dunked, and Heath is up next!" by Kathy Flores
The Black, Red, White and Blue anniversary soccer tournament teams are friendly rivals.
0615 - "Soccer tournament teams" by O'Sheg Oshinowo
The Black Team emerged victorious from the anniversary tournament. Look at those cool t-shirts!
0615 - "Soccer champs" by O'Sheg Oshinowo
It's Nur Nuruzzaman versus Sergey Los and Vladimir Shiltsev (background).
0615 - "Serve!" by Tom Nicol
A bison overlooks a happy trio.
0615 - "Selfie with bison" by Tom Nicol
Dave and Julie Vander Meulen have fun at the selfie booth.
0615 - "Selfie Booth Fun" by Julie Vander Meulen
Leah screams with excitement as people get in their places for the Fermilab 50th birthday group shot.
0615 - "Scream of Excitement" by Leticia Shaddix
Sergey Los, left, and Vladimir Shiltsev high-five each other. They've just won a badminton battle.
0615 - "Score!" by Tom Nicol
Karl Williams has a great time at the ice cream social in the atrium.
0615 - "Santa Claus or Karl Williams?" by Elliott McCrory
Dixon enjoys a beverage at the after-party in the Fermilab Village for Fermilab's 50th.
0615 - "Roger Dixon at the Village party" by Elliott McCrory
Roger and Marilyn enjoy looking at the artwork in the Fermilab Art Gallery during the Fermilab 50th celebration.
0615 - "Roger and Marilyn Dixon" by Leticia Shaddix
Rob Roser gets ready for the next pitch.
0615 - "Rob Roser, Rob Roser, send Roser right over" by Tom Nicol
Party-goers perform a circle dance on the lawn.
0615 - "Ring in the party" by Tom Nicol
A giddy Rick Tesarek waits in the cool atrium before going out into the hot weather for the Fermilab group photo.
0615 - "Rick Tesarek" by Leticia Shaddix
A bean-bag-toss player collects the bags for the next round.
0615 - "Retrieval" by Tom Nicol
Jose De la O reminds Mark Bollinger of his participation in the dunk tank.
0615 - "Reminding Mark Bollinger" by Leticia Shaddix
The colorful sign reminds us that today is a party day!
0615 - "Reminder!" by Tom Nicol
Reidar Hahn is up on the roof, prepping to take the 50th anniversary picture of the gathered employees.
0615 - "Reidar up on the roof" by Julie Vander Meulen
Reidar invites all to come be part of the Fermilab 50th birthday celebration picture.
0615 - "Reidar Hahn" by Leticia Shaddix
Looks like Nigel is trying to hurry Jose along ... andale pues - hurry up Jose!
0615 - "Reading the Itinerary for the Festivities" by Leticia Shaddix
Ray says hey!!
0615 - "Ray Fonseca in the House" by Leticia Shaddix
Reidar Hahn and Lauren Biron excitedly prepare for the festivities!
0615 - "Preparing for the Festivities" by Leticia Shaddix
Piggyback rides at the 50th anniversary employee celebration.
0615 - "Piggyback rides" by Valerie Higgins
Director Nigel Lockyer takes a picture of the crowd.
0615 - "Picturing the crowd" by Tom Nicol
Mark Bollinger's excitement gets the better of him as he photobombs the pic taken by lab Director Nigel Lockyer.
0615 - "Photoboming" by Leticia Shaddix
Felix Yu knows that, while battle each other on the court, we wish each other peace off the court.
0615 - "Peace on the court" by Tom Nicol
Paul Gentry recently retired from the lab, but he couldn't miss the party.
0615 - "Paul Gentry recently retired from the lab, but he couldn't miss the party" by Amy Scroggins
You can never have enough Fermilab t-shirts.
0615 - "Need One of Those T's" by Leticia Shaddix
Ming-Jen Yang of the Accelerator Division's Main Injector Department enjoys a moment at the Fermilab 50th birthday party in the atrium.
0615 - "Ming-Jen Yang" by Elliott McCrory
I take a picture of Mark and Mark takes a picture of me. Happy 50th Fermilab!
0615 - "Mark Kaletka" by Leticia Shaddix
Anadi and Marco of the CMS Department relax for a bit and enjoy the festivities.
