The Daily Images From Fermilab, or DIFF, aims to collect at least one photograph taken at Fermilab every day in 2017 — the 50th year of the laboratory. Anyone with a mobile phone or camera can take a picture to be part of the project.
Fermilab staff, users and others are wielding their devices to help chronicle this landmark year: the people and the work on exciting physics projects being developed here — the beautiful Fermilab site, its buildings, landscapes and wildlife through the seasons.
Scroll through to see snapshots of Fermilab at 50.
Beautiful sunrise as I headed into work. Corner of Receiving and Batavia roads.
1128 - "Sunrise delight" by Maredith Stoffel
The mink that's no longer missing.
0910 - "The missing mink" by Stephen Baginski
In this picture, Adam Anderson of the Particle Physics Division Astrophysics Dark Matter and Initiatives Group is setting up and testing readout electronics and detectors that will be deployed on the South Pole Telescope in November of this year.
0905 - "Testing Readout Electronics and Detectors" by Leticia Shaddix
The green heron is keeping a watchful eye on me.
0904 - "The watchful eye" by Stephen Baginski
Turtle on Main Ring Road near C-3.
0904 - "Tevatron Turtle" by Derek Piec
Amana orange, Kellogg's breakfast, oxheart, to name a few.
0904 - "Last Harvest" by Georgia Schwender
Fermilab family enjoys the holiday.
0904 - "Family Time" by Derek Plant
Enjoying the bison
0904 - "Bison" by Maredith Stoffel
Enjoying the Showing out-of-town family around Fermilab
0903 - "Touring Fermilab" by Maredith Stoffel
Thistle blossom with some insects.
0903 - "Thistles and bugs" by Derek Plant
Hawk watches over Eola Road near the control gate by Site 3
0903 - "The Eye in the Sky" by Derek Piec
A couple of deer out for a stroll.
0903 - "Hello Deer!" by Donna Iraci
Mr. Froggy went to the Green Heron's place for breakfast and was the breakfast.
0903 - "Good to the last foot" by Stephen Baginski
Dipole magnets in the MI60 high bay.
0903 - "Dipole Magnets at MI60" by John Kuharik
is beautiful
0902 - "The prairie" by Georgia Schwender
A bee harvests nectar.
0902 - "Busy" by Derek Plant
A nifty little Mazda RX5 two-seater is parked near Wilson Hall, which is reflected in the hood.
0901 - "Mazda and Wilson" by Elliott McCrory
Have a great Labor Day weekend!
0831 - "Labor Day" by Leticia Shaddix
Julie Vander Meulen enjoys the Technical Division annual picnic.
0831 - "Julie Vander Meulen enjoys the Technical Division annual picnic" by Thomas Nicol
Ryan Campbell helps volunteers identify and sort seeds for planting on the prairie.
0830 - "Wednesday Warriors" by Georgia Schwender
On right, Mike Roman of the Particle Physics Division Detector Development and Operations Department and Dylan Frizzell from Argonne National Laboratory work on measuring pixel sensor modules for ATLAS in the Lab C cleanroom at SiDet.
0830 - "Measuring Pixel Sensor Modules" by Leticia Shaddix
50th Anniversary Planning
0830 - "High-Level Communications" by Derek Piec
At Playgroup, Anna Elementi decorates an owl with beans, lentils and rice during craft time. Playgroup meets every Wednesday in the Fermilab Village. Everyone is welcome.
0830 - "Craft time at Playgroup" by Jessica Jensen
Compass flowers are blooming en masse around the site right now, and the pollinators are out in force! This picture was taken on the Main Injector road between MI10 and MI20 using my phone.
0830 - "Bee on a Compass Flower" by Marty Murphy
View from the top of the Bubble Chamber
0829 - "Wilson Hall" by Adrian Marquez
Praying mantis looks like it is all hopped up on Mountain Dew!
0829 - "Meet my little green friend" by Ed Dijak
Batavia residents enjoy a quick game of hide and seek.
0829 - "Hide and seek" by Derek Plant
Foggy Fermilab sunrise, west entrance
0829 - "Good Morning Fermilab" by Bridgett Pygott
John Najdzion (using the power washer) and Adrian Marquez, both of the Particle Physics Detector Development and Operations Department, work on making the Bubble Chamber, in the SiDet courtyard, shiny and bright by giving it a power-washing bath.
0829 - "Bubble Chamber Bath" by Leticia Shaddix
This comic was found on the whiteboard in the cafeteria. Fermilab folks can be very creative!
0828 - "Science is fun!" by Eileen Berman
This is a view of the NuMI Target Hall taken from atop the workcell looking upstream. The shielding blocks over the tops of target and horns' respective "T-blocks" are open in preparation for survey and alignment and electrical work. All of this work is part of the 2017 summer accelerator shutdown period for maintenance and development. Several technicians, engineers and physicists have completed jobs in this enclosure, which is over 150 feet underground. I took this photo with my phone toward the end of the day.
0828 - "NuMI Target Hall" by Marty Murphy
Ryan Frantzen, left, and Martin Valenzuela remove some branches from the trees outside Ramsey Auditorium in preparation for the Open House next month.
0828 - "Cleaning up for the Open House" by Elliott McCrory
What do you see between the trees? The high-rise of course. You can see the high-rise from many areas on site.
0828 - "Between the Trees" by Leticia Shaddix
From Jim's garden at Fermilab
0827 - "Heirloom vegetables" by Georgia Schwender
Adam Lister of Lancaster University in the UK sits shift for MINERvA in ROC West on a quiet Saturday afternoon.
0826 - "On shift in ROC West" by Elliott McCrory
Lily ponds near DZero
0826 - "Lilies" by William Bardeen
Olivia Lahs-Bour stands next to the Fermilab logo created by Angela Gonzales, her mother.
0826 - "At the last Art Gallery talk by Anne Mary Teichert" by Georgia Schwender
The beans at the photographer's garden plot in the Fermilab Garden Club are ready to pick.
0825 - "The beans are coming in" by Elliott McCrory
Is it an outhouse or is it the burned vacuum circuit breaker cabinet at MI-60?
0825 - "Outhouse Breaker" by Robyn Madrak Plant
Daily sunrise pic
0825 - "Daily Sunrise" by Adrian Marquez
These blue cornflowers adorn the roadsides and fence rows every summer and early fall.
0825 - "Cornflower blue" by Thomas Nicol
Hard rock concrete cutters work at removing concrete and steel pillars that once held up the Bubble Chamber in the Lab B pit at SiDet.
0825 - "Concrete and Steel" by Leticia Shaddix
View from Wilson Hall
0825 - "Almost Symmetric" by Alejandro Ramírez Delgado
Can't get enough of this sculpture.
0824 - "Tractricious Sculpture" by Leticia Shaddix
SBN-ND Building
0824 - "SBN-ND Building" by Kathy Flores
Walking toward IARC...
0824 - "IARC Building" by Simona Rolli
daily pic
0824 - "Daily Sunrise" by Adrian Marquez
Question: Category: Jobs for $50..."while at work I hang out and keep all my tools within arms reach." Answer: What is a Wilson Hall window washer?
0823 - "Wilson Hall Window Washer" by Albert Dyer
Take 5 for safety
0823 - "Safety first" by Bridgett Pygott
Mr. Froggy sits in the early sunlight waiting for breakfast to fly by.
0823 - "Mr. Froggy" by Stephen Baginski
From left: Renan Silva Soares, undergraduate from the Universidade Federal Do ABC, Brazil, and Dante Totani, Ph.D. student from University of L'Aquila, are testing a SIPM, or silicon photomultiplier, a part of light detector for the DUNE experiment.
0823 - "DUNE Testing" by Leticia Shaddix
I was walking to the car when I noticed this bee on a flower outside of MI65. Took the picture with my phone.
0823 - "Bumblebee on a Purple Flower" by Marty Murphy
Wilson Hall is dwarfed by giant plant-life.
0823 - "After-work prairie walk" by Lauren Biron
Great day to do windows!
0822 - "Window washers" by Kathy Flores
Take a little walk down the lovely Margaret Pearson Memorial Trail, also known as the Fermilab Interpretive Trail. You'll love it!
0822 - "Take a Little Walk" by Leticia Shaddix
Osprey searches for next catch on Ring Road.
0822 - "Osprey searching for next catch" by Timothy Chapman
Wilson Hall eclipse over window washers.
0821 - "Wilson Hall Eclipse" by Jessica Jensen
Some of the Technical Division's brightest stars gather to watch the solar eclipse!
0821 - "Watching the solar eclipse"
A group of Fermilab employees and users watches the eclipse from the courtyard outside the cafeteria. The sun, partially covered by the moon, is visible also on Wilson Hall windows.
0821 - "Watching the eclipse from and into Wilson Hall" by Marco Mambelli
The ICARUS trip!
0821 - "ICARUS has arrived!" by Kathy Flores
21-inch smallmouth bass
0821 - "Friend..." by Peter Garbincius
Eclipse through the clouds behind Wilson Hall.
0821 - "Eclipse" by Valerie Higgins
Kevin Fahey, Jack Fowler, Jim Niehoff, David Montanari, Chris Mossey, and Jolie Macier (left to right), look upward to the eclipse during a break at an LBNF design review at the Sanford Underground Research Facility in Lead, South Dakota.
0821 - "Eclipse viewing from the Sanford Underground Research Laboratory" by Thomas Nicol
Intermittent image due to cloud cover, but when it was mostly clear we could watch the clouds pass across out line of sight to the sun. The video is awesome I took with my phone!
0821 - "Eclipse Projection / Safe Observation" by Mr. Ed
A cloudy sky allowed to see the slice of the sun on Wilson Hall's partially reflecting windows.
0821 - "Eclipse on Wilson Hall" by Marco Mambelli
Monday's solar eclipse, reflected through the two lenses of a pair of protective sunglasses.
0821 - "Cool Guy Eclipse" by Kelli Rubrecht
People watch the solar eclipse in front of Wilson Hall.
0821 - "Cloudy Eclipse" by Emil Huedem
Waiting for the total eclipse on a mostly cloudy day.
0821 - "#MobileMonday" by Maredith Stoffel
Frog in pond on Ring Road.
0820 - "Frog" by Timothy Chapman
Little do the citizens of Earth know that in less than 48 hours, the moon will be blocking, for a moment, the source of their heat and light.
0819 - "The sun" by Elliott McCrory
Sunrise Eola Road.
0819 - "Sunrise Eola Rd" by Timothy Chapman
Artwork by Angela Gonzales
0819 - "Artwork by Angela Gonzales" by Kathy Flores
David Butler shows off the walk-in oven at Lab 3 in the Village.
0818 - "The walk-in oven at Lab 3" by Elliott McCrory
Phil Crabtree and John Anderson III show off the enclosure keys they needed that day for vacuum work they were doing.
0818 - "Technicians and keys" by Christine Ader
In response to my picture with Phil and John with all their enclosure keys, John took this photo and said: "We decided to get some blue and purple keys."
0818 - "More keys" by John Anderson III
A bumblebee visits flowers behind Aspen East.
0818 - "Busy" by Derek Plant
A fun crew Friday Night for the party, "In Front of the Barn"
0818 - "Brazilian Party" by Luciano Elementi
The Particle Physics Division have their picnic today at Kuhn Barn. On the right, Patricia McBride, head of the division, welcomes folks to the picnic. Dee Hahn, PPD/DDOD; and Callie Surber, PPD Office, hand out raffle tickets.
0817 - "Welcome To the PPD Picnic" by Leticia Shaddix
SUSY Swan, new Fermilab Theory Department mascot, watches over the Director's Coffee Break.
0817 - "SUSY Swan" by Valerie Higgins
Aleksey Akimov carefully installs a 3.9-gigahertz superconducting radio-frequency cavity into the Horizontal Test Stand at MDB.
0817 - "More work getting done" by Derek Plant
Evening at the pasture
0817 - "Evening at the pasture" by Kathy Flores
Beautiful view from east Booster parking lot.
0817 - "Beautiful view from east Booster parking lot" by Shailesh Khole
Tyler Drendel works on Muon Campus instrumentation devices, including PWC proportional wire chambers and ion chambers at NWA.
0816 - "Working on instrumentation devices at NWA" by Christine Ader
Getting ready for the eclipse on Monday. Using a transit to project the image of the sun onto a pad of paper. Basic concept works ... now it's time for some refinements to the apparatus before the big day!
0816 - "Work in progress" by Ed Dijak
Wilson Hall and the new lily pads
0816 - "Wilson Hall and the new lily pads" by Julie Vander Meulen
0816 - "Wildflowers" by Kathy Flores
Life in the village.
0816 - "Papa bear, Momma bear...." by Derek Plant
A beautiful start to the day as the sun comes up over the fields by Wilson Street.
0816 - "Morning Fog" by Maredith Stoffel
Geese on the tennis courts after the rain
0816 - "Game - Set - Match" by Jessica Jensen
The LHC Physics Center guest and visitors from Texas Tech University, along with Zotlan Gecse and Maral Alyari from Fermilab, work in the Lab C cleanroom at SiDet. They are working on the CMS testing Co2 cooling performance of the cassette for the CMS high-granularity calorimeter. From left: Samila Muthumuni, TTU; Tielige Mengke, TTU; Zoltan Gecse, Fermilab CMS; Kamal Lamichhane, TTU; Maral Alyari, Fermilab CMS.
0816 - "CMS Work" by Leticia Shaddix
This willow tree at Site 58 has the prettiest twist to it.
0815 - "Willow Tree" by Leticia Shaddix
The Fermilab gym recently acquired some new equipment, including this squat rack. It's the best!
0815 - "New gym equipment" by Leah Hesla
0815 - "Mutual aid to Geneva, Illinois" by Derek Piec
Morning walk in foggy sunrise
0815 - "Morning walk in foggy sunrise" by Timothy Chapman
Armando Barboza polishes vacuum flanges on PIP-II 325-MHz superconducting half-wave resonators at Lab 2.
0815 - "Infectious Grin" by Derek Plant
Matt Crawford of Fermilab, Barry Glicklich. In the background, the gamer on the far right is Bill Tannenbau. On the far left is Howard Sanders.
0815 - "Fermilab Game Night" by Katherine Lato
Dana Smith of the carpenter shop fixes up a small conference room at Site 38 OPS.
0815 - "Dana Smith working hard" by Maredith Stoffel
Alignment of the LCLS-II cavity string to vessel
0815 - "Alignment of the LCLS II" by Gary Teafoe
Rise and shine!
0814 - "Rise and Shine!" by Kathy Flores
Bob Barger performs instrument calibration at PAB.
0814 - "Quest To Quantify" by Derek Plant
Luna moth on the ground just outside of AZero. Credit to Matt Alverez for pointing it out and not accidentally stepping on it!
0814 - "Luna Moth Up Close" by Troy Petersen
Monday morning
0814 - "Foggy mornings" by Adrian Marquez
Cloud reflections
0814 - "Cloud reflections" by Timothy Chapman
Bison eat in the evening while the sun is peeking through the clouds.
0814 - "Bison in the evening" by Marco Mambelli
Baby swallows wait for the parents to return at AP0.
0814 - "Baby swallows wait for the next meal" by Steve Carrigan
Beetle-like creatures swarm on a daisy-like weed in the wide median on Pine Street. Wilson Hall is in the background.
0813 - "Ew!" by Elliott McCrory
Fermilab Garden
0812 - "Tendril on a Zucchini Plant" by Georgia Schwender
I've always enjoyed that Fermilab continues in its Illinois heritage by allowing the use of part of its open space by local farmers to grow and harvest corn and beans.
0812 - "Fermilab corn crop" by Thomas Nicol
Guess where.
0812 - "Enterprise" by Derek Plant
Welcome to the world Baby #11!
0811 - "Welcome to the world Baby #11!" by Kathy Flores
0811 - "Reflection" by Derek Plant
Main Ring Pond near C-0
0811 - "Main Ring Pond Foliage" by Derek Piec
Fermilab Photo Club celebrates its 50th anniversary today at the Water Street Studios exhibit opening. The studios feature photos that have been taken at Fermilab by many of the Photography Club members.
0811 - "Laura Paterno and Marty Murphy" by Leticia Shaddix
The opening reception for the 50th Anniversary Fermilab Photo Club Show at Water Street Studios in Batavia.
0811 - "Fermilab Photo Club Show" by Lynn Garren
Early morning before the moon had set.
0810 - "Wilson Hall and the Moon" by Stephen Baginski
Wasp of Fermilab Fire Department's glass firetruck.
0810 - "Wasp on a windshield" by Derek Piec
Patience abounds while waiting for wildlife.
0810 - "Waiting for Wildlife" by Kim Mazur
Sump in pbar
0810 - "Sumpterranean Homesick Blues" by Robyn Madrak Plant
The yellows, purples, pinks and whites of August.
0810 - "Summer flowers" by Valerie Higgins
Ryan Kos, vet tech intern, works on the Linac Marx generator.
0810 - "Ryan Kos and Marx" by Robyn Madrak
ICARUS has arrived!
0810 - "ICARUS is here!" by Kathy Flores
The face only a mother could love.
0810 - "Black Swallowtail"
Momma bird waits for me to stop taking pictures of her babies so she can feed them. SiDet residents.
0810 - "Barn Swallows" by Leticia Shaddix
A beautiful sunrise
0809 - "Sunrise today" by Al Lilianstrom
Ring ride at lunch time. I love the contrast in colors between the sky, clouds and greenery.
0809 - "Ring Ride" by Leticia Shaddix
Dew on ornamental grass sparkles in the morning sunlight.
0809 - "Morning Dew" by Barbara Kristen
The path was busy on this beautiful day!
0809 - "Lunchtime Walk"
Looking northwest
0808 - "The view from Wilson Hall 9 West" by Lynn Garren
Dr. Don Lincoln, Fermilab physicist, concludes the Undergraduate Summer Lecture Series on "A Theory of Everything: Are We There Yet?"
0808 - "That's All, Folks" by Leticia Shaddix
Naked Ladies aka surprise lilies, Lycoris squamigera planted in front of The Outback at DZero
0808 - "Naked Ladies in front of The Outback!" by Edward Dijak
Why dragon fly when you can dragon sit on a bench?
0808 - "Dragonflazy" by Lauren Biron
One of hundreds of bees on the Russian sage along the Outback at DZero.
0808 - "Bee all you can be ..." by Ed Dijak
Spotted in Wilson Hall cafeteria, east side
0807 - "Profit!?" by Aaron Sauers
The morning sun on the evening moon flower at The Outback
0807 - "Moon Flower" by Ed Dijak
The full moon is visible between the branches of the willow tree next to Batavia Road.
0807 - "Full moon through the willow tree" by Marco Mambelli
So many cool looking things at SiDet. I asked Javier Tiffenberg of the Particle Physics Division Astrophysics Department what this is. He explained to me that this is an engineering replica of the Dark Energy Camera focal plane. It was used during the construction of the DECam instrument that is installed in Chile in the telescope that is being used for the Dark Energy Survey. #MobileMonday
0807 - "An Engineering Replica of the DECam Focal Plane" by Leticia Shaddix
Flowers outside of Wilson Hall on the east side.
0806 - "Summer Colors at Wilson Hall" by Laura Paterno
A parent osprey sits in a tree while a juvenile flies around asking for food.
0806 - "Osprey sitting in a tree" by Stephen Baginski
Heron on Outer Ring Road
0806 - "Heron on Outer Ring Road" by Timothy Chapman
Zucchini plants in the Fermilab Garden
0805 - "Holding On" by Georgia Schwender
Today participants of the past week DPF meetings and Fermilab employees tour different labs at SiDet, ending with some sorbet and a group picture in front of the Bubble Chamber.
0804 - "SiDet Tours" by Leticia Shaddix
Last day of Phriendly Physics Teacher Workshop.
0804 - "Phriendly Physics Workshop" by Laura Paterno
Phriendly Physics Workshop toured the IB3 facility. This is part of the magnet assembly process.
0803 - "IB3 Magnet Production" by Laura Paterno
One of today's DPF speakers in 1 West was Enhao Song from the University of Virginia. He spoke on "A Neural Network Trigger for Magnetic Monopoles with the NOvA Far Detector."
0803 - "DPF Speaker Enhao Song" by Leticia Shaddix
Collecting seeds for prairie restoration with Fermilab Natural Areas volunteers.
0802 - "Wednesday Morning Warriors" by Georgia Schwender
Walking the Main Ring at lunchtime, we saw these lilies in a Main Ring cooling pond.
0802 - "Main Ring Cooling Pond Lilies" by Christine Ader
Doug Berry of the University of Illinois at Chicago gives a talk on behalf of the CMS collaboration.
0802 - "DPF Talks" by Leticia Shaddix
Butterfly hanging around Playgroup at Kuhn Barn
0802 - "Butterfly at Playgroup" by Jessica Jensen
... flock together.
0802 - "Birds of a feather..."
Tony Tong, from Harvard University, enjoys todays physics talks at the DPF 2017 meetings.
0801 - "Enjoying the Physics Talks" by Leticia Shaddix
I was on the back of a golf cart when I took this picture when I was inspecting the F Sector conversion from ion pumps to turbo pumps shutdown work in the Tevatron tunnel.
0731 - "Tevatron F Sector Conversion from Ion Pumps to Turbo Pumps Inspection Tour" by Christine Ader
The 2017 Division of Particles and Fields meeting is held this year at Fermilab beginning July 31 through August 4, 2017. Here Keisuke Yoshihara gives a 10-minute talk on particle physics at today's start of the DPF meetings.
0731 - "Talk on Particle Physics" by Leticia Shaddix
Blooming American lotus and a glimpse of Wilson Hall
0731 - "Lotus in the afternoon" by Eileen Crowley
Flowers of the compass plants along the path between IARC and Wilson Hall on a beautiful Sunday evening in July.
0730 - "Compass plant flowers" by Thomas Nicol
A Saturday morning gardening, organic and mostly heirloom.
0729 - "Lucid gem grown by Jim Simone" by Georgia Schwender
The one in the front is a cryogenic magnet, and the two behind are helium refrigerators. They caught my eye when I walked into Lab B.
0728 - "Oohh, Shiny Sciencey Stuff" by Leticia Shaddix
Early morning light on the Ramsey Auditorium and Wilson Hall
0728 - "Early morning light" by Stephen Baginski
Looking like a leaf in the middle of Blackhawk Boulevard in the morning is dangerous business! This one was helped reaching closer to Dusaf Pond.
0728 - "Crawfish crossing the road" by Luciano Elementi
ICARUS is now at Fermilab!
0727 - "ICARUS...It's Here" by Leticia Shaddix
Feathers and egg
0727 - "Feathers and Egg"
This caterpillar decided to cross Main Ring Road during lunch. We carried him to safety.
0727 - "Caterpillar on Main Ring Road" by Christine Ader
Jim Annis of the Scientific Computing Division points out something interesting in his talk on the LIGO experiment and related cosmological ideas. The audience is undergraduate interns at Fermilab. The three students in the front, just behind Annis, are Andrea Bryant, Kevin Ingles and Leonardo Rodriguez.
0727 - "Annis lectures on cosmology" by Elliott McCrory
A group of students take some time off from their tour to relax in front of Wilson Hall.
0726 - "Skipping stones and flying kites" by Jamieson Olsen
ICARUS heads toward the Neutrino Campus.
0726 - "ICARUS on site" by Michael Utes
Just listen...
0726 - "Bee Balm and Bee" by Georgia Schwender
At lunch I sat and admired this beautiful barn.
0726 - "Barn - Site 67" by Leticia Shaddix
Robert Barger, on left, of the Neutrino Division Technical Support Department and Greg Tatkowski of the Particle Physics Mechanical Department discuss hooking up a temporary Dewar at SiDet.
0725 - "Temporary Dewar at SiDet" by Leticia Shaddix
Underground Utilities
0725 - "If only I had X-ray vision!" by Bridgett Pygott
Fermilab intern Marika McGee shows off her new, Fermilab-themed fingernails.
0725 - "Fermilab nails" by Elliott McCrory
This amphibian visitor was found in the ladies' washroom at SiDet. Cute, isn't it!
0724 - "Amphibian Visitor" by Leticia Shaddix
Martha Michels, Dave Esterquest and Chuck Kuhn discuss 50th-anniversary plans with first responders.
0724 - "50th Anniversary Planning" by Derek Piec
Trees and blackbirds in golden light
0723 - "Trees and blackbirds in golden light" by Timothy Chapman
Wilson Hall At Dusk
0722 - "Wilson Hall Rests"
Michael McGee is showing off his operator's t-shirt during the Operator's Reunion Party. Marty Murphy and Nick Gurly designed and drew the design on the back of the shirt.
0722 - "Operators' Reunion Party" by Christine Ader
Multiple generations of operators gathered at Kuhn barn for a reunion pig roast on Saturday, July 22. Over 100 current and former operators attended, along with their respective families. The unique nature of the accelerator operators' job — the long hours, rotating shift work, considerable training regimen, working weekends and holidays, and being with the same crew for months or years — creates a camaraderie rare in most other fields. This was evident by the great distances traveled for some who attended. Former ops came from Indiana, Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota, Kansas, Virginia, Georgia, Arizona, Utah, New Mexico, Oregon, California and Illinois. Our motto is "Once an Operator, Always an Operator." A great time was had by all.
0722 - "Once an Operator, Always an Operator" by Marty Murphy
Blooming flower near ring road
0722 - "Blooming flower" by Timothy Chapman
Anne Mary Teichert talking to visitors during the Art Gallery tour of "A Lasting Mark: Angela Gonzales at Fermilab."
0722 - "Art as science outreach" by Georgia Schwender
Cell phone picture of some wildflowers on the side of C-D Road.
0721 - "Wildflowers" by Leticia Shaddix
Tree branch on a power line off Giese Road.
0721 - "Tree Branch on Power Line" by Derek Piec
Approaching severe thunderstorm from the northwest at Wilson Hall
0721 - "Severe Thunderstorm Warning" by Derek Piec
Bo Jaytilaka is a speaker for the Summer Undergraduate Lecture Series. He speaks on scientific computing at Fermilab.
0720 - "Scientific Comptuing at Fermilab" by Leticia Shaddix
The morning rains left puddles on the water lilies in the Wilson Hall reflecting pond.
0720 - "Puddles in the Pond" by Thomas Kroc
A pair of green herons perch near the Main Ring.
0720 - "Green heron pair" by Troy Petersen
Checking out the morning view atop Acqua Alle Funi.
0719 - "Rise and Shine" by Joe Pygott
Watching Anne Heavey and Andrew Dalesandro give the Light and Color school presentation in St. Charles.
0719 - "Light and Color" by Lynn Garren
The LArIAT collaboration
0719 - "LArIAT Collaboration" by Veronica Pronitcheva
Summer students Arielle Pfeil and Marlene Ortega, left of the picture, and visitor Katie Chennault of Olivet Nazarene University enjoy a lovely summer day outside in the SiDet courtyard.
0719 - "Enjoying Lunch Outdoors" by Leticia Shaddix
Linda Valerio gives a talk at the Summer Lecture Series on the engineering of accelerators and does an excellent job.
0718 - "Summer Lecture with Linda Valerio" by Leticia Shaddix
Osprey chicks ready to fledge
0718 - "Osprey Chicks" by Timothy Chapman
Muon Campus - M5 beamline elements staged for installation. These magnets were originally part of the Antiproton Source.
0718 - "Magnets are Reused" by Marty Murphy
A damselfly stands on a rock adjacent to the Wilson Hall parking lot.
0718 - "Damselfly" by Gordon Koizumi
Sue Quarto and Maredith Stoffel and growing some wonderful produce to share with our coworkers in a few weeks!
0717 - "The Garden at Site 38" by Maredith Stoffel
Exploring a passageway in the the main ring tunnel near DZero. The Fermilab scientists and engineers in this group are training to become DZero tour guides.
0717 - "Exploring the Main Ring tunnel" by Jamieson Olsen
The upcoming Linac Marx modulator has 54 active cells, each of which needs three lengths of fiber optic cable to transmit the charge, fire and status signals. Cutting the cables is easy; keeping each of the 54 sets organized is the tough part.
0717 - "Charge, Fire, Status" by Kelli Rubrecht
This thistle is pretty, even if it is a weed. #Mobile Monday
0717 - "A Thistle Weed" by Leticia Shaddix
Pond lilies - Outer Ring Road
0716 - "Pond lilies" by Timothy Chapman
The old Bubble Chamber on display in the court yard by Lab B
0715 - "The Bubble Chamber" by Stephen Baginski
Representing Fermilab at the Windmill City Festival in Batavia.
0715 - "At the Windmill City Festival" by Lynn Garren
Stuffing name badges for the upcoming DPF Conference at Fermilab from July 31-Aug. 4.
0714 - "Stuffing Name Badges" by Leticia Shaddix
The wildflowers near the Lederman Education Center.
0714 - "Queen Anne's Lace" by Elliott McCrory
Stan Johnson takes on a controlled blaze during fire extinguisher training, hosted by the Fermilab Fire Department.
0714 - "Fire Extinguisher Training" by Kelli Rubrecht
Typical assortment of keys needed in a day in the life of an RF Group technician during shutdown.
0713 - "The keys of a shutdown" by Daren Plant
Gary Smith prepares brats for a summer cookout at the BEG building.
0713 - "Summer cookout" by Barbara Kristen
Facing the camera, Ashton Cattenhead of Facilities Engineering Services Section and Joseph McDermott of the Fermilab Natural Areas weed the sustainable plants in front of the IARC building.
0713 - "Outdoor Cleanup" by Leticia Shaddix
The old modulator at Station 2 of the linac is being dismantled so it can be replaced by a new Marx Modulator.
0713 - "Out with the old" by Thomas Kroc
Dr. Mark Pankuch Northwestern Medicine Chicago Proton Center in Warrenville discusses how to engage students in the ideas of Medical Physics with Teacher Research Associate TRAC Sundaram Thirukkurungundi. Pankuch was the lecturer today in the Undergraduate Summer Lecture Series, speaking on the topic "Cancer treatment with accelerators."
0713 - "A medical physicist converses with a high school teacher" by Elliott McCrory
From left: Arielle Pfeil, Cory Cotter and Andrea Bryant, three of this year's Fermilab summer students, stop at my desk for a snack.
0712 - "Snack Time" by Leticia Shaddix
Kate Sienkiewicz examines the operation of a 3-D printer while touring the Polsky Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the University of Chicago. Meredith Ament, left, looks on.
0711 - "Examining a 3-D printer at UChicago's Polsky Center" by Elliott McCrory
That little insect never had a chance.
0711 - "Caught in a Spider's Web" by Leticia Shaddix
The TARGET high school interns spend a moment during their first day at work, their orientation day, to get to know each other on the Wilson Hall second-floor crossover.
0710 - "The TARGET interns get aquainted" by Elliott McCrory
Storm fronts approach the Lederman Science Education Center, with Broken Symmetry in the background.
0710 - "Ominous Approach" by Laura Paterno
Looking up Wilson Hall on a sunny morning.
0709 - "Reach for the sky" by Derek Piec
The same old service building from back in January. The green grass has grown and the air is warm, but the sweeping marks on the wall still remain.
0708 - "Windswept Part II" by Kelli Rubrecht
A green heron and a great blue heron wait for breakfast to come by.
0708 - "Two Herons" by Stephen Baginski
Xiao Luo, David Caratelli and Kurt Riesselmann sit in the Remote Operations Center West in Wilson Hall and participate via video conference in Neutrino Day 2017 at Sanford Lab in South Dakota. They are explaining the particle tracks that Fermilab's MicroBooNE detector records using the same liquid-argon technology that scientists will use for the 70,000-ton particle detectors of the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment at Sanford Lab.
0708 - "Helping with Neutrino Day" by Sheila Cisko
Irma Campos and Jose De La O conduct science demonstrations for children at the Fermilab booth at the Railroad Days Festival in West Chicago.
0708 - "Fermilab booth at Railroad Days in West Chicago" by Jose De La O
The continuous electrical ramp in the Main Injector orange falls to zero as the 2017 summer shutdown begins. This will be a period of maintenance and upgrades for the accelerator complex.
0707 - "Shutdown!" by Kelli Rubrecht
A beautiful summer sky is reflected in a DZero building window.
0707 - "Reflections of a sky" by Barbara Kristen
Morning fog
0706 - "Morning fog" by Timothy Chapman
Linac power
0706 - "Linac Power" by Derek Piec
I like to park by Kidney Pond because it's so picturesque. Yesterday as I got ready to leave, I came upon this heron, and I interrupted this turtle's picnic, apparently. I tried to get a picture of the two together but the turtle was too fast. Yes, really.
0706 - "Heron and turtle at Kidney Pond" by Amy Scroggins
Geese, water, flags and Wilson Hall in July
0706 - "Geese Approaching" by Katherine Lato
Egrets and ducks on the water close to Fermilab's east gate
0706 - "Egrets and ducks on water" by Marco Mambelli
Control Room door at CMTF
0706 - "Door Guard"
Egrets and other waterfowl enjoy the clearing made in the cattails at A.E. Sea.
0706 - "'Egrets? I've had a few.'" by Paula Lambertz
The inside of ROC East, highlighting the CMS artwork on the south wall by Xavier Cortada and Pete Markowitz. The meaning of this artwork can be found at
0705 - "The CMS Remote Operations Center, East - ROC-East" by Elliott McCrory
Two that didn't make it.
0705 - "Fermi Lake"
Egrets, herons and cranes gather in a new mowed down, marshy area at Fermilab.
0705 - "Cool New Hangout Spot" by Josh O'Connell
Linac accelerator
0705 - "Cockcroft Walton" by Derek Piec
This is a composite of various firework photos captured from atop Wilson Hall.
0704 - "Independence Day Fireworks Over Batavia from Wilson Hall" by Marty Murphy
Single shot of Batavia fireworks from 13th floor Wilson Hall
0704 - "Independence Day Fireworks from inside Wilson Hall" by Katherine Lato
Fireworks go off in the distance, with the Feynman Computing Center in the foreground.
0704 - "Fireworks in the Distance" by Laura Paterno
The Teachers Research Associates participants for 2017: Jeffrey Breiten, Amanda Whaley, Subdaram Thirukkurungundi, Petar Kesic, Joanne Bader, and Emmanuel Aldana. This program is coordinated by Harry Cheung.
0703 - "The TRAC Interns for 2017" by Elliott McCrory
Not for human consumption!
0703 - "Poisonous Mushrooms" by Derek Piec
Having fun learning about perspective with the IARC building.
0702 - "Fun with Perspective" by Laura Paterno
Two coyote siblings having fun.
0702 - "Coyote puppies" by Stephen Baginski
Morning in July
0702 - "Bike Path and Road on a Quiet Sunday" by Katherine Lato
Heron in the Main Ring pond
0701 - "Heron" by Timothy Chapman
Wildflowers bloom outside of the Transfer Gallery, near Ramsey Auditorium.
0630 - "Wildflower" by Elliott McCrory
Scaffolding stairs down to the future detector.
0630 - "SBN/Far Detector Scaffolding Stairs" by Derek Piec
Among the offerings from the hot-beverage vending machine in the Wilson Hall atrium is CHI tea. I have to believe it's a pun.
0630 - "CHI tea" by Leah Hesla
Rainbow from IARC in the evening
0629 - "Rainbow From IARC" by Vikas kumar Jain
The projection screen inside the ROC East was removed this morning, making the view a lot nicer.
0629 - "New look for the CMS ROC East" by Harry Ferguson
One of the many reasons working at Fermilab is amazing!
0629 - "Early morning playtime" by Patricia Marsh
Marco Bonati works in the Lab A cleanroom with bits and pieces for the DESI detector testing.
0629 - "DESI Bits n Pieces" by Leticia Shaddix
Not easy to stay dry on this rainy day.