0615 - "Marco Verzacchi and Anadi Canepa" by Leticia Shaddix
John Hatfield puts more hot dogs on the grill for the Fermilab 50th after-party in the Village.
0615 - "Making hot dogs" by Elliott McCrory
Time for the Fermilab photo. Look up everyone!
0615 - "Looking up" by Leticia Shaddix
Anne Heavey looks though a solar telescope at the sun. This device was provided by Greg Cisko for everyone to see during the Fermilab 50th birthday party. It was set up south of Ramsey Auditorium.
0615 - "Looking at the sun" by Elliott McCrory
Daughter sees something to the right, mother to the left.
0615 - "Look over that way, mom" by Tom Nicol
The smiles say it all: Lisa and Kurt Riesselmann and Valerie Higgins, in the background enjoy the afterparty.
0615 - "Lisa and Kurt" by Tom Nicol
Linda Valerio and her kids enjoy the warm evening sun.
0615 - "Linda Valerio and children" by Tom Nicol
Lidija Kokoska and Charley Hess smile for the camera.
0615 - "Lidija and Charley" by Tom Nicol
There ought to be more dancing in the world, as there was on June 15. In the foreground, Nicola McConkey partners with Doug Jensen in a folk dance. In the background are Elizabeth Keppel and Vijay Iyer.
0615 - "Let's dance" by Tom Nicol
Here's the individual who organized the June 15 shindigs and shebangs: Lauren Biron.
0615 - "Lauren Biron, show runner extraordinaire" by Tom Nicol
Lauren uses a megaphone to direct the people in the Fermilab blue t-shirts to stand in on the dots in the center ... it was no easy task ... HA.
0615 - "Lauren Biron" by Leticia Shaddix
Sergey Koshelev and Alexey Kochemirovskiy loved showing the photographer how much fun they are having celebrating Fermilab's 50th birthday!
0615 - "Koshelev and Kochemirovskiy hamming for the camera" by Amy Scroggins
Fermilab fellowship and friendship forever.
0615 - "Kent Collins, Randy Ortgiesen and Barb Kristen" by Leticia Shaddix
Katie Yurkewicz takes a cell-phone picture of Kent Collins, Randy Ortgiesen, Joe Pygott and Karen Kosky at the Fermilab 50th birthday party in Wilson Hall.
0615 - "Katie takes a picture" by Elliott McCrory
Jose welcomes you to the Fermilab festivities.
0615 - "Jose De la O" by Leticia Shaddix
John Myer, general counsel, is the first dunkee of the evening.
0615 - "John Myer, dunkee" by Tom Nicol
Cooling off after the Fermilab photo in the atrium along with hundreds of Fermilab folks.
0615 - "JJ Schmidt and Aria Soha" by Leticia Shaddix
Jimmy Mac jams out.
0615 - "Jimmy! Jimmy! Oh, Jimmy Mac!" by Tom Nicol
Jesus Orduna holds is happy son tight.
0615 - "Jesus and son" by Tom Nicol
Jim Ranson seems to flick the bean bag away.
0615 - "Into the pocket with you" by Tom Nicol
It's all the rage.
0615 - "Inflatable headwear" by Tom Nicol
This Fermilab firefighter waits to put his fire out with the delicious ice cream provided after the photo.
0615 - "Ice Cream" by Leticia Shaddix
Ice cream, good for the soul.
0615 - "Ice Cream" by Leticia Shaddix
50th anniversary ice cream social
0615 - "I scream, you scream ..." by Kris Brandt
This photograph was taken on the first floor of Wilson Hall when the ice cream social was in full swing.
0615 - "I hope he got some ice cream" by Amy Scroggins
This is a shot of Nick Gurley getting ready for a shot.
0615 - "I am not giving away this shot" by Tom Nicol
Horst says hello Fermilab, and happy birthday!
0615 - "Horst Friedsam" by Leticia Shaddix
Dan Hooper's lecture in the Undergraduate Lecture Series was filled with folks ready to run out to join the big group photo in front of Wilson Hall. Notice all the "Fermilab 50" t-shirts.
0615 - "Hooper lectures prior to the group photo" by Elliott McCrory
Sylvia Gonzalez snaps a picture of Reidar looking down from the very top of the Wilson Hall building with her cell phone.