0628 - "Trying to Stay Dry" by Leticia Shaddix
Pat Riehecky explains yum repositories.
0628 - "Linux at Fermilab meeting" by Lynn Garren
Today's Summer Lecture Series speaker, Marc Weinberg, right, engages in a postlecture discussion of the Higgs boson with three summer interns at Fermilab. The interns are Marlene Ortega, Katie Chennault and Bernadette Haig.
0627 - "Talking about the Higgs Boson" by Elliott McCrory
Meet Callie Surber! Callie has been at Fermilab since May 2017 and works with the Particle Physics Administrative Support Group in the Particle Physics Division office.
0627 - "Meet Callie Surber" by Leticia Shaddix
Erica Snider, Gianluca Petrillo, Hans Wenzel, Jason Stock
0627 - "LArSoft Meeting" by Katherine Lato
CMS pixels prototype FCP 130 ASIC has initial testing performed by Lou DalMonte of the Particle Physics Division Electrical Engineering Department in FCP 130 test lab, Wilson Hall, 14th floor.
0627 - "Initial Test" by Albert Dyer
This heron is a little camera shy.
0627 - "Heron on the Reflecting Pond" by Eileen Berman
John E. Anderson III helped conduct a test on a 12-inch bellows installed in the Tevatron to see if the bellows can be reused elsewhere.
0627 - "Conducting a bellows test in the accelerator tunnel" by Christine Ader
Wilson Hall
0626 - "Wilson Hall" by Aaron Sauers
It's like Bob Ross painted the sky above Wilson Hall - so many happy little clouds!
0626 - "Wilson Hall panorama" by Lauren Biron
Marc Paterno of the Computing Division still working hard at the end of a long day.
0626 - "Happy Birthday" by Laura Paterno
The clematis is the BEG south courtyard is in full and glorious bloom.
0626 - "Clematis" by Barbara Kristen
Maral Alyari of the Particle Physics Division Compact Muon Solenoid Department and Petar Kesic with the Summer TRAC Teacher program discuss the “Big Pink Foam” located in the Lab C cleanroom, which is being used for testing the HGCal cassette tubings for CMS phase 2 upgrade. #MobileMonday
0626 - "Big Pink Foam" by Leticia Shaddix
Cherry picking of data: Bad. Cherry picking of, well, cherries: Delicious! Elliott McCrory and the photographer have had a bumper crop of cherries at the Fermilab garden this year.
0625 - "Cherry picking" by Joanne McCrory
Bird goes airborne from the back of one of the Fermilab bison.
0625 - "Bison birds" by Elliott McCrory
Fermilab attracts many visitors, especially when the weather is beautiful.
0624 - "Visiting Fermilab" by Eileen Berman
Jose Sepulveda contemplates the age of this rock.
0624 - "Conquering rocks in the Village" by Mehreen Sultana
Anne Mary Teichert talks about Angela Gonzales'"Lasting Mark" at Fermilab.
0624 - "Art Gallery talk and tour" by Georgia Schwender
In this picture Bert Gonzalez is performing an inspection of the first 2S thermal mockup he assembled and mounted into a cooling frame for the CMS upgrade.
0623 - "CMS Upgrade Work" by Leticia Shaddix
Inside view of the colorful Lab A dome.
0622 - "Inside Lab A" by Emil Huedem
John Anderson reminds the folks in the Accelerator Division about our common-sense safety procedures in preparation for the coming shutdown period.
0622 - "Accelerator Division All-Hands Meeting" by Elliott McCrory
Taking a walk on Road B at lunchtime.
0621 - "The Long and Winding Road" by Maredith Stoffel
Bert Gonzalez from the Particle Physics Division Detector Development and Operation Department and R&D Assembly Department works in the Lab D cleanroom at SiDet. He is assembling a precision silicon plane. This is work for others.
0621 - "Assembling Sensors" by Leticia Shaddix
It looks like those thick dark clouds will touch the Bubble Chamber.
0620 - "Thick Dark Clouds" by Leticia Shaddix
Erica Snider standing, workshop attendees
0620 - "Question time at the LArSoft Workshop" by Katherine Lato
A cloudy, Midwestern sky over the bison field.
0620 - "Big Sky Country" by Elliott McCrory
Marlene Ortega is a Summer student working for Daniel Bowring. She is working at SiDet in Lab B doing some testing on different materials.
0619 - "Marlene Ortega" by Leticia Shaddix
A dickcissel sitting on a branch waiting for his true love to show up.
0619 - "Dickcissel" by Stephen Baginski
Feeding swallows
0618 - "Feeding swallows" by Timothy Chapman
The art work of Angela Gonzales
0617 - "The art work of Angela Gonzales" by Kathy Flores
The 2017 Fermilab Fishing Derby!
0617 - "Fermilab Fishing Derby" by Denton Morris
Clouds over Wilson Hall
0617 - "Clouds over Wilson Hall" by Timothy Chapman
Looking down from the 15th floor on Saturday, June 17, 2017, all that is left from the celebration is the DOTS.
0617 - "50 DOTS!" by Maredith Stoffel
A redwing blackbird eats seeds from roadside grasses.
0616 - "Redwing Blackbird" by Barbara Kristen
Lori Haseltine from the Workforce Development and Resources Section, Education Office, assists Anatoly Ronzhin in purchasing some Fermilab T-shirts for family members.
0616 - "Lederman Science Center" by Leticia Shaddix
Chalk dust from old equations buffs a Fermilab chalkboard like a pale rouge.
0616 - "Dust" by Kelli Rubrecht
Debbie takes a short break.
0616 - "Debbie Gomez working at Frontier Pub" by Kathy Flores
Ice cream in the atrium for the 50th anniversary employee celebration.
0615 -"Ice cream in the atrium" by Valerie Higgins
Zoltan waits patiently for the Fermilab photo to be taken.
0615 - "Zoltan Gecse" by Leticia Shaddix
Jamie Santucci helps operate the dunk tank event while a dunker gets ready to pitch.
0615 - "Winding up to dunk" by Tom Nicol
Talent abounds during the afterparty.
0615 - "Who's on the bill tonight?" by Tom Nicol
When the party is over but you're not ready to go home yet...
0615 - "When the party is over but you're not ready to go home yet..." by Amy Scroggins
0615 - "We are 50" by Reidar Hahn
People smile and wave their hands as they are photographed by Reidar Hahn, who is at the top of the high-rise. Excitement all around.
0615 - "Wave Your Hands In The Air ... Picture Time!" by Leticia Shaddix
As the excitement builds, people get ready for Reidar to take the Fermilab's 50th birthday group picture.
0615 - "Waiting to be Photographed" by Leticia Shaddix
People in the horseshoe waiting for the 50th anniversary group picture.
0615 - "Waiting for the picture 2" by Marco Mambelli
People in the horseshoe wait for the 50th anniversary group picture.
0615 - "Waiting for the picture 2" by Marco Mambelli
People in the horseshoe waiting for the 50th anniversary group picture.
0615 - "Waiting for the picture 1" by Marco Mambelli
Anne Heavey winds up for the dunk!
0615 - "Throw it!" by Tom Nicol
The unfolding of a dunking at the 50th anniversary employee celebration.
0615 - "The unfolding of a dunking" by Valerie Higgins
Terry Hart contemplates perhaps how he might complete a perfect game.
0615 - "The pitcher" by Tom Nicol
A large fraction of Fermilab's employees gather in front of Wilson Hall for a group shot. The group that organized this photograph was Harry Ferguson, Lauren Biron, Kimberly Pearce, Kathrine Cipriano, Robert J. O'Sullivan, Kelly Dombrowski, Luz Jaquez, Marilyn Franck and Rosette A Mace.
0615 - "The Official Group Photo of the Fermilab 50" by Reidar Hahn
Delicious ice cream toppings were served on the ever popular round table in the cafeteria.
0615 - "The Ice Cream Toppings Round Table" by Leticia Shaddix
Visitor-scientist Teppei Katori enjoys his bowl of ice cream.
0615 - "Teppei Katori" by Leticia Shaddix
Taking selfies while waiting for group picture!
0615 - "Taking selfies with our Firemen" by Kathy Flores
Employees line up to get their T-shirts for the 50th anniversary photo.
0615 - "T-Shirts" by Barbara Kristen
A beautiful sunset caps an enjoyable day celebrating Fermilab's 50th anniversary.
0615 - "Sunset" by Barbara Kristen
Stephany Unruh dares the next person in line to dunk her.
0615 - "Stephany asks, What's up?" by Tom Nicol
Happy 50th birthday Fermilab!!
0615 - "Standing on this dot ensured my spot in Fermilab history" by Amy Scroggins
From left: Stacey Lindeman and Mari Mendez chill out during the June 15 afterparty.
0615 - "Stacey and Mari" by Tom Nicol
Spentz gets dunked, and Heath is up next!
0615 - "Spentz gets dunked, and Heath is up next!" by Kathy Flores
The Black, Red, White and Blue anniversary soccer tournament teams are friendly rivals.
0615 - "Soccer tournament teams" by O'Sheg Oshinowo
The Black Team emerged victorious from the anniversary tournament. Look at those cool t-shirts!
0615 - "Soccer champs" by O'Sheg Oshinowo
It's Nur Nuruzzaman versus Sergey Los and Vladimir Shiltsev (background).
0615 - "Serve!" by Tom Nicol
A bison overlooks a happy trio.
0615 - "Selfie with bison" by Tom Nicol
Dave and Julie Vander Meulen have fun at the selfie booth.
0615 - "Selfie Booth Fun" by Julie Vander Meulen
Leah screams with excitement as people get in their places for the Fermilab 50th birthday group shot.
0615 - "Scream of Excitement" by Leticia Shaddix
Sergey Los, left, and Vladimir Shiltsev high-five each other. They've just won a badminton battle.
0615 - "Score!" by Tom Nicol
Karl Williams has a great time at the ice cream social in the atrium.
0615 - "Santa Claus or Karl Williams?" by Elliott McCrory
Dixon enjoys a beverage at the after-party in the Fermilab Village for Fermilab's 50th.
0615 - "Roger Dixon at the Village party" by Elliott McCrory
Roger and Marilyn enjoy looking at the artwork in the Fermilab Art Gallery during the Fermilab 50th celebration.
0615 - "Roger and Marilyn Dixon" by Leticia Shaddix
Rob Roser gets ready for the next pitch.
0615 - "Rob Roser, Rob Roser, send Roser right over" by Tom Nicol
Party-goers perform a circle dance on the lawn.
0615 - "Ring in the party" by Tom Nicol
A giddy Rick Tesarek waits in the cool atrium before going out into the hot weather for the Fermilab group photo.
0615 - "Rick Tesarek" by Leticia Shaddix
A bean-bag-toss player collects the bags for the next round.
0615 - "Retrieval" by Tom Nicol
Jose De la O reminds Mark Bollinger of his participation in the dunk tank.
0615 - "Reminding Mark Bollinger" by Leticia Shaddix
The colorful sign reminds us that today is a party day!
0615 - "Reminder!" by Tom Nicol
Reidar Hahn is up on the roof, prepping to take the 50th anniversary picture of the gathered employees.
0615 - "Reidar up on the roof" by Julie Vander Meulen
Reidar invites all to come be part of the Fermilab 50th birthday celebration picture.
0615 - "Reidar Hahn" by Leticia Shaddix
Looks like Nigel is trying to hurry Jose along ... andale pues - hurry up Jose!
0615 - "Reading the Itinerary for the Festivities" by Leticia Shaddix
Ray says hey!!
0615 - "Ray Fonseca in the House" by Leticia Shaddix
Reidar Hahn and Lauren Biron excitedly prepare for the festivities!
0615 - "Preparing for the Festivities" by Leticia Shaddix
Piggyback rides at the 50th anniversary employee celebration.
0615 - "Piggyback rides" by Valerie Higgins
Director Nigel Lockyer takes a picture of the crowd.
0615 - "Picturing the crowd" by Tom Nicol
Mark Bollinger's excitement gets the better of him as he photobombs the pic taken by lab Director Nigel Lockyer.
0615 - "Photoboming" by Leticia Shaddix
Felix Yu knows that, while battle each other on the court, we wish each other peace off the court.
0615 - "Peace on the court" by Tom Nicol
Paul Gentry recently retired from the lab, but he couldn't miss the party.
0615 - "Paul Gentry recently retired from the lab, but he couldn't miss the party" by Amy Scroggins
You can never have enough Fermilab t-shirts.
0615 - "Need One of Those T's" by Leticia Shaddix
Ming-Jen Yang of the Accelerator Division's Main Injector Department enjoys a moment at the Fermilab 50th birthday party in the atrium.
0615 - "Ming-Jen Yang" by Elliott McCrory
I take a picture of Mark and Mark takes a picture of me. Happy 50th Fermilab!
0615 - "Mark Kaletka" by Leticia Shaddix
Anadi and Marco of the CMS Department relax for a bit and enjoy the festivities.
0615 - "Marco Verzacchi and Anadi Canepa" by Leticia Shaddix
John Hatfield puts more hot dogs on the grill for the Fermilab 50th after-party in the Village.
0615 - "Making hot dogs" by Elliott McCrory
Time for the Fermilab photo. Look up everyone!
0615 - "Looking up" by Leticia Shaddix
Anne Heavey looks though a solar telescope at the sun. This device was provided by Greg Cisko for everyone to see during the Fermilab 50th birthday party. It was set up south of Ramsey Auditorium.
0615 - "Looking at the sun" by Elliott McCrory
Daughter sees something to the right, mother to the left.
0615 - "Look over that way, mom" by Tom Nicol
The smiles say it all: Lisa and Kurt Riesselmann and Valerie Higgins, in the background enjoy the afterparty.
0615 - "Lisa and Kurt" by Tom Nicol
Linda Valerio and her kids enjoy the warm evening sun.
0615 - "Linda Valerio and children" by Tom Nicol
Lidija Kokoska and Charley Hess smile for the camera.
0615 - "Lidija and Charley" by Tom Nicol
There ought to be more dancing in the world, as there was on June 15. In the foreground, Nicola McConkey partners with Doug Jensen in a folk dance. In the background are Elizabeth Keppel and Vijay Iyer.
0615 - "Let's dance" by Tom Nicol
Here's the individual who organized the June 15 shindigs and shebangs: Lauren Biron.
0615 - "Lauren Biron, show runner extraordinaire" by Tom Nicol
Lauren uses a megaphone to direct the people in the Fermilab blue t-shirts to stand in on the dots in the center ... it was no easy task ... HA.
0615 - "Lauren Biron" by Leticia Shaddix
Sergey Koshelev and Alexey Kochemirovskiy loved showing the photographer how much fun they are having celebrating Fermilab's 50th birthday!
0615 - "Koshelev and Kochemirovskiy hamming for the camera" by Amy Scroggins
Fermilab fellowship and friendship forever.
0615 - "Kent Collins, Randy Ortgiesen and Barb Kristen" by Leticia Shaddix
Katie Yurkewicz takes a cell-phone picture of Kent Collins, Randy Ortgiesen, Joe Pygott and Karen Kosky at the Fermilab 50th birthday party in Wilson Hall.
0615 - "Katie takes a picture" by Elliott McCrory
Jose welcomes you to the Fermilab festivities.
0615 - "Jose De la O" by Leticia Shaddix
John Myer, general counsel, is the first dunkee of the evening.
0615 - "John Myer, dunkee" by Tom Nicol
Cooling off after the Fermilab photo in the atrium along with hundreds of Fermilab folks.
0615 - "JJ Schmidt and Aria Soha" by Leticia Shaddix
Jimmy Mac jams out.
0615 - "Jimmy! Jimmy! Oh, Jimmy Mac!" by Tom Nicol
Jesus Orduna holds is happy son tight.
0615 - "Jesus and son" by Tom Nicol
Jim Ranson seems to flick the bean bag away.
0615 - "Into the pocket with you" by Tom Nicol
It's all the rage.
0615 - "Inflatable headwear" by Tom Nicol
Ice cream, good for the soul.
0615 - "Ice Cream" by Leticia Shaddix
This Fermilab firefighter waits to put his fire out with the delicious ice cream provided after the photo.
0615 - "Ice Cream" by Leticia Shaddix
50th anniversary ice cream social
0615 - "I scream, you scream ..." by Kris Brandt
This photograph was taken on the first floor of Wilson Hall when the ice cream social was in full swing.
0615 - "I hope he got some ice cream" by Amy Scroggins
This is a shot of Nick Gurley getting ready for a shot.
0615 - "I am not giving away this shot" by Tom Nicol
Horst says hello Fermilab, and happy birthday!
0615 - "Horst Friedsam" by Leticia Shaddix
Dan Hooper's lecture in the Undergraduate Lecture Series was filled with folks ready to run out to join the big group photo in front of Wilson Hall. Notice all the "Fermilab 50" t-shirts.
0615 - "Hooper lectures prior to the group photo" by Elliott McCrory
Sylvia Gonzalez snaps a picture of Reidar looking down from the very top of the Wilson Hall building with her cell phone.
0615 - "Hey, There's Reidar!" by Leticia Shaddix
How much fun is it to play badminton outside? Jenny Teng and Nur Nuruzzaman know the joy.
0615 - "Here comes the birdie" by Tom Nicol
Hema Ramamoorthi enjoys a cool dip in the water on Fermilab's 50th birthday.
0615 - "Hema!" by Tom Nicol
Patrick Fox's son enjoys the view from atop his dad's shoulders.
0615 - "Head and shoulders" by Tom Nicol
Harvey can't get enough of those toppings.
0615 - "Harvey Bruch" by Leticia Shaddix
The Drug Sniffing Dogs playing at the 50th anniversary celebration!
0615 - "Happy Birthday, Fermilab!" by Mehreen Sultana
Clearly the Telecom Department is having too much fun!
0615 - "Happy Birthday Fermilab!"
Hanging with the firemen!
0615 - "Hanging with the firemen!" by Kathy Flores
Patrick Fox is ready to go snorkeling in the tank.
0615 - "Going snorkeling" by Tom Nicol
Marco Mambelli was among the participants in the go-as-slow-as-you-can bike race held during the June 15 afterparty — a harder-than-it-sounds competition from a more-brilliant-than-mine mind.
0615 - "Go slow" by Tom Nicol
Mary Convery relishes being a dunkee.
0615 - "Go Mary!" by Tom Nicol
Getting lined up for the 50th photo.
0615 - "Getting ready for the employee photo" by Kathy Flores
Hello Georgia!
0615 - "Georgia Schwender" by Leticia Shaddix
Taking in the party.
0615 - "Fun in the summertime" by Tom Nicol
Friends enjoy refreshments at the Frontier Pub for during the afterparty. From left: Martina Martinello, Mattia Checchin, Kavin Ammigan, Cory Crowley, Paolo Berrutti, Giuseppe Gallo
0615 - "Friends at the pub" by Tom Nicol
From left: Clécio De Bom from Centro Brasileiro Des Pesquisas Fisicas; Sheila Amaral, postdoc; Gabriela Lima, who works in the Fermilab daycare; Guilherme Lima, a Fermilab scientist and husband to Gabriela; Louise Lima is Gabriela and Guilherme's daughter; and Márcia Lima is Guilherme's sister, who is visiting. All are having a wonderful time celebrating Fermilab's 50th birthday.
0615 - "Friends and Family Celebrate Fermilab 50th Birthday" by Leticia Shaddix
Sunshine, food, good company, grass — all the elements of an enjoyable picnic.
0615 - "Food and conversation" by Tom Nicol
Fire Department Logo and Patch
0615 - "Fire Department Logo" by Derek Piec
Front row: Moe, Larry and Curly. Back row: Carrie Farver, Margaret LeKander and Anita Menz-Cwiklik.
0615 - "Fermilab's 50th Birthday Party Selfie Booth" by Martha Garcia
Other folks enjoy playing Fermilab trivia in the Curia II conference room.
0615 - "Fermilab Trivia" by Leticia Shaddix
Folks flock for Fermilab T's.
0615 - "Fermilab T-Shirts" by Leticia Shaddix
Fermilab is 50!
0615 - "Fermilab is 50!" by Amy Scroggins
The people get a good laugh when they hear Jose De la O remind Mark Bollinger of his dunk tank turn.
0615 - "Fermilab Folks" by Leticia Shaddix
Happy 50th birthday Fermilab, and may you have many more!
0615 - "Fermilab Birthday Cards" by Jenny Teng
Many hands prepare to make this 50th birthday celebration one of the best days ever!
0615 - "Fermilab Atrium Preparations" by Jenny Teng
The Summer Internships in Science and Technology, SIST, interns enjoy their ice cream at the Fermilab 50th birthday party.
0615 - "Fermilab 50 Party in the Atrium: SIST Interns" by Elliott McCrory
Rich Andrews of the Accelerator Division has a pleasant conversation in the atrium.
0615 - "Fermilab 50 Party in the Atrium: Rich Andrews" by Elliott McCrory
A fancy floral fan keeps St. Charles resident and NIU student Ashli Fain stylishly cool.
0615 - "Fancy fan" by Tom Nicol
The eye in the sky belongs to Reidar Hahn.
0615 - "Eye in the sky" by Tom Nicol
Just enjoying the ice cream provided after the group photo.
0615 - "Enjoying the Ice Cream" by Leticia Shaddix
Hm. I'll sign up to throw a ball 4:40, 5:10 and 6:20 p.m.
0615 - "Dunk tank schedule" by Tom Nicol
"I'm not duowning!" says Duane Newhart, who couldn't appear happier to be the final dunkee of the evening.
0615 - "Duane the dunk tank" by Tom Nicol
Duane Newhart tries to fend off would-be dunkers at the 50th anniversary employee celebration.
0615 - "Duane in the dunk tank" by Valerie Higgins
Drug Sniffing Dogs is the evening's headliner.
0615 - "Drug Sniffing Dogs" by Tom Nicol
It's nice to talk outside over drinks. From left: Leonard Ristori, Carlo Santini, Giorgio Ambrosio
0615 - "Drinks and conversation" by Tom Nicol
Everyone's sporting cool specs, including Karie Badgley, left, and Leah Poffenberger.
0615 - "Cool shades" by Tom Nicol
Kirstyn Carlson, a summer co-op student with the Particle Physics Division Mechanical Department, is soldering RTDs on a thermal mockup of CMS 2S module. She is in the Lab C cleanroom at SiDet.
0615 - "CMS Work at SiDet" by Leticia Shaddix
From left: Theorists Kiel Howe, Zhen Liu, Gordan Krnjaic and Patrick Fox raise their cups to the esteemed Chris Quigg, who, a good sport himself, wishes them no ill will though a dunking is imminent.
0615 - "Chris Quigg and company" by Tom Nicol
The cheering section for Nur Nuruzzaman witness a fantastic throw.
0615 - "Cheers and applause" by Tom Nicol
A balloon escaped during the after party.
0615 - "Blue balloon" by Marco Mambelli
Birthday festivities begin.
0615 - "Birthday festivities begin" by Valerie Higgins
Josh Norris' bean bag is coming at you!
0615 - "Bean bag toss" by Tom Nicol
John Myer is at bat.
0615 - "Batter up" by Tom Nicol
Kurt Krempetz is retired from Fermilab, but he came out for the barnstormer demo.
0615 - "Barnstormer demo" by Tom Nicol
The Fermilab 50th celebration included some games. Here are some folks playing the bag toss game.
0615 - "Bag Toss" by Leticia Shaddix
Jim Jenkins, 2017 artist-in-residence, gives a presentation to employees.
0615 - "Artist-in-Residence Jim Jenkins" by Georgia Schwender
Anne Mary Teichert and Valerie Higgins give art gallery talk "A Lasting Mark" to employees.
0615 - "Art Gallery Talk" by Georgia Schwender
Mercedes Scott, Andrew Federowicz, Gary Van Zandbergen and Rhonda Merchut of FESS Engineering.
0615 - "Architects contemplating carpet color for Wilson Hall" by Lee Hammond
The Fermilab 50th birthday group photo has been taken. Time to break it up.
0615 - "After the Shot" by Leticia Shaddix
A gathering of a small group of friends is just as cheering as that of a crowd of hundreds. From left: Franco di Ciocchis, Donato Passarelli, Silvia Zorzetti
0615 - "A small group of friends" by Tom Nicol
People look at the Angela Gonzales artwork.
0615 - "A Lasting Mark - Fermilab Art Gallery" by Georgia Schwender
... horseshoes! So let's play!
0615 - "'Almost' only counts in ..." by Tom Nicol
The calm before the storm of the 50th anniversary employee celebration.
0614 - "The calm before the storm of the 50th anniversary employee celebration" by Valerie Higgins
Hosted by MINERvA's own Minerba Betancourt! Featuring Steve Hahn and Debbie Harris!
0614 - "Neutrino Social" by Mehreen Sultana
Andrew Lathrop installed an inexpensive camera in a smaller nitrogen dewar to test the performance of a pump located inside the liquid-nitrogen Dewar. He can then monitor it on his laptop. Cool stuff!
0614 - "Monitoring Pump Inside Liquid-Nitrogen Dewar" by Leticia Shaddix
Fermilab pool on a stormy afternoon
0614 - "Fermilab pool under stormy skies" by Simona Rolli
View from the parking lot at the end of the day ...
0613 - "Wilson Hall from the parking lot ..." by Simona Rolli
The blue of Fermilab's 50th Birthday banners complements the dark, natural brown of the building's historic walnut ceiling.
0613 - "Ramsey" by Kelli Rubrecht
The Particle Physics Financial Group handle the everyday number crunching for the division and are very good at it. From left: Dale Knapp for Mu2e, Kimberly Veugeler for PPDO, Colleen Yoshikawa, Head, Jenny Teng for CMS, and Kate Rogers for PPD & Kronos. Not pictured are Corrine Vendetta, deputy head, and Kyoko Kunori for Japan.
0613 - "Particle Physics Division Financial Group" by Leticia Shaddix
Every year, the MINERvA neutrino experiment holds a three-day workshop for new students joining the experiment to learn about our physics goals, software framework and analysis techniques! We have a great group this year with lectures for both new and experienced students!
0613 - "MINERvA 101" by Mehreen Sultana
Summer interns attend the lecture by Harrison Prosper of Florida State in Ramsey Auditorium. This lecture was titled "Introduction to particle physics." From left: Keven Ewart, Makayla Trask, Elizabeth Ewart, Celeste Keith, Olivia Barron.
0613 - "Interns at the Summer Lecture Series" by Elliott McCrory
Good morning Maria Martinez!
0613 - "Good morning Maria Martinez!" by Kathy Flores
Ms. Chelydra serpentina digs a hole in preparation for egg laying.
0613 - "A Day's Work"
A beautiful warm day looking out from Wilson Hall.
0612 - "Wilson Hall Horseshoe" by Patricia Marsh
There are spools of colorful wire for general electrical use in Lab D at SiDet. #MobileMonday
0612 - "Colorful Wires" by Leticia Shaddix
Turtle near Wilson Hall
0611 - "Turtle near Wilson" by Timothy Chapman
What is missing from this image?
0610 - "What is missing?" by Amy Scroggins
The sun sets over a pasture.
0610 - "Sun setting over pasture" by Kathy Flores
Spring planting
0610 - "Spring Planting" by Timothy Chapman
Mr. Freeze Jerry Zimmerman brandishes a zip-closure bag of liquid nitrogen on the stage of Ramsey Auditorium at DASTOW 2017.
0609 - "The audience for Mr. Freeze" by Elliott McCrory
Drug Sniffing Dogs roll out some '60s music!
0609 - "Music at the Frontier Pub" by Kathy Flores
A storm is headed for the muon campus.
0609 - "MuonStorm" by Karie Badgley
Engineering Physicist Jerry Zimmerman from the Particle Physics Division, Detector Development & Operations Deptartment, AKA, Mr. Freeze, entertains and WOWs the audience with a cryogenic show at the DASTOW, or Daughters and Sons to Work Day.
0609 - "Mr. Freeze" by Leticia Shaddix
Derek "DJ" Piec Jr., son of Derek Piec of the Fermialb Fire Department, participates in DASTOW activities.
0609 - "A Child's Fascination" by Derek Piec
The Mechanical Support Department set up a 3-D printer for DASTOW to print small trinkets for the children visiting the laboratory that day.
0609 - "3-D Printing, DASTOW and the Mechanical Support Department" by Christine Ader
I've driven in the Wilson Road entrance every morning for most of my life, and this view never gets old, especially on a beautiful day like this.
0608 - "Wilson Road entrance in infrared" by Thomas Nicol
Mandy Rominsky gives a talk titled "The physics of particle detectors" in Curia II. The audience is the summer interns at Fermilab.
0608 - "Rominsky lectures to the undergraduate interns" by Elliott McCrory
Postdoc Si Xie from Caltech holds the LGAD silicon sensor that is used for the CMS precision timing detector, while Jing Zhang, a visitor from Caltech, looks over the photo she took.
0608 - "Photographing the Photographer" by Leticia Shaddix
The Proton Pagoda reflects a beautiful summer sky.
0608 - "Pagoda reflections" by Barbara Kristen
On my way to a meeting, I saw these geese marching on Booster Road between the Main Ring and the new Muon Campus.
0608 - "Geese marching on Booster Road" by Linda Valerio
Sponsored by the Department of Energy Office of Science, CCI provides 10-week summer technical training experiences for community college students. Students work with scientists or engineers on technologies or instrumentation projects related to Fermilab's research program. The six CCI participants for 2017 are Olivia Barron, Kevin Bardan, Will Brickner, David Shi, Derek Wenzel and Aly Kaplan.
0607 - "The Community College Interns CCI for 2017" by Elliott McCrory
Archivist Valerie Higgins stands next to the Enrico Fermi exhibit in Wilson Hall.
0607 - "Enrico Fermi Exhibit" by Heath O'Connell
These two retired gentlemen, Robert Trendler, left, and Merle Haldeman, both formerly of the Particle Physics Division, enjoy the 50th Anniversary Symposium held today in the Ramsey Auditorium.
0607 - "Enjoying the 50th Anniversary Symposium" by Leticia Shaddix
Twisted - Old - full of holes - but still standing ... Hey that sounds like me!
0606 - "Old trees" by Edward Dijak
These are two of the pumps for the MS2 low-conductivity water system.
0606 - "MS2 LCW Pumps" by Stephen Baginski
The initial session of the annual Undergraduate Lecture Series featured Associate Director Joe Lykken with a talk titled "Introduction to Fermilab." At the end of the talk, Lykken sat down at the edge of the stage of Ramsey Auditorium and talked with the students.
0606 - "Lykken answers questions during Summer Lecture Series" by Elliott McCrory
Designer Jim Schellpfeffer of the Particle Physics Division Detector Development and Operations Department works with the new CNC router, or computer numerical control router, that's located in the Meson Assembly building. This monster machine is used for making parts for many Fermilab experiments.
0606 - "CNC Router" by Leticia Shaddix
What a wonderful evening to honor the memory of Angela Gonzales, her artwork and the lasting mark she left at Fermilab.
0605 - "Opening reception of 'A Lasting Mark: Artist Angela Gonzales'" by Georgia Schwender
MINERvA students' synchronized dress code for presentations. It was not planned. From left: Alex Ramirez, Maya Wospakrik and Roger Galindo. Christian Nguyen is photobombing.
0605 - "New Perspectives from MINERvA!" by Mehreen Sultana
Cory Rude (left) from the University of Iowa and Orgho Neogi, who attends Cornell College but works at the University of Iowa, are undergrads working at Fermilab with the DUNE Experiment.
0605 - "Meet Cory and Orgho" by Leticia Shaddix
Ghost of Wilson Hall on 13th floor
0605 - "Ghost of Wilson Hall" by William Freeman
Shiny new electronics control a fast laser pulse used to punch a hole in the stream of Linac beam.
0604 - "Our Brand New Laser" by Kelli Rubrecht
Spending Saturday night with the moon and Jupiter. Pictured: Jose Sepulveda, moon and Jupiter.
0604 - "Grad student life in the Fermilab Village" by Mehreen Sultana
Wayne Shaddix catches a nice-sized large mouth bass in Swan Lake.
0603 - "Saturday Fishing" by Leticia Shaddix
Denton Morris and Kyle Hazelwood test out Swan Lake in preparation for the Fishing Derby on Saturday, June 17.
0602 - "Site Test for the Fermilab Fishing Derby" by Jessica Jensen
The intense look of this beautiful bird
0602 - "Proud hawk" by Luciano Elementi
Fermilab docents keep cool in the shade while waiting for their students.
0602 - "Keeping Cool!" by Kathy Flores
This nice looking Fermilab lpgo was constructed of scrap stainless steel and was designed by Cary Kendziora of the Particle Physics Division's Mechanical Department, built by Bill Miner of the Neutrino Division's Technical Support Department, and welded together by Dan Watkins of the Technical Division about 15 years ago. This logo can be found on the outside of the Proton Assembly Building, aka PAB.
0602 - "Fermilab Logo" by Leticia Shaddix
Jamieson Olsen methodically tests the Pulsar IIa prototype boards located on the 14th floor in Wilson Hall.
0601 - "Under Test" by Albert Dyer
Some photomultiplier tubes from past experiments.
0601 - "PMTs" by Leticia Shaddix
Greg Saewert and Daniil Frolov work on the front end of the PIP-II accelerator, called PIP2IT.
0601 - "PIP2IT Testing"
At the Fermilab Garden, two rows of ground cherry.
0601 - "It's planting time." by Georgia Schwender
Weekly art stakeholders meeting. Attendees are Adam Lyon, Paul Russo, Chris Green, Kyle Knopfel, Marc Paterno and Rob Kutschke standing.
0601 - "Art stakeholders meeting" by Lynn Garren
Reflections of the roof garden and the Feynman Computing Center on the windows of the IARC Building in late afternoon sun.
0531 - "IARC Reflections" by Laura Paterno
Fermilab's fireman Greg Hansen poses in his big red truck!
0531 - "Greg Hansen" by Kathy Flores
Rosemary Halenza is an on-call technician who works for Ron Lipton in CMS, and she is feverishly getting her work done!
0531 - "Gettin' Her Done!" by Leticia Shaddix
George Ginther, Dmitri Denisov, Pete Simon and Stefan Gruenendahl gather in the DZero History Room for a short meeting. They are standing in front of a DZero drift chamber.
0531 - "DZero History Room" by Barbara Kristen
Seen from Fermilab in eastern sky at 6:30 p.m. for only a few minutes. Did you know there are 12 different flavors of rainbows?
0530 - "Supernumerary Rainbow" by Josh O'Connell
More rainbow days
0530 - "Rainbows Over Lab" by Timothy Chapman
Without fail, Julius Borchert, mail clerk at Fermilab, hand delivers my mail to SiDet.
0530 - "Meet Julius" by Leticia Shaddix
Kingbird on fence
0529 - "Kingbird on wire" by Timothy Chapman
The roof of the Central Utility Building is just visible over a grassy berm.
0529 - "CUB" by Kelli Rubrecht
Amber Scroggins was very excited to catch her very first fish in Kidney Pond!
0529 - "Catching fish" by Amy Scroggins
Tradescantia ohiensis - Ohio spiderwort
0529 - "A morning walk in the prairie" by Georgia Schwender
Elliott McCrory and his wife successfully planted their tomatoes at the Fermilab Garden Club today. Now we wait for these seedlings to rise up.
0528 - "The tomatoes have been planted" by Joanne McCrory
The irises of Nina and Alexander Moibenko are in full bloom at the Fermilab Garden Club.
0528 - "Irises in full bloom" by Elliott McCrory
Clouds over berm
0528 - "Clouds" by Timothy Chapman
Heron in a tree
0527 - "Heron" by Timothy Chapman
Controls hardware for the old Cockcroft-Walton-based preaccelerator system still sits in the preacc control area, lying cold and dormant.