0615 - "Hey, There's Reidar!" by Leticia Shaddix
How much fun is it to play badminton outside? Jenny Teng and Nur Nuruzzaman know the joy.
0615 - "Here comes the birdie" by Tom Nicol
Hema Ramamoorthi enjoys a cool dip in the water on Fermilab's 50th birthday.
0615 - "Hema!" by Tom Nicol
Patrick Fox's son enjoys the view from atop his dad's shoulders.
0615 - "Head and shoulders" by Tom Nicol
Harvey can't get enough of those toppings.
0615 - "Harvey Bruch" by Leticia Shaddix
The Drug Sniffing Dogs playing at the 50th anniversary celebration!
0615 - "Happy Birthday, Fermilab!" by Mehreen Sultana
Clearly the Telecom Department is having too much fun!
0615 - "Happy Birthday Fermilab!"
Hanging with the firemen!
0615 - "Hanging with the firemen!" by Kathy Flores
Patrick Fox is ready to go snorkeling in the tank.
0615 - "Going snorkeling" by Tom Nicol
Marco Mambelli was among the participants in the go-as-slow-as-you-can bike race held during the June 15 afterparty — a harder-than-it-sounds competition from a more-brilliant-than-mine mind.
0615 - "Go slow" by Tom Nicol
Mary Convery relishes being a dunkee.
0615 - "Go Mary!" by Tom Nicol
Getting lined up for the 50th photo.
0615 - "Getting ready for the employee photo" by Kathy Flores
Hello Georgia!
0615 - "Georgia Schwender" by Leticia Shaddix
Taking in the party.
0615 - "Fun in the summertime" by Tom Nicol
Friends enjoy refreshments at the Frontier Pub for during the afterparty. From left: Martina Martinello, Mattia Checchin, Kavin Ammigan, Cory Crowley, Paolo Berrutti, Giuseppe Gallo
0615 - "Friends at the pub" by Tom Nicol
From left: Clécio De Bom from Centro Brasileiro Des Pesquisas Fisicas; Sheila Amaral, postdoc; Gabriela Lima, who works in the Fermilab daycare; Guilherme Lima, a Fermilab scientist and husband to Gabriela; Louise Lima is Gabriela and Guilherme's daughter; and Márcia Lima is Guilherme's sister, who is visiting. All are having a wonderful time celebrating Fermilab's 50th birthday.
0615 - "Friends and Family Celebrate Fermilab 50th Birthday" by Leticia Shaddix
Sunshine, food, good company, grass — all the elements of an enjoyable picnic.
0615 - "Food and conversation" by Tom Nicol
Fire Department Logo and Patch
0615 - "Fire Department Logo" by Derek Piec
Front row: Moe, Larry and Curly. Back row: Carrie Farver, Margaret LeKander and Anita Menz-Cwiklik.
0615 - "Fermilab's 50th Birthday Party Selfie Booth" by Martha Garcia
Other folks enjoy playing Fermilab trivia in the Curia II conference room.
0615 - "Fermilab Trivia" by Leticia Shaddix
Folks flock for Fermilab T's.
0615 - "Fermilab T-Shirts" by Leticia Shaddix
Fermilab is 50!
0615 - "Fermilab is 50!" by Amy Scroggins
The people get a good laugh when they hear Jose De la O remind Mark Bollinger of his dunk tank turn.
0615 - "Fermilab Folks" by Leticia Shaddix
Happy 50th birthday Fermilab, and may you have many more!
0615 - "Fermilab Birthday Cards" by Jenny Teng
Many hands prepare to make this 50th birthday celebration one of the best days ever!
0615 - "Fermilab Atrium Preparations" by Jenny Teng
The Summer Internships in Science and Technology, SIST, interns enjoy their ice cream at the Fermilab 50th birthday party.
0615 - "Fermilab 50 Party in the Atrium: SIST Interns" by Elliott McCrory
Rich Andrews of the Accelerator Division has a pleasant conversation in the atrium.
0615 - "Fermilab 50 Party in the Atrium: Rich Andrews" by Elliott McCrory
A fancy floral fan keeps St. Charles resident and NIU student Ashli Fain stylishly cool.