0527 - "Giants of the Past, Part II" by Kelli Rubrecht
Pine Street
0526 - "Pine Street" by Kathy Flores
Marc Weinberg, a postdoc with Carnegie Mellon University working on the CMS detector, uses a microscope to examine a carbon fiber cutout for the high-granularity calorimeter.Marc Weinberg, a postdoc with Carnegie Mellon University working on the CMS detector, uses a microscope to examine a carbon fiber cutout for the high-granularity calorimeter.
0526 - "Marc Examines a Carbon Fiber Cutout" by Leticia Shaddix
Bendavid gives a talk titled "Extending the physics reach of the HL-LHC with precision timing capabilities in CMS."
0526 - "Joshua Bendavid gives the Wine and Cheese Seminar" by Elliott McCrory
Beam gate valve and tuner mechanism mounted on an LCLS-II dressed cavity
0526 - "Beam gate valve and tuner mechanism" by Thomas Nicol
View of Wilson Hall from the NML Skybox meeting room
0525 - "View" by Emil Huedem
This is the underside of the Geodesic Dome in Lab A at SiDet.
0525 - "Underside of the Geodesic Dome" by Leticia Shaddix
Heading to the new Short-Baseline Neutrino Far Detector building.
0525 - "Giese Road" by Kathy Flores
The muon detectors encasing the DZero detector.
0525 - "DZero Muon Detectors" by Deborah Gulledge
With Maya!
0525 - "Death By Chocolate on National Wine Day" by Mehreen Sultana
Dee Hahn left, and Lucy Ontiveros are not deterred by the gloomy skies! Dee is all set to ride the Main Ring on her trusty bike, and Lucy, who works with Workforce Development and Resources Section in Benefits and Recreation, will give out t-shirts and snacks to the first 250 participants that either walk, run, bike or inline skate the Main Ring.
0524 - "Fermilab Health and Fitness Day" by Leticia Shaddix
Fermilab Director Nigel Lockyer says that we need to get ready for winter.
0524 - "All-hands meeting" by Elliott McCrory
Joe Curry is one of the few plant experts from Schaefer's Greenhouse that takes care of the the atrium plants and flowers. Here he is holding a beautiful orange kalanchoe.
0523 - "Wilson Hall Atrium Plants" by Leticia Shaddix
Storm clouds on Wilson Road
0523 - "Storm clouds on Wilson Road" by Timothy Chapman
Working late isn't so bad when you catch this sight on your way out.
0523 - "Double Rainbow over Wilson Hall" by Jacob Robertson
Working late is worth it when you walk out to such a beautiful sight! A vibrant double rainbow arching over Wilson Hall.
0523 - "Double Rainbow over Wilson Hall" by Deborah Gulledge
The pond outside of Wilson Hall is a beautiful place to watch sunsets.
0522 - "Sunset" by Deborah Gulledge
The bison are shedding their warm winter coats to get ready for the hot summer.
0522 - "Shedding Bison" by Barbara Kristen
Purple salvia plants decorate the west side of the Wilson Hall building. #MobileMonday
0522 - "Purple Salvia" by Leticia Shaddix
Seeing purple flowers bathing in morning sunlight makes it just a little bit easier to come into work on a Sunday.
0521 - "Flowers in the Morning" by Kelli Rubrecht
This stand is one of the many survey points around the lab. This particular one is in the Main Injector ring.
0520 - "Survey Stand" by Leticia Shaddix
Saturday brought more heavy downpours to Fermilab.
0520 - "Rainy day" by Elliott McCrory
This red-tailed hawk is looking for lunch in the bushes near the BEG building.
0519 - "Red-tailed hawk looking for lunch" by Barbara Kristen
ASIC engineer Tom Zimmerman designs an integrated-circuit chip for the FLORA project in Wilson Hall.
0519 - "FLORA Design" by Albert Dyer
Jaroslav Zalesak, a NOvA scientist from the Academy of Sciences in Prague, discusses physics with a colleague during a break of the DUNE collaboration meeting.
0519 - "Chatting in the Atrium" by Elliott McCrory
While visiting Fermilab, Teal Pershing, grad student from the University of California, Davis, does a little reading after attending the last day of a DUNE collaboration meeting.
0519 - "A Little Light Reading" by Leticia Shaddix
Trivia Night at Frontier Pub
0518 - "Trivia Night at Frontier Pub" by Thomas Nicol
No doubt this hawk is looking for breakfast to appear.
0518 - "Hawk" by Leticia Shaddix
No longer used infrastructure in the Main Ring.
0518 - "Forgotten Framework" by Laura Paterno
Fermilab Fire Department
0518 - "Fermilab Fire Department" by Kathy Flores
A bright, friendly smile from Security Guard Lisa Villagomez at the Wilson Street entrance
0517 - "Security Guard Lisa Villagomez" by Kathy Flores
Folks enjoy a hot dog lunch after planting a tree for the Arbor Day Celebration 2017.
0517 - "Hot Dog Lunch" by Leticia Shaddix
Coordination meeting on Wilson Hall 13th floor construction
0517 - "Construction Field Coordination" by Emil Huedem
A magnet at the NML building
0517 - "8300-pound Dipole at NML" by Derek Piec
A spirea bush in full bloom in front of a Village house with a beautiful spiral staircase.
0516 - "Spirea Bush" by Barbara Kristen
This may look like a large wall painted red, but it's actually a wall-sized magnet used by the SeaQuest experiment. Warning signs and flashing red lights alert visitors of the danger of strong magnetic fields.
0516 - "Red Magnet" by Kelli Rubrecht
Quadrupole magnet at the NML building
0516 - "Quadrupole Magnet" by Derek Piec
Garden Club entrance
0516 - "Garden Club entrance" by Kathy Flores
On right, Artur Apresyan, and Marc Osherson discuss the High Luminosity LHC upgrade.
0516 - "Discussing CMS" by Leticia Shaddix
Site 49, Particle Physics Division Large Barn / Small Barn
0515 - "Site 49, Large Barn / Small Barn" by Kathy Flores
It is good to know where your shelter is located. #MobileMonday
0515 - "Lab B Shelter" by Leticia Shaddix
Oh look. The moon is still there ...
0515 - "Getting up at 5 a.m. to turn off detectors for the power outage" by Mehreen Sultana
About 15 members of the FISH collaboration gathered near the bridge on the path to the Lederman Science Center.
0515 - "Fishilab" by Lauren Biron
Gotta catch 'em all
0514 - "Waning gibbous spotted at Fermilab Village" by Mehreen Sultana
Tree swallows protect their nest.
0514 - "Tree Swallows" by Kathy Flores
A hawk hangs out near the Kuhn Village Barn.
0514 - "Hawk on the trellis" by Lynn Garren
Male bison guarding the perimeter while the rest of the herd sleeps.
0514 - "Guarding the Perimeter" by Laura Paterno
The 28 high school students completed the requirements of the spring session of Saturday Morning Physics. Fermilab Director Nigel Lockyer handed out the certificates and posed for each of these pictures.
0513 - "Spring graduating class of Saturday Morning Physics" by Elliott McCrory
I have lots of pictures of my favorite tree, but few with anything other than the tree. Traveling on my own, I used to take selfies before they were even a thing. I also enjoyed black and white infrared when I used to shoot film. It's still possible with digital and only slightly more involved, so this nice sunny Saturday afternoon seemed like the perfect opportunity to do a little of both.
0513 - "Selfie with my favorite tree in infrared" by Thomas Nicol
Nigel Lockyer and Elliott McCrory attempt to answer questions from the parents of the Saturday Morning Physics students.
0513 - "Saturday Morning Physics: Parents questions" by Sowjanya Gollapinni
This mourning dove built the third nest in this spot at BEG this year. First it was a chickadee who realized there was not enough support for her nest, then a swallow who presumably got chased away by this successful mourning dove.
0513 - "Mourning Dove" by Barbara Kristen
Fermilab Security & Fire
0513 - "Late Night Emergency Call" by Derek Piec
Wood betony and blue-eyed grass bloom along the Margaret Pearson Trail.
0512 - "Wood Betony and blue-eyes grass" by Barbara Kristen
Whiteboard at IARC after a data science meeting.
0512 - "Whiteboard" by Aaron Sauers
Pagoda building on Road C
0512 - "Pagoda building" by Kathy Flores
This little baby bison looks at me as if to say, "it's lunchtime, please leave me alone now".
0512 - "Lunchtime" by Leticia Shaddix
Pioneer Cemetery on Wilson Street
0511 - "Pioneer Cemetery" by Kathy Flores
The Main Injector sprayers cool and regulate the low-conductivity water system.
0511 - "MI-30 Pond Sprayer" by Stephen Baginski
Dave Augustine has worked at Fermilab for 39 years. He celebrates his upcoming retirement with his colleagues.
0511 - "Dave Augustine celebrates at his retirement party" by Christine Ader
Momma barn swallow is a little disappointed with dad's efforts to quickly build their nest.
0511 - "Birdie Squabble" by Leticia Shaddix
Does your laptop need the OS updated, or do you need to add a Fermilab email account to your iPhone? What do you do? You can call ext. 2345, or you can go see one of the Computing Help Desk specialists. Meet Tyrone Killebrew. He is usually there to meet you with a smile and provide excellent service. Tell him Leticia sent you!
0510 - "The Computing Help Desk" by Leticia Shaddix
Goslings and their protective parents near Wilson Hall
0510 - "Goslings near Wilson Hall" by Kristen Jezior
Yellow signs clearly label a radiation area associated with the old NTF (now NIF) beamline.
0510 - "Caution and Warning" by Kelli Rubrecht
David Butler, leader of the Particle Physics Division/Rapid Prototyping and Special Materials Department, creates this plaque from leftover acrylic materials.
0509 - "Pretty Plaque" by Leticia Shaddix
Rose Moore is the president of NALWO.
0509 - "NALWO Spring Tea at Chez Leon" by Georgia Schwender
Dave greets new employees.
0509 - "Key & ID Dave" by Lori Limberg
This one is trying to find his mommy by smelling around. The adult bison in this picture is NOT it.
0509 - "Baby bison on a cloudy day!" by Mehreen Sultana
Pictured is half of the floor of the warm vessel being lowered to its final location. The steel structure has a footprint of about 85 feet by 25 feet and weighs about 35,000 pounds. Two cranes are simultaneously lowering the structure into place. A group made up of Fermilab and CERN personnel is assembling the warm vessel at the SBN Far Detector Building.
0508 - "SBN Far Detector - Warm Vessel Floor Installation" by Dave Augustine
Fermilab isolators at the Master Substation
0508 - "Isolators" by Leticia Shaddix
View from Blackwell Forest Preserve in Warrenville
0508 - "Fermilab in the Distance" by Katherine Lato
A flurry of ideas cover a whiteboard in the Mechanical Engineering Department of the Particle Physics Division.
0508 - "Brainstorm" by Stephanie Timpone
Roads and Grounds barn on Site 65
0507 - "Site 65 Barn" by Kathy Flores
Bison calf with herd
0507 - "Bison calf with herd" by Timothy Chapman
Sunrise on Eola Raod
0506 - "Sunrise" by Timothy Chapman
View from Road C East
0506 - "Road C East" by Kathy Flores
Turtles sunbathe on fallen trees by Wilson Hall.
0505 - "Sunbathers" by Laura Paterno
Accelerator Division High Level RF Group members meticulously wrap copper bus bars with Kapton insulating tape as they prepare for the installation of new Booster RF stations. From left: Matt Domeier, Rick Zifko, Daren Plant
0505 - "Kaptons of Industry" by Josh O'Connell
Heavy rains and high winds toppled an old dead oak in the woods, taking out several live trees.
0505 - "Fallen Oak" by Barbara Kristen
Front of Wilson Hall
0505 - "Early Morning" by Donna Iraci
Cinco de Mayo at Kuhn Barn: music, dancing, food, a piñata. Local middle school students also offered special performances to celebrate.
0505 - "Cinco de Mayo: Kuhn Barn Fiesta" by Luciano Elementi
When the first CDF central tracking chamber, the COT, was replaced for Tevatron Run II, we did some work on it so people could see the wires inside it. It is quite a beautiful object. and we were thinking of putting it in the high-rise building, Wilson Hall. This frame is the size of the COT and was designed and built at the Proton Assembly Building to see how the COT would appear in the high-rise. I guess it was decided that it did not fit well.
0505 - "Aluminum Frame" by Leticia Shaddix
Nap time for the youngsters
0504 - "Nap time for the youngsters" by Kathy Flores
This is a two-piece photo. The top is a 20-inch, approximately 50-pound (if not more) lead-glass block that made up the E-760 electromagnetic calorimeter. The glass has a high lead content and is exceptionally transparent to allow the Cerenkov light produced by fast-moving electrons to reach the photomultiplier at the end, says Stephen Pordes. He also states that the shape is quite unusual. The 1,280 blocks together made up a hollow cylinder. The bottom of the photo is a refection when looking through the rectangular glass. Cool, huh!
0504 - "Lead-Glass Block" by Leticia Shaddix
Nice to see many of these at Fermilab.
0504 - "For Nursing Mothers" by Katherine Lato
An all-scientists retreat in the CDF Big Room.
0504 - "An all-scientists retreat in the CDF Big Room" by Elliott McCrory
Doodling a couple pictures I took of Wilson Hall.
0503 - "Wilson Hall while I wait on my jobs to finish" by Mehreen Sultana
If you get a ticket, this little birdy wrote you up.
0503 - "New security officer keeping an eye out from above" by Jack Manprasert
Kanika Sachdev discusses some new posters to display during the Fermilab 50th celebration with Kurt Riesselmann.
0503 - "Discussing outreach" by Elliott McCrory
Playgroup meets weekly, typically at the Kuhn Barn and surrounding area. Jessica Jensen organized a special visit to the bison barn with the opportunity for the excited children to ask questions to Cleo, the bison herdsman.
0503 - "Children's Playgroup Buffalo Barn Visit" by Luciano Elementi
This school bus carried students to Fermilab for the My Brother's Keeper event.
0502 - "Students coming to Fermilab" by Katherine Lato
Mustard plants along the bison fence.
0502 - "Mustard plants along the buffalo fence" by Thomas Nicol
A bad week of rain and storms, however they sure produce some neat looking cloud coverage.
0502 - "Continuous Cloud Coverage" by Leticia Shaddix
Just a small break in the clouds to show us that, even with a dense cloud cover to start a day, the sun still shines above the clouds ...
0501 - "Sunrise on an cloudy day" by Ed Dijak
Spring prairie after lots of rain.
0501 - "Spring Prairie" by Georgia Schwender
A rare occurrence in Wilson Hall today: The fire door between the Wilson Hall atrium and Ramsey Auditorium is down. #MobileMonday
0501 - "Fire door is down" by Elliott McCrory
0501 - "Encapsulating Microbond Wires" by Leticia Shaddix
A crayfish enjoys time on the walking path on this rainy day.
0501 - "Crayfish on the path" by Arthur Lee
Bison herd in the field relax in the rain. #MobileMonday
0501 - "Bison in the rain" by Maredith Stoffel
Proton Pagoda area
0430 - "Ruins of Fermilab past" by Derek Piec
Flowering tree on the edge of Big Woods
0430 - "Flowering tree on the edge of Big Woods" by Thomas Nicol
"The best thing one can do when it's raining is to let it rain." — Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
0430 - "A rainy day is the perfect time for a walk in the woods." by Mehreen Sultana
Javier Duarte, left, quickly goes over some data with Caterina Vernieri. They were helping out today with the "Dare to Dream" Latina conference.
0429 - "Studying in the atrium on a cold April day" by Elliott McCrory
These are even fluffier!
0429 - "More baby geese!!" by Mehreen Sultana
A sudden ground fault indication in Main Injector prompted an evening access into the tunnel. Kyle Hazelwood uses an insulating hotstick to disconnect a Main Injector power supply from its bus to aid in the search for the fault.
0429 - "Ground Fault Hunt" by Kelli Rubrecht
The Village Bell Tower stands naked and alone, its bells removed long ago. The tower was conceived by Fermilab's first director, Robert Wilson, to call the scientists to meetings during the first years of the new National Accelerator Laboratory.
0428 - "Village Bell Tower" by Barbara Kristen
....these three guys looking at me! From Left: Israel Alatorre Hernandez from University of Guanajuato, Scientist Juan Estrada from the Particle Physics/Astrophysics Department, and Clecio De Bom from Centro Brasileiro Des Pesquisas Fisicas, discuss MKIDS microwave kinetic inductance detectors. This cleanroom is located at SiDet.
0428 - "Looking Into The Cleanroom What Do I See..." by Leticia Shaddix
Seven goslings, two geese, one National Accelerator Laboratory. One of them might be named Ryan, I didn't check.
0428 - "Daughter Particles" by Albert Eiffes
A look inside the new BnB building
0428 - "BnB Building" by Stephen Baginski
Just couldn't resist when I saw how close to the fence they were.
0428 - "Baby bison's growing up fast!" by Mehreen Sultana
Prominently displayed at the entrance to the Technical Division's Cryogenic Systems Department at MW9, this is the duplicate of the plaque presented by American Society of Mechanical Engineers to Fermilab in honor of the Tevatron's cryogenic achievement. Why the duplicate? There was a high-temperature typo!
0427 - "Landmark Status" by Paula Lambertz
These ladies did an exceptional job organizing the Administrative Professionals Day luncheon as they do every year. Thanks again ladies, I sure enjoyed myself and I think everyone else did too! From left: Marie Herman from the Technical Division, Odarka Jurkiw from the Facilities Engineering Services Section, Christine Johnson from Workforce Development and Resources Section, and Connie Lang from the Particle Physics Division.
0427 - "Fermilab Administrative Professional’s Day Committee" by Leticia Shaddix
Fermilab honored the administrative professionals today with a gala luncheon at Batavia's Riverside Banquets.
0427 - "Administrative Professional’s Day luncheon" by Elliott McCrory
Baby geese take command of the ponds!
0426 - "Spring time is for the young!" by Mehreen Sultana
Kids and their parents share a potluck dinner prior to a craft game.
0426 - "Play Group in Kuhn Barn" by Luciano Elementi
Happy Administrative Day for the Particle Physics Division admins! The PPD staff invited the Administrative Group to the department heads meeting, where Patricia McBride, PPD head, proceeded to give a lovely speech on how much the staff appreciates the hard work done by all in the PPD administrative team. Then we had an assortment of cheesecakes and fruits for dessert ... yum!
0426 - "Particle Physics Division" by Leticia Shaddix
A bull enjoys alone time.
0426 - "Bull" by Kathy Flores
The Long-Baseline Project Controls Team shows their appreciation for their administrative support by taking them to lunch at City Gate Grill!
0426 - "Appreciating our Admins"
Dave Harding, center, and Elliott McCrory, left, talk about the physics of sports at the John C. Dunham STEM Partnership School at Aurora University. This photograph was taken by the math teacher of these fifth and sixth grade scientists at the school.
0425 - "The Physics of Sports at the JC Dunham STEM Partnership School" by Joseph Matuch
Donovan Tooke was getting ready to hand out Muon Campus access keys during yesterday's shutdown.
0425 - "Donovan gives out access in the Main Control Room" by Christine Ader
These lovely woodland phlox flowers are scattered through the woods between Wilson Hall and the Lederman Science Center.
0425 - "Beauty in the Woods" by Leticia Shaddix
As I drove into work, one of our pollinator friends got a hold of the window of my car.
0424- "Holding On" by Luciano Elementi
Alan Prosser, on left, and Lorenzo Uplegger, both from the Scientific Computing Division, discuss the work being done on the CMS support frame and outer tracker module. This work is being done at SiDet in the Detector Test Area.
0424 - "Working on Support Frame and Outer Tracker Module for CMS" by Leticia Shaddix
Wilson Hall as seen via a reflection in the windows of the MC-1 Building.
0424 - "Reflections of Wilson Hall"
The cherry trees at the Fermilab Garden Club near the Village are in full bloom today. MobileMonday
0424 - "Cherry Blossom Time" by Elliott McCrory
Anne Heavey is the document writer for LBNF and DUNE. Notice the really big dictionary she has!
0424 - "Anne Heavey hard at work!" by Eileen Berman
A steady supply of M&Ms keeps operators awake and happy on a long 12-hour owl shift.
0423 - "Midnight Snack" by Kelli Rubrecht
Fermilab from 12,000 feet heading west.
0423 - "A bird's eye view" by Albert Dyer
Pond reflections on Ring Road
0422 - "Pond Reflections" by Timothy Chapman
Karen Seifrid, Dave Pushka in the foreground and many non-Fermilab folks attend a country line dancing event at the grand old Kuhn barn. Janet Kruse is the instructor and leader for this group, which dances at Kuhn a couple times a year.
0422 - "Karen and Dave and the 'Dance with Janet' Crew at Kuhn Barn"
Eric Prebys lectures on accelerator physics to the Saturday Morning Physics students. Note the cheat sheet on the blackboard for the common variables used in this field.
0422 - "Eric Prebys at Saturday Morning Physics" by Javier Duarte
Mama bison with day-old baby following her step-by-step.
0421 - "Me and my shadow" by Paula Lambertz
The fan-like leaves on this blooming gingko tree will turn to a golden yellow in the fall. There are two of them in front of the SiDet building.
0421 - "Gingko Tree" by Leticia Shaddix
Happy birthday - Fermilab is 50 years old, but this new baby was standing on its own in 50 minutes. This little one was born on April 20, 2017.
0420 - "Wet Behind the Ears" by Reidar Hahn
14th floor coffee club. The sign reveals the secret to good coffee.
0420 - "The secret to good coffee" by Michael Utes
A new addition meets the rest of the herd.
0420 - "Saying hello" by Valerie Higgins
Heavy Assembly Building
0420 - "HAB Art" by Bridgett Pygott
Retired Fermilab scientist Bob Flora, on the right, explains the environmental benefits of owning two electric cars to Brian Chase, left, and Vladimir Shiltsev. Note Bob's Tesla hat. This discussion happened in the Wilson Hall Atrium during Fermilab's Earth Day celebrations.
0420 - "Discussing Electric Cars" by Elliott McCrory
Greg Derylo, of the Particle Physics Division Mechanical Department, prepares support frame for beam testing of a CMS phase II module.
0420 - "CMS Stuff" by Leticia Shaddix
This is a ground-view perspective of the AZero parking lot work.
0420 - "AZero Parking Lot Work" by Christine Ader
Andrew Sonnenschein, of the Particle Physics Division Astrophysics Department, gives a thumbs-up on the working vacuum pump pictured there on the table.
0419 - "Working Vacuum Pump" by Leticia Shaddix
Kathy Flores always delivers the mail with a smile and takes time to say hello.
0419 - "Mail delivery" by Amy Scroggins
On display in the Fermilab Art Gallery "50 years of Science and Art – the Employee Art Show"
0419 - "'Phage' Shockfossil by Todd Johnson" by Georgia Schwender
South view of Wilson Hall
0418 - "Wilson Hall from NTF" by Michael Utes
A simply gorgeous day to be riding a bike.
0418 - "Great day to be outdoors" by Leticia Shaddix
Chief Accelerator Officer Sergei Nagaitsev chats with Paul Czarapata just prior to the Accelerator Division All-Hands meeting in Ramsey Auditorium.
0418 - "Getting ready for AD All-Hands meeting" by Elliott McCrory
Bloodroot and spring beauty wildflowers in the Big Woods.
0418 - "Bloodroot and spring beauty" by Valerie Higgins
Ryan Campbell leads the wildflower walk through the Big Woods.
0417 - "Wildflower walk" by Lauren Biron
Education Center on first day of work
0417 - "Training Day" by Laura Paterno
A Cross Gallery hallway display of the different types of cables that can be found throughout the laboratory.
0417 - "Samples" by Alyssa Miller
Bees are active today, pollinating the apple blossoms at the Fermilab Garden Club area near the village. MobileMonday
0417 - "Pollinating apple blossoms" by Elliott McCrory
They're here already. In the east reflecting pond.
0417 - "Goose, Goose, Goslings! and another goose" by Thomas Kroc
First goslings I've seen, they are so adorable! #mobilemonday
0417 - "Baby Goslings" by Leticia Shaddix
What was once the old Wilson Street entrance on the east side.
0416 - "Old Wilson Street entrance" by Arthur Lee
Nicola McConkey of SBND plays for the Fermilab barn dance with her band, Minor Contravention. Band members are Charley Roberts on piano, Nicola McConkey on fiddle, and Ian Roberts on squeezebox.
0416 - "Minor Contravention" by Lynn Garren
A view of spring at Aspen East.
0416 - "Easter flowers at Aspen East" by Amy Scroggins
Looking across the farmer's field on the north side of Fermilab.
0415 - "North Side of Fermilab" by Stephen Baginski
Tree swallows make a nest.
0415 - "Nesting Swallows" by Timothy Chapman
The Friday evening storm moves eastward over the MINOS building.
0414 - "Storm over MINOS" by Barbara Kristen
It was interesting to watch the bison teasingly play with one another.
0414 - "Bison Banter" by Leticia Shaddix
At lovely lunchtime hour deserves some outside time, riding the Main Ring at Fermilab to catch the sights.
0413 - "Riding the Main Ring" by Leticia Shaddix
Birds circle above Wilson Hall on a cloudy morning.
0413 - "Circling" by Valerie Higgins
A dramatic picture of Wilson Hall on what seems like a never-ending progression of stormy days.
0413 - "Another Stormy Morning" by Arthur Lee
A beautiful blue hyacinth blooms near Wilson Hall.
0413 - "A spot of color on a cloudy day" by Katherine Lato
Wilson Hall welcoming committee
0412 - "Welcoming Committee" by Michael Utes
Thamnophis radix, or plains garter snake, near Master Substation
0412 - "Snakes Are Out" by Bridgett Pygott
Old-school lawn mower
0412 - "Signs of Spring Past and Present With Some Old School Technology" by Edward Dijak
Brian Carew, on right, and Ryan Frantzen from Roads and Grounds get an early start maintaining the Fermilab roads by filling some potholes.
0412 - "Filling in the Potholes" by Leticia Shaddix
In the Main Control Room, operators were being trained.
0411 - "Operators in Training" by Christine Ader
Fermilab's firemen Richard Graff, left, and Dave Sabatino making their rounds to ensure our fire extinguishers are ready for action if needed. Thanks guys!
0411 - "Fermilab Firemen" by Leticia Shaddix
The spring wind reversed the flow for a short bit at one of the Main Ring cooling ponds.
0410 - "Reverse flow" by Christine Ader
A lovely rainbow appeared over the bison barn this afternoon.
0410 - "Rainbow at sundown" by Amy Scroggins
PPD Admin group meets for discussions. Clockwise from left: Luz Jaquez, Support Services Department Head, Connie Lang, Leticia Shaddix, Patricia Guijarro, Olivia Vizcarra, Barbara Hehner, Carolyn Johnson, Terry Reid, Sonya Wright, Carrie Farver, Noel Weidman
0410 - "PPD Administrative Group" by Barbara Kristen
Mike Campbell at Fermilab gave this visiting photographer a cook's tour of the remote handling robot for Mu2e. This is an amazing machine.
0410 - "Mu2e remote handling robot" by Larry Bartoszek
Javier Tiffenberg, left, of Particle Physics Division Astrophysics and visitor Miguel Sofo of Centro Atomico Bariloche in Argentina discuss the Sub-Electron-Noise Skipper CCD Experimental Instrument (SENSEI) project in Lab A at SiDet.
0410 - "Javier Tiffenberg and Miguel Sofo discuss SENSEI" by Leticia Shaddix
On display in the Fermilab Art Gallery "50 Years of Science and Art - the Employee Art Show"
0410 - "Art Quilt by Barbara Wester, 'The Dark Starry Night'" by Georgia Schwender
Electrical towers, power lines and clouds.
0409 - "Towers in arrangement" by Arthur Lee
Wind blows water from the Main Injector cooling pond jets.
0409 - "Main Injector Mist" by Derek Piec
Sunset at Casey's Pond
0409 - "Casey's Pond"
Enjoying the warm weather at Kuhn Village Barn. Warmup dance on the lawn before the Barn Dance inside. The dancers are Vijay Iyer (a researcher on SuperCDMS from National Institute of Science Education and Research) and his partner, Ashli Shea
0409 - "Barn Dancing" by Lynn Garren
Al Johnson works the mixing board for the Tom Skilling/WGN/Fermilab Tornado Seminar.
0408 - "Working on the feed for Tom Skilling" by Elliott McCrory
Several of the speakers backstage during the Fermilab/WGN Tornado and Severe Storm Seminar hosted by Tom Skilling.
0408 - "Tom Skilling Tornado Seminar Speakers" by Karen Seifrid
Fermilab artwork.
0408 - "On a clear day you can see clearly" by Katherine Lato
0407 - "Reflection" by Aaron Sauers
Marcia Teckenbrock chats with some colleagues during the weekly Wine and Cheese gathering.
0407 - "Chatting during the Wine and Cheese" by Elliott McCrory
Someone's helping the beavers! This was taken from the channel between Kidney Pond and Swan Lake.
0406 - Someone's helping the beavers!
The imposing structure of the old Haefely voltage multiplier puts the small, new, upgraded source and preaccelerator to shame.
0406 - "Giants of the Past" by Kelli Rubrecht
Stairwell, Wilson Hall
0405 - "View across the stairs" by Katherine Lato
Wilson Hall as seen from IARC
0405 - "Rain" by Aaron Sauers
Lenny Spiegel analyzes his options as he and other members of the Fermilab Chess Club play in the Wilson Hall cafeteria on Wednesday evening, April 5.
0405 - "Pondering the next move" by Kurt Riesselmann
Brendan Casey, left, and Spencer Pasero have a chance encounter at the water machine in the Wilson Hall cafeteria.
0405 - "Cafeteria Conversation" by Elliott McCrory
Every Tuesday like clockwork, for over 25 years, the shoe man has been parking his trailer behind the industrial complex to provide safety footwear to physicists, engineers, technicians, contractors, construction workers, anyone who needs this type of protection.
0404 - "The Shoe Man" by Thomas Nicol
Matt Alvarez and Mike Pham discuss the design of the Mu2e electrostatic septa during a meeting.
0404 - "Mu2e Electrostatic Septa meeting" by Christine Ader
Another wet and hazy day on the 'back forty' of the Fermilab site.
0403 - "White Barn" by Barbara Kristen
This bare tree and emergency siren are not too far from the fire station.
0403 - "Tree and siren" by Elliott McCrory
David Pushka begins Fermilab's first "Ask an Engineer" and gives a talk about how we built the NOvA experiment.
0402 - "The first "Ask an Engineer" session" by Nigel Lockyer
A brief break in the last week's perpetual rain allowed a touch of blue sky to peek out behind the clouds.
0402 - "Cold and Warm" by Kelli Rubrecht
Scouts from St. Charles, Illinois, go on a "pack hike."
0401 - "Scouts on a 'Pack Hike' on the Margaret Pearson Interpretive Trail"
Completion of the of the MC-2 Building awaiting neutrino experiments for the future of Fermilab.
0401 - "MC-2 for our future" by Derek Piec
Indian Creek Stables: established in 1971, closed in 2016. The weathered Fermilab logo can be seen on the side of the barn.
0401 - "Fermilab Logo" by Georgia Schwender
Senior scientist Bob Bernstein engages with one of the many brilliant young minds at Saturday Morning Physics.
0401 - "Bob Bernstein answers a student's question" by Elliott McCrory
There's pasture that serves as a home;
where Fermilab's buffalo roam.
It's a frequent and popular place;
where visitors relax their pace.
They gaze at the magnificent beasts;
who graze on tall prairie feasts.
And the visitors can ponder the era;
when great herds spread fara and neara.
where Fermilab's buffalo roam.
It's a frequent and popular place;
where visitors relax their pace.
They gaze at the magnificent beasts;
who graze on tall prairie feasts.
And the visitors can ponder the era;
when great herds spread fara and neara.
0401 - "Bison Field Trip" by Marty Murphy
A regular stop on any tour is the CMS Remote Operations Center.
0331 - "Tour group at the CMS ROC-East" by Elliott McCrory
Low fly-by view of the Fermilab site model on the 15th floor of Wilson Hall
0331 - "Fermilab in miniature" by Thomas Nicol
Officers of Fermilab Student and Postdoc Association FSPA in the Russell Senate Office Building. Left to right: Rui An, Jessica Esquivel, Wes Gohn, Mônica Nunes and Kanika Sachdev.
0331 - "Fermilab & DOE scientists in Russel Senate Office Building in Washington, DC" by Jesus Orduna
When the rain is hard enough, people use the utility tunnel to go between the Accelerator Division and Wilson Hall.
0330 - "Rainy Day" by Marty Murphy
The people who represented us in Washington, DC, this week were: Front row: KellyStifter SLUO, Corrinne Mills USLUA, Samuel Meehan USLUA, Jane M. Nachtman USLUA, Zeynep Demiragli USLUA, Sowjanya Gollapinni UEC, Rachel Hyneman USLUA, Cindy Joe UEC, Louise Suter UEC, Chair of DC Trip, Kanika Sachdev FSPA, Georgia Karagiorgi UEC, Rui An FSPA, Sarah Lockwitz UEC, Jesus Orduna UEC. 2nd row: Verena Martinez Outschoorn USLUA, Yangyang Cheng USLUA, Ed Kearns UEC, Darin Acosta USLUA, Omar Moreno SLUO, Frank Chlebana UEC, Eli Rykoff SLUO, Joseph Zennamo UEC, Javier Duarte USLUA, Breese Quinn UEC, Justin Vasel UEC, Sarah Demers USLUA, Tammy Walton UEC, Mônica Nunes FSPA. 3rd row: Trey Holik USLUA, Emmanuele Ravaioli USLUA, Thomas Strauss UEC, Mark Kemp SLUO, Samuel Totorica SLUO, Sergei Gleyzer USLUA, Harvey Newman USLUA, Rob Fine UEC, Eric Prebys UEC, Mazin Khader USLUA, Ryan Linehan SLUO, Wes Gohn FSPA. Back row: Michael Baumer SLUO, Sebastian Aderhold FSPA, Brian Shuve USLUA, Andrea Albert SLUO, Jahred Adelman USLUA, William McCormack USLUA. Institutions: SLUO: SLAC Users Organization; USLUA: US LHC Users Association; UEC: Fermilab Users Executive Committee FSPA: Fermilab Student and Postdoc Association.
0330 - "Annual trip to Washington for DOE scientists" by Jesus Orduna
Today's colloquium featured Rocky Kolb, seated on stage on the left, and Michael Turner, Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics, University of Chicago, with Joe Lykken, far right as emcee. The colloquium was titled, "How Fermilab Changed the Course of Cosmology."
0329 - "The Epic Cosmology Colloquium" by Elliott McCrory
50 years of science and art!
0329 - "Employee art show reception" by Georgia Schwender
Al Johnson and Reidar Hahn prepare for a video shoot with Michael Turner and Rocky Kolb in the Creative Services studio.
0329 - "Creative Services prepares for a video shoot" by Karen Seifrid
Flower displays in Wilson Hall always brighten my day.
0328 - "Flowers Brighten Wilson Hall" by Eileen Berman
Fermilab's various experiments comprise thousands of collaborators from many countries. There is a set of flagpoles in front of Wilson Hall that flies the national flags of many collaborators. It is a steady reminder of how vital international relationships are in the age of modern particle physics as well as an expression of respect and gratitude to those countries.
0328 - "Flags of Fermilab" by Marty Murphy
David Huffman tests the Muon g-2 correction coil driver card.