0615 - "Fancy fan" by Tom Nicol
The eye in the sky belongs to Reidar Hahn.
0615 - "Eye in the sky" by Tom Nicol
Just enjoying the ice cream provided after the group photo.
0615 - "Enjoying the Ice Cream" by Leticia Shaddix
Hm. I'll sign up to throw a ball 4:40, 5:10 and 6:20 p.m.
0615 - "Dunk tank schedule" by Tom Nicol
"I'm not duowning!" says Duane Newhart, who couldn't appear happier to be the final dunkee of the evening.
0615 - "Duane the dunk tank" by Tom Nicol
Duane Newhart tries to fend off would-be dunkers at the 50th anniversary employee celebration.
0615 - "Duane in the dunk tank" by Valerie Higgins
Drug Sniffing Dogs is the evening's headliner.
0615 - "Drug Sniffing Dogs" by Tom Nicol
It's nice to talk outside over drinks. From left: Leonard Ristori, Carlo Santini, Giorgio Ambrosio
0615 - "Drinks and conversation" by Tom Nicol
Everyone's sporting cool specs, including Karie Badgley, left, and Leah Poffenberger.
0615 - "Cool shades" by Tom Nicol
Kirstyn Carlson, a summer co-op student with the Particle Physics Division Mechanical Department, is soldering RTDs on a thermal mockup of CMS 2S module. She is in the Lab C cleanroom at SiDet.
0615 - "CMS Work at SiDet" by Leticia Shaddix
From left: Theorists Kiel Howe, Zhen Liu, Gordan Krnjaic and Patrick Fox raise their cups to the esteemed Chris Quigg, who, a good sport himself, wishes them no ill will though a dunking is imminent.
0615 - "Chris Quigg and company" by Tom Nicol
The cheering section for Nur Nuruzzaman witness a fantastic throw.
0615 - "Cheers and applause" by Tom Nicol
A balloon escaped during the after party.
0615 - "Blue balloon" by Marco Mambelli
Birthday festivities begin.
0615 - "Birthday festivities begin" by Valerie Higgins
Josh Norris' bean bag is coming at you!
0615 - "Bean bag toss" by Tom Nicol
John Myer is at bat.
0615 - "Batter up" by Tom Nicol
Kurt Krempetz is retired from Fermilab, but he came out for the barnstormer demo.
0615 - "Barnstormer demo" by Tom Nicol
The Fermilab 50th celebration included some games. Here are some folks playing the bag toss game.
0615 - "Bag Toss" by Leticia Shaddix
Jim Jenkins, 2017 artist-in-residence, gives a presentation to employees.
0615 - "Artist-in-Residence Jim Jenkins" by Georgia Schwender
Anne Mary Teichert and Valerie Higgins give art gallery talk "A Lasting Mark" to employees.
0615 - "Art Gallery Talk" by Georgia Schwender
Mercedes Scott, Andrew Federowicz, Gary Van Zandbergen and Rhonda Merchut of FESS Engineering.
0615 - "Architects contemplating carpet color for Wilson Hall" by Lee Hammond
The Fermilab 50th birthday group photo has been taken. Time to break it up.
0615 - "After the Shot" by Leticia Shaddix
A gathering of a small group of friends is just as cheering as that of a crowd of hundreds. From left: Franco di Ciocchis, Donato Passarelli, Silvia Zorzetti
0615 - "A small group of friends" by Tom Nicol
People look at the Angela Gonzales artwork.
0615 - "A Lasting Mark - Fermilab Art Gallery" by Georgia Schwender
... horseshoes! So let's play!
0615 - "'Almost' only counts in ..." by Tom Nicol
The calm before the storm of the 50th anniversary employee celebration.
0614 - "The calm before the storm of the 50th anniversary employee celebration" by Valerie Higgins
Hosted by MINERvA's own Minerba Betancourt! Featuring Steve Hahn and Debbie Harris!
0614 - "Neutrino Social" by Mehreen Sultana
Andrew Lathrop installed an inexpensive camera in a smaller nitrogen dewar to test the performance of a pump located inside the liquid-nitrogen Dewar. He can then monitor it on his laptop. Cool stuff!
0614 - "Monitoring Pump Inside Liquid-Nitrogen Dewar" by Leticia Shaddix