0328 - "David Huffman - PPD/EET - Infrastructure" by Albert Dyer
Fermilab uses high-power radio-frequency (RF) accelerating cavities to accelerate particle beams. In much the same way as the body of an acoustic guitar allows a standing sound wave to resonate, RF cavities allow electromagnetic waves to resonate. The Marx modulator is part of this system. It turns on just prior to the arrival of the beam and powers an amplifier tube that amplifies a 201-MHz radio wave up to several megawatts of power. It turns off once the beam has gone past, and it does this 15 time per second! The Marx modulators are a replacement to the previous modulators, which have been in use since the earliest days of Fermilab.
0327 - "Marx Modulator in Linear Accelerator" by Marty Murphy
This tree always makes me think it belongs in a Harry Potter movie.
0327 - "Harry Potter tree" by Thomas Nicol
Wilson Hall on a foggy wet spring day
0326 - "Wilson Hall on a Foggy Wet Spring Day" by Timothy Chapman
Accelerator Division Main Control Room Crew Chief John Kuharik (not pictured) gave a shift briefing at the time of this photo, brought in several pies to weekend "owl" shift, and asked for input on which key lime recipe was better. White eventually won, but everyone agreed both were delicious.
0326 - "White or Yellow?" by Cindy Joe
Brian Nord answers a student's question in gravity in the #FermilabSMP #Cosmology lecture!
0325 - "First stars" by Javier Duarte
Reflections in the water on a gray, rainy Fermilab day. It must be spring!
0325 - "A Rainy Fermilab Day" by Eileen Berman
Minerba Betancourt, left, carefully listens to Sowjanya Gollapinni of University of Tennessee, Knoxville, during an impromptu meeting in the Wilson Hall atrium.
0324 - "Cafeteria conversation" by Elliott McCrory
Two ducks say hi!
0323 - "Two ducks say hi!" by Amy Scroggins
At 6:40 a.m., looking towards the east, the pre-sunrise brings us lovely pinks and purples to enjoy.
0323 - "Pink and Purple Skies" by Leticia Shaddix
Muon g-2 experimenters work on the electromagnet in MC-1 building. The plan is to start beam commissioning on April 3.
0323 - "Muon g-2 work to get ready for beam commissioning" by Christine Ader
Elliott and Marty McCrory at a Fermilab Photography Club meeting.
0323 - "Father and Son Photographers" by Eileen Berman
Many people contribute to the Art Gallery at Fermilab. Here Michael has repaired the wall and now is painting. The Art Gallery Committee installed all 45 pieces of employee artwork! It is a wonderful exhibit.
0322 - "Painting the wall in the art gallery" by Georgia Schwender
Jose and Reyna Cardona get ready for another exciting and challenging day at Fermilab.
0321 - "The Cardonas" by Barbara Kristen
A flock of sandhill cranes greet the sunrise at a flooded field in the northeast Eola grasslands. They were spotted there on Monday afternoon and presumably stayed overnight. By noon Tuesday, they were gone.
0321 - "Sandies at Sunrise" by Paula Lambertz
Will Alvarez of the Fermilab Roads and Grounds crew supervises a prescribed burn at the Main Injector.
0321 - "Prescribed burn" by Bridgett Pygott
Dirk Hurd takes the "One Lab" motto seriously, and here he is walking his talk.
0321 - "One Lab" by Christine Ader
Looks like this blue heron is planning on a little fishing in this stream.
0321 - "Blue heron and a couple of mallards" by Leticia Shaddix
This photo was taken on March 20 of two offices on the 13th floor, which is under construction. Shortly after this photo was taken, both chalkboards were removed.
0320 - "Portraits in chalk" by Michael Utes
Chris Kemp packs artwork from artist-in-residence Ellen Sandor and artn exhibit "Neutrinos in a New Light" in the Fermilab Art Gallery.
0320 - "Packing up artwork" by Georgia Schwender
A goose swims through a reflection of Wilson Hall.
0320 - "Goose swimimg along" by Stephen Baginski
This snake was found in the Cross Gallery hallway on the first day of spring. At the same time, Ruth Becker was walking by with some flowers, so we decided to merge the snake and flowers in one shot.
0320 - "First Day of Spring in the X-Gallery: Snake in Flowers" by Christine Ader
Underground and outside the NuMI Target Hall. These oversized tools are used primarily during Target Hall maintenance and repair periods.
0320 - "Big Tools" by Marty Murphy
First day of spring, signs of new growth in some wooded areas.
0320 - "#Mobile Monday - Hello Spring" by Leticia Shaddix
What a great way to spend a Sunday: by sketching at Fermilab.
0319 - "Urban Sketchers sketch Fermilab" by Georgia Schwender
Randy Hultgren right, Congressman for the 14th district of Illinois in the US House of Representatives, addresses the high school students in the Hultgren STEM Scholars program at the Lederman Science Center. Also visible, along the back, 143 Janet Chaterji, Nigel Lockyer, Swapan Chattopadhyay and Hema Ramamoorthi.
0318 - "Hultgren's STEM Scholars at Lederman Center" by Elliott McCrory
It may be gloomy outside as well as inside, but discussions continue with Rich Schmitt and Russ Rucinski of the Mechanical Engineering Department.
0317 - "Gloomy day" by Barbara Kristen
This photo illustrates a newly upgraded Linac solid-state modulator, seen in perfect focus through a blurry hole cut in the shape of the Fermilab logo. There's symbolism about Fermilab offering a glimpse into the future somewhere in there, I just know it.
0317 - "Focuses" by Kelli Rubrecht
A young white-tail deer buck forages grass along Eola Road.
0316 - "Young Buck Foraging" by Marty Murphy
"Physics" license plate spotted near the NML building. The Proton Pagoda is visible in the background on the left, and SiDet is visible on the right.
0316 - "Physics" by Aaron Sauers
A couple of fellas from Westmont, Illinois, came specifically to Fermilab in hopes of catching sight of a coyote to photograph, which they read about in the Fermilab News. They told me they were amateur photographers ... then they saw the ponds and decided to fish instead. They both caught a couple of bass. They were very excited.
0316 - "Good fishing at Bulrush pond" by Leticia Shaddix
You can see these inside the Central Utility Building.
0316 - "Arteries" by Joseph Pygott
Physics Professor Kryemadhi and students from Messiah College stand around the Mini Electromagnetic Calorimeter experiment. The calorimeter is made of LYSO crystals, and silicon photomultipliers are used as photodetectors. The purpose of the experiment is to assess the dynamic range of the photodetectors and our ability to build compact detectors for space-borne applications in particle physics. Front left: Professor Kryemadhi. Clockwise: Jacob Mohler, Alex Roth, Lindsey Barner, Andrew Groves.
0315 - "Professor and undergrads work at the Test Beam Facility building" by Leticia Shaddix
Meson area, MW7, MW8
0315 - "Feeling Like a Kid Again" by Bridgett Pygott
In celebration of National Pi Day, let's eat pie!
0314 - "National Pi Day" by Christine Ader
Mr. Robin puffs up his feathers trying to stay warm.
0314 - "Mr. Robin" by Barbara Kristen
John Kuharik measures components for radio-frequency accelerating cavities.
0314 - "Measurements" by Marty Murphy
Holly Lett of Workforce Development and Training teaches at the Training Center on Time Management and Organization Skills: Working Smart.
0314 - "Holly Lett of Workforce Development and Training teaching at the Training Center" by Leticia Shaddix
Ettore Zaffaroni, a visitor from CERN in the test beam area, works to understand how our pocket dosimeters work during "Rad Worker Practical Factors Training."
0314 - "Checking a pocket dosimeter" by Elliott McCrory
Abri Credit Union celebrates Pi Day by giving away pie on 3.14.
0314 - "3.14 - Pi Day" by Albert Dyer
We got a little snow at Fermilab. Folks east of us got hit a lot harder.
0313 - "Snow in the parking lot" by Elliott McCrory
Orchids beautify an office while the Bubble Chamber beautifies the courtyard of SiDet.
0313 - "Orchids in an office - #MobileMonday" by Leticia Shaddix
Chandra Bhat and Salah Chaurize at the end of the day in the Main Control Room. #mobilemonday
0313 - "Life in the MCR" by Marty Murphy
In celebration of its 50th anniversary, Fermilab organized an Ask-a-Scientist outreach event, Pregúntale a un Científico, focusing on the Spanish-speaking community. From left, some of the helpers: José Becerra, Edgar Valencia, Gonzalo Díaz, Fernanda Psihas, Leonidas Aliaga, Erika Catano, José Sepúlveda and Diana Méndez.
0312 - "Pregúntale a un Científico" by Trung Le
A red-tailed hawk seems attentive as it suns its back on a 15th-floor ledge overlooking the Tevatron AZero parking lot. This was taken while giving a visitor tour.
0312 - "One more for the tour group, please" by Cindy Joe
Minerba Betancourt, scientist for the MINERvA collaboration, asked her son to hand out the neutrino balls to the audience during the "Pregúnte a un Científico" Ask-a-Scientist lecture.
0312 - "Carrying the neutrinos for Mommy" by Jesus Orduna
Mehreen Sultana, a graduate student at Rochester University working on MINERvA, gives the Saturday Morning Physics lecture. She talks about the changes to physics around the turn of the 20th century with a talk titled "1905: A space-time odyssey."
0311 - "Sultana explains relativity at Saturday Morning Physics" by Elliott McCrory
The Fermilab dog walking area near the southeast corner of Batavia and Eola roads is a great place to bring your dog on the weekend.
0311 - "Bootsy Superchocofunkolicious Running Free" by Marty Murphy
Robert Barger has been at Fermilab since 1974. He's been in the Calibration Shop in the Proton Assembly Building at the lab since 2009. Here Bob is calibrating a transducer that will be used for the Mu2e compressor system.
0310 - "Robert Barger calibrates a transducer" by Leticia Shaddix
Main Injector scientist Rob Ainsworth racks his brain to figure out measurement data from the Recycler Ring. #blackandwhite
0310 - "Interesting data from the Recycler" by Elliott McCrory
Meeting for the Particle Physics Division Web Modernization project. Back right: Maura Barone, Luz Jaquez, Barb Kristen. Back left: Rodney Klein, Carolyn Johnson, Noel Wiedman.
0309 - "PPD Web Modernization weekly meeting" by Leticia Shaddix
This shows the transport of the prototype module for SLAC's LCLS-II. Pictured are Chris Exline, Ron Kellet, Kyle Kendziora, Elias Lopez and Jerry Leibfritz.
0309 - "pCM Transport at the Cryomodule Test Facility" by Christine Ader
The Main Control Room is a notable stop on most tours of Fermilab. On any given day accelerator operators are observed by groups of school children, university students and members of the public with an interest in physics. Group sizes range from a couple to dozens, and if the machines are running well, operators will often stop outside to answer questions.
0309 - "Fish Bowl" by Marty Murphy
The Heavy Assembly Building is adjacent to the Illinois Accelerator Research Center.
0308 - "Work at the Heavy Assembly Building" by Aaron Sauers
Wednesday was a very windy day. Gusts reached 70 MPH around Chicagoland, and some trees at Fermilab did not survive the day. This tree went down along the road around the Main Injector. The Roads and Grounds crew were informed and later removed the tree.
0308 - "Very Windy Day" by Marty Murphy
The picture shows a very windy midday from the vantage of the Wilson Hall east parking lot looking to the ring.
0308 - "Sunny and windy" by Marco Mambelli
The new tapestries in the ROC-East, CMS control room. This artwork represents five views of the science from CMS, by artist Xavier Cortada.
0308 - "New ROC-East tapestries" by Elliott McCrory
Focusing my camera through the screen of the Lynx Evo stereo microscope, which has a 360-degree rotating viewer. This image is of 1 pixel on a 270-pixel South Pole Telescope detector wafer.
0308 - "Image of one pixel on a 270-pixel SPT wafer" by Leticia Shaddix
Former director John Peoples entertained young and not-so-young alike with the history and lots of fun and interesting anecdotes from the early days of the laboratory, culminating in the successful completion of the Tevatron collider.
0308 - "Evolution of the Tevatron" by Thomas Nicol
Members of the IARC Office and Accelerator Physics Center celebrate the International Women's Day - March 8. From left: Dawn Staszak, Tatiana Hamilton, Rosa Foote, Alexey Burov, Susan Winchester, Irina Novitski, Igor Tropin, Nikolai Mokhov, Igor Rakhno, Vladimir Shiltsev.
0308 - "Celebration of International Women's Day - March 8 - in IARC" by Vladimir Shiltsev
Looking across the Main Ring Pond towards the high-rise, seeing all the waves and white caps
0307 - "Windy day" by Stephen Baginski
As I drove around, I came across this marvelous view for a March morning.
0307 - "Marvelous March Morning" by Leticia Shaddix
Tom Kroc, Emergency Notification Drill
0307 - "Gimme Shelter" by Aaron Sauers
A coyote licks it lips as it prepares to eat a muskrat, not visible, that it caught near a cooling pond.
0307 - "Coyote Licking His Lips" by Marty Murphy
Chris Olsen fiddles with a finicky power supply that's holding off beam to one of the experiments. Nothing can stand between a determined operator and accelerating beam.
0306 - "Pesky Power Supply" by Kelli Rubrecht
Engineer Trevor Butler contemplates the intricacies of replacing a klystron in the Fermilab Linac. Klystrons are used at Fermilab to provide high power radio waves to accelerate a beam of negative hydrogen ions in the Linear Accelerator. #mobilemonday
0306 - "People of Fermilab: Trevor Butler" by Marty Murphy
Tia Miceli gets in a little work before the 3:30 Director's Coffee Break.
0306 - "Miceli before 3:30 Director's Coffee Break" by Elliott McCrory
Using my cell phone with a 15x macro lens to capture an extreme close up of tiny moss on Lab A's concrete building ... how fun!
0306 - "#MobileMonday using 15X Macro Lens for Phone" by Leticia Shaddix
Sunrise reflects in MC-1 window.
0305 - "Sunrise Reflected" by Timothy Chapman
The Gallery Chamber Series takes place in the Fermilab Art Gallery on Sunday's at 2:30 p.m. during the winter months.
0305 - "Picosa Ensemble" by Georgia Schwender
A warning sign stands on a completely dry floor at Fermilab.
0304 - "Wet Floor" by Steven Krave
Kurt Riesselmann and Kim Mazur discuss public outreach at the Wilson Hall reception desk.
0303 - "The Fermilab Reception Desk" by Elliott McCrory
Donna talks about the temperature measurements in the universe, and here she uses her cosmic microwave background (CMB) beach ball to explain it.
0303 - "Donna Kubik gives a high school group a tour of SiDet" by Leticia Shaddix
A hawk sits on the outside of the 15th floor of Wilson Hall.
0302 - "Wilson Hawk" by Spencer Pasero
Wilson Hall on a cloudy day
0302 - "Wilson Hall on a Cloudy Day" by Timothy Chapman
This shot is taken in the FAST beam enclosure while looking downstream between the yellow cryostat and its radio-frequency power distribution frame of the famous record setting CM2 cryomodule. The cryostat is like a giant Thermos® bottle, insulating the eight 9-cell accelerating cavities that are sitting at near absolute zero. The superconducting radio-frequency (SRF) technology developed for CM2 also has applications for light source instruments such as LCLS-II at SLAC in the United States and DESY’s XFEL in Germany. SRF cavities appear to be the future of particle accelerators. This summer CM2 will accelerate beam for the first time.
0302 - "Ready, Aim ..." by James Santucci
Using what little snow fell overnight, someone created this miniature icon. It's sitting on the bridge railing of the Lederman Center footpath.
0302 - "On the railing, we will build a snowman" by Paula Lambertz
Just a tad of snow as we drive into work this morning.
0302 - "A Tad of Snow on Broken Symmetry" by Leticia Shaddix
Taken while riding up the 150ft elevator shaft at MI-65.
0301 - "Up and Down" by Kelli Rubrecht
Site 29, parking lot
0301 - "It's the small things in life" by Bridgett Pygott
Proton Source personnel move linac power amplifiers down the linac gallery.
0301 - "Invasion of the PAs!" by Thomas Kroc
Gary, ever-vigilant in any weather, protecting the occupants of the Industrial Center from geese.
0301 - "Gary" by Thomas Nicol
View from front entrance of Wilson Hall during a rainy morning.
0301 - "Blustery Day" by Laura Paterno
Soil experts now think earthworms surface during rain storms for migration purposes. "It gives them an opportunity to move greater distances across the soil surface than they could do through soil," said Dr. Chris Lowe, Lecturer in Waste and Environmental Management, University of Central Lancashire in Preston, UK, "They cannot do this when it is dry because of their moisture requirements."
0301 - "After heavy rain what can you find...worms!" by Leticia Shaddix
Alyssa Miller works as an operator in the Accelerator Operations department. In this image she is at her Main Control Room accelerator controls console.
0228 - "People of Fermilab: Alyssa Miller" by Marty Murphy
Cathy Barker of FESS Fermilab Transporation Services gets us to where we need to be...Thanks Cathy!
0228 - "Cathy Barker of FESS Fermilab Transporation Services" by Leticia Shaddix
Often, it is all in your perspective as this photo of Wilson Hall shows.
0227 - "Wilson Hall Perspective" by Eileen Berman
Maurice Ball at a Main Control Room Console. Maurice is a mechanical engineer in the Accelerator Division Mechanical Support Department. #MobileMonday
0227 - "Maurice Ball in Main Control Room" by Marty Murphy
Please capture my good side!
0227 - "Bison early morning" by Leticia Shaddix
Wilson Hall rises above the A0 service building as the sun rises.
0227 - "A0" by Elliott McCrory
Late on a Sunday evening, while the Oscars are being broadcast, no one can be seen in Wilson Hall.
0226 - "The lights are on but no one is home" by Amy Scroggins
Matt Zhang UIUC and Dylan Frizzell University of Oklahoma enjoy taking data for Atlas Pixel group at Fermilab Test Beam Facility FTBF using the MTest beam line.
0226 - "Atlas Pixel Group at FTBF" by Jessica Metcalfe
The MINOS building on a grey Saturday.
0225 - "MINOS" by Barbara Kristen
From the back - Jennifer Nahn, Kim Mazur, Bonnie Alcorn, John Urish, Dave Dykstra, Hans Jostlein, program Director Janet Mackay-Galbraith, Sue Campbell, Georgia Schwender, Trish MacLachlan
0225 - "Helpers for the Arts and Lecture Series performance by Aquila Theatre" by Georgia Schwender
Brian Nord, left, uses Adele to make a point in his presentation about cosmology to the high school students in Saturday Morning Physics.
0225 - "Brian and Adele at Saturday Morning Physics" by Elliott McCrory
Tamara Hawke is in the Micro bonding room in Lab D at Sidet preparing to micro bond a module for Duke University.
0224 - "Tamara Hawke will be micro bonding this module for Duke University" by Leticia Shaddix
Fermilab's first director, Robert Wilson, and current director, Nigel Lockyer, depicted in another of Julie Vander Meulen's lunchtime chalkboard scenes.
0224 - "Directors past and present" by Thomas Nicol
Commissioning of the ventilation system at new building SBN-Near detector.
0224 - "Commissioning" by Emil Huedem
Scott Doerr has been retired from Fermilab for a couple of years now and enjoys bringing his dogs to the Fermilab Dog Training area.
0223 - "Scott Doerr with his dogs" by Leticia Shaddix
New plant growth shows up as green stubble on the meson berm, one week after a prescribed burn. This shows the view after sunrise, looking west from MW9.
0223 - "A sheen of green" by Paula Lambertz
Road and Grounds are removing dead and dying pine trees across the lab in preparation for the 50th anniversary open house. Used for this effort is a front end loader with a grapple attachment for moving branches and logs, normally this machine would have a bucket for moving bulk materials such as dirt, stone or road salt. This removal effort has been ongoing over the last decade here at Fermilab.
0222 - "Removing dead and dying pine trees across the lab" by Leticia Shaddix
I am very proud to work at Fermilab.
0222 - "Rainbow Flag" by Georgia Schwender
Looking north from the 15th floor of the high-rise to see what I can't see.
0222 - "Foggy view from the 15th floor" by Stephen Baginski
Panorama overlooking the Muon g-2 building and the Muon Campus
0221 - "Up on a hill" by Bridgett Thomson
Sunset an a beautiful February evening.
0221 - "Sunset Over Wilson Hall and Feynman Computing Center" by Marty Murphy
Eduardo Mejia fills up with liquid nitrogen from chiller to cool down CCDs for the DESI experiment.
0221 - "Eduardo Mejia fills up with liquid nitrogen" by Leticia Shaddix
A serene moment on Wilson Hall's 15th floor south crossover, looking out at the Booster and the Muon Campus. #MobileMonday
0220 - "WH15S" by Elliott McCrory
Jim Wish, of the Particle Physics Division Scintillation Detector Development Group at Lab 6, works on the ProtoDUNE Light Bar Dipping Station for DUNE.
0220 - "Jim Wish - Lab 6 works on the protoDUNE Light Bar Dipping Station" by Leticia Shaddix
Utilities under Wilson Hall
0220 - "Hidden Utilities" by Bridgett Pygott
These signs outside the MINOS Service Building show how scientific advancement really is an international effort.
0219 - "International Cooperation" by Kelli Rubrecht
During the art/science tour of "Neutrinos in a New Light" by artist-in-residence Ellen Sandor and art^n, this image was created by the virtual reality tour of MicroBooNE.
0218 - "Particle Physics is Art" by Georgia Schwender
Obligatory sunset picture of the "Broken Symmetry" sculpture. In the springtime this is what I typically see on my evening commute as I walk home.
0218 - "Broken Sunset" by Jamieson Olsen
Fava of the Neutrino Division lectures on "Particle Detectors" at Saturday Morning Physics. Here she is showing the high school scientists what a phototube and a plastic scintillator look like.
0218 - "Angela Fava talks about phototubes and scintillators at Saturday Morning Physics" by Elliott McCrory
Wilson Hall Stairs
0217 - "Wilson Hall Stairs" by Albert Dyer
The bright blue "overload" button from Linac's drift tube RF station #2. This is a feature exclusive to the drift tube Linac stations that lights up when an error has caused a component of this RF delivery system to malfunction. Beam is inhibited until an operator or expert is able to reset and restore power to the station, or the station resets itself, depending on the severity of the station's trip status.
0217 - "Overload" by Alyssa Miller
A fish-eye view of Wilson Hall, the display of international flags, some geese and the moon.
0217 - "Flags flying in the morning" by Elliott McCrory
Bison enjoy their lunch on this beautiful 58-degree February day.
0217 - "Bison having lunch" by Leticia Shaddix
Members of the Roads and Grounds crew start the back burn prior to setting Meson Hill on fire. Smoke from the fire drifted over Casey's Pond to the north of Meson Hill.
0216 - "Smoke on the Water" by Barbara Kristen
Lee Hammond performs a punchlist walkthrough of the ventilation system in the new Short-Baseline Neutrino Near Detector building.
0216 - "Punchlist Walkthrough" by Emil Huedem
Cons is one of the many people vital to keeping the accelerators running in top form. Once per year the Accelerator Division turns off its machines for a few months to implement upgrades, complete maintenance and bring new equipment on line. These jobs require coordination across multiple AD departments and laboratory divisions. At the end of the day, Cons is the person who ensures all the jobs are completed safely and on time. Additionally, he's the installation coordinator of the Muon Campus beamlines.
0216 - "People of Fermilab: Cons Gattuso" by Marty Murphy
"I fell into a burnin' ring of fire.
I went down, down, down,
And the flames went higher.
And it burns, burns, burns,
The ring of fire, the ring of fire."
—Johnny Cash
0216 - "Meson Hill - The Ring of Fire" by James Santucci
Thick chunky exposed concrete structural elements are characteristic of Brutalist architecture. This imposing fortress-like or bunker-like postmodernist architectural style was popular with public building projects from the 1950s through the 1970s.
0216 - "Brutalist Wilson Hall Stairs" by Jamieson Olsen
Andrew Lathrop and Marco Bonati look over the MKIDS helium refrigerator located in the Lab C North cleanroom.
0216 - "Andrew Lathrop and Marco Bonati look over the MKIDS helium refrigerator" by Leticia Shaddix
The sun sets behind the new transformer station.
0215 - "Transforming Sunset" by Barbara Kristen
Chipmunks making special measurements along the MI-8 line from Booster to the Main Injector.
0215 - "Special Measurements" by Thomas Kroc
Sheryl Westwood and Martin Valenzuela from the Roads and Grounds Department inspect the pruning recently done to the hedges at SiDet.
0215 - "Sheryl Westwood and Martin Valenzuela of Roads and Grounds inspect hedge pruning" by Leticia Shaddix
Trees reflect in the Proton Pagoda.
0215 - "Proton Pagoda" by Jamieson Olsen
Prescribed burns are a vital part of land management at Fermilab. Wednesday's land management units scheduled to have a prescribed burn were the Main Injector Stockpile, Prairie 24 and the Wetland Mitigation. These burns may be interesting, but remember to always keep a safe distance from the burn area and the professionals managing the burn.
0215 - "Prescribed Burn Professional, Ryan Campbell" by James Santucci
This is the view looking straight up the 330-foot 100-meter MINOS shaft. Underground at MINOS one can find the NOvA and MINERvA near detectors. MINOS is an acronym for Main Injector Neutrino Oscillation Search.
0215 - "Looking Up the MINOS Shaft" by Marty Murphy
These guys regularly exercise in the Fermilab gym. They joke around and make things fun but work hard when moving iron. From left: Sathapat Sukkert, Stanley Kramer, Al Elste, Jim Nichols
0215 - "Gym-boy-ees" by Leah Hesla
Lovin' the dessert at The Frontier Pub!!
0215 - "Date Night at The Frontier Pub" by Kris Brandt
Annual chili cook-off at the Fermilab Test Beam Facility (FTBF). People at the feast include members of the sPHENIX group T1044, including Balazs Ujvari, Ron Belmont, Kurt Hill, Craig Woody, John Haggerty and Jin Huang. Past and present staff of FTBF include Erik Ramberg, Aria Soha, "JJ" Schmidt, Mandy Rominsky, Todd Nebel, Ewa Skup, Jerry Zimmerman. and Ray Safarik; Particle Physics and Accelerator Divisions support including Steve Huey, Adam Watts, Mike Backfish and Wanda Newby. Chili pots by Nebel, Skup, Huey, and Haggerty.
0215 - "Chili Cook-off at Fermilab Test Beam Facility" by Jin Huang
Sunset at the Meson Lab after a day at the Test Beam
0214 - "Sunset at the Meson Lab" by John s. Haggerty
Members of the Fermilab Roads and Grounds group conduct a prairie burn inside the Tevatron Ring. Over the course of two days the most of the Ring's interior was systematically burned. Burning prairie serves to fend off invasive species of plants while perpetuating the growth cycle of native prairie flora. The portion of the ring being burned here is a restored oak savanna. Oak savannas are among the rarest plant communities on earth and regular prairie burning helps to keep them vital.
0214 - "Prairie Fire Burns in Oak Savanna" by Marty Murphy
Amanda Early, Katie Yurkewicz, Andrea Heeg and Valerie Higgins in a 50th Anniversary Coordination Committee meeting looking at the DIFF website
0214 - "Meta-DIFF"
Fermi prairie burns will encourage new growth of native species.
0214 - "Main Ring Prairie Burn" by Eileen Berman
Fermilab Chief Engineer Chris Mossey makes opening comments to lab engineers at the annual Engineers Retreat in the CDF Big Room.
0214 - "Engineers Retreat" by Thomas Nicol
Alex Walsh, undergrad working with CMS, tests noise on detector with different temperatures in the Detector Test Area at Lab C-D, Sidet.
0214 - "Alex Walsh working with CMS tests noise on detector" by Leticia Shaddix
Smoke obscures the sun from a mid-February prairie burn.
0213 - "Prairie burn" by Thomas Nicol
Smoke from the prairie burn in the Robert Betz Prairie
0213 - "Prairie burn" by Thomas Kroc
Mobile Monday - Wilson Hall is obscured by smoke from the prairie burn in the Main Ring.
0213 - "Prairie Burn in the Main Ring" by Linda Valerio
A new flag has been added to those hanging in the Wilson Hall atrium.
0213 - "New day, new flag" by Lauren Biron
#MobileMonday - I drove by this little stream of water which led my eye to the Proton Pagoda and that huge tree.
0213 - "MobileMonday! Used my cell to capture this beautiful November day!" by Leticia Shaddix
The Fermilab Roads and Grounds crew performs prescribed burns in prairies, woodlands and wetlands across site. This is a required land management tool to keep habitat biodiversity healthy. Here, a drip torch waits to be used.
0213 - "Let the burn season begin" by Ryan Campbell
This shows a controlled prairie burn east of Feldott Road.
0213 - "Controlled Burn East of Feldott Road" by Timothy Chapman
Site 38 Pond, Windmill and Rope Building
0213 - "Brisk Morning at Site 38 Maintenance"
Taking a break for the weekend. Around 8:00 in the morning, there was no one around except me.
0212 - "Sunday morning view" by Amy Scroggins
Elena Gramellini explains the virtual reality of the MicroBooNE particle detector.
0212 - "Open House virtual reality demo" by Georgia Schwender
Hawk on a lamppost near Wilson Hall
0212 - "Hawk on a lamppost near Wilson Hall" by Timothy Chapman
The ghosts of Tevatron past
0212 - "D0 MVA" by Stephen Baginski
They didn't look both ways before they crossed, but they did obey the speed limit.
0211 - "Geese Crossing" by Amy Scroggins
Long-forgotten gas storage tank behind one of the service buildings down the proton beamline along C-Road East.
0211 - "Beauty in the strangest places" by Thomas Nicol
Micky, as he introduced himself all day, has had an interest in particle physics since childhood. In fact, he filmed part of the construction of the Main Ring back in 1970 and exchanged that film for this tour. Left to right: Ting Li, Douglas Tucker, Sahar Allam in front, Harry Ferguson in back, Micky Dolenz, Tom Kobilarcik, Paul Derwent and Steve Hahn.
0210 - "Micky Dolenz of The Monkees gets a tour of the ROC West" by Elliott McCrory
Young scientists are eager to start work in the newly inaugurated Materials Science Lab in Technical Division.
0210 - "Materials Science Lab" by Thomas Nicol
A full moon rises over the northeast portion of Fermilab, West Chicago and Wheaton. The moon was rising in the midst of a penumbral lunar eclipse and through a veil of high clouds. This is a composite of nine images taken with a 200mm lens on a 35mm digital body; the exposures were captured at an interval of 2.5 minutes.
0210 - "Full Moon Rising Over Fermilab" by Marty Murphy
Central Utility Building lights at night across the Booster pond.
0210 - "CUB Lights" by John Kuharik
The Fermilab Photography Club took a lunchtime photo-walk through the Tevatron tunnel on Thursday. I snapped this picture looking toward the DZero detector hall with my iPhone prior to exiting.
0209 - "Tevatron Tunnel at D15" by Marty Murphy
You remember that old song, "Stairway to..."? Now I remember, "A Stairway to the Pagoda ..."
0209 - "Stairway to" by Stephen Baginski
Fermilab logomark in stainless steel
0209 - "Logo"
The beam switch sum box receives signals from various components of the accelerator complex in order to permit beam. However, even if all permits are made up, beam will not accelerate to destinations beyond the Linac without the HEP High Energy Physics enable key.
0209 - "Ignition Key" by Alyssa Miller
The tree line leading to the high rise silhouetted against the pre-dawn light.
0209 - "Early morning light" by Thomas Nicol
Wilson Hall at sunset
0208 - "Wilson Hall at sunset" by Simona Rolli
A muskrat swims through the partially frozen pond near the F1 service building.
0208 - "Muskrat in F1 Pond" by Marty Murphy
A set of BNC connectors and cables for carrying analog readbacks from the modulator belonging to Booster's RF station #15.
0208 - "In the Loop" by Alyssa Miller
Workers on the 12th floor burns the five o'clock oil.
0208 - "12th floor hard at work" by Lauren Biron
Main Control Room's relatively newly acquired chairs are moved from the carpet to the linoleum floors in order for the cleaning crew to vacuum — one of the highlights of an operator's evening shift rotation.
0207 - "Vacuum Night" by Alyssa Miller
Feeling quiet and mysterious to me.
0207 - "Test Beam Facility" by Georgia Schwender
Irwin Gaines contemplates something during a break in the All-Scientists Retreat in the CDF Big Room.
0207 - "Scientists Retreat" by Elliott McCrory
The low-conductivity water headers have just been installed in the Mu2e M4 beamline enclosure. Eventually, magnets, stands, vacuum, cables and other components will be installed.
0207 - "Mu2e M4 Beamline Water Headers" by Christine Ader
Muon g-2, pronounced "g minus 2," is one of two experiments under development at Fermilab's Muon Campus. The plan is to begin commissioning the beamlines to Muon g-2 later this spring
0207 - "g Minus 2 at Night" by Marty Murphy
Colorful cables neatly connect some of the Feynman Computing Center computing that serves Fermilab.
0207 - "FCC Computer Room" by Eileen Berman
A stack of used titanium ion pump anode cells near the Preaccelerator observation window in Linac Upper Gallery. Cathode plates and magnets are paired with a set of anode cells, and, with the help of high voltage, air particles present in a volume of beam pipe are ionized. These air particles are captured in the titanium, lowering the pressure and increasing the quality of vacuum.
0206 - "Pretty Colors" by Alyssa Miller
George, a safety mascot, is the officemate of an engineer in the Accelerator Division.
0206 - "George, the safety mascot" by Christine Ader
The dry weeds in the prairie along Pine Street stand out in front of Wilson Hall.
0205 - "Weeds in the prairie" by Elliott McCrory
Patrons crowd around two members of the group The Three Celli.
0205 - "The Three Celli" by Barbara Kristen
Gallery Chamber Series - The Three Celli - a concert in the Art Gallery.
0205 - "Sound" by Georgia Schwender
Subliminal message for lunch.
0204 - "The Great Pi in the Sky" by Albert Dyer
While the people are away the animals come out to play. Notice the hawk in the tree watching the sunrise?
0204 - "Hawk at sunrise" by Amy Scroggins
Approximately 100 children in 1st-3rd grade came to Fermilab to show off their robotic creations. The students all did research on a topic related to this year's theme, "Creature Craze," and built a project to illustrate what they learned.
0204 - "First LEGO League Jr. Open House in the Wilson Hall atrium" by Spencer Pasero
Saturday Morning Physics continues in One West every Saturday. An attentive and smart group of high school students listens.
0204 - "Eric Prebys teaches a class on accelerators at Saturday Morning Physics" by Elliott McCrory
Anderson Barn around sunrise
0203 - "Anderson Barn" by Sandra Efstathiou
The monthly meeting of Fermilab's Ecological Land Management Committee, led by Ryan Campbell, in Wilson Hall room One East. The ELM Committee recommends "management practices based on sound ecological principles that enhance the natural resources of the laboratory."
0202 - "The February ELM Committee meeting" by Paula Lambertz
This picture shows the Muon Campus Delivery Ring, bottom right, and the M4 extraction beamline, top right. The Delivery Ring will serve the lab's two flagship muon experiments - Muon g-2 (read "'G' minus two") and Mu2e (read "mu to e"). Like many things here at Fermilab, the Delivery Ring is a repurposed machine. It originally served as part of Fermilab's Antiproton Source, which made antiprotons for the Tevatron collider experiments. The Muon Campus is currently under construction, with mechanical technicians installing magnets, beam pipe, and making water connections. Instrumentation technicians are installing beam diagnostics. Electronics technicians are connecting magnets to power supplies in the service buildings above. The plan is to commission beam to the Muon Campus later this spring, so there is much to do!
0202 - "Muon Delivery Ring and M4 Beamline" by Marty Murphy
This resistor was very recently removed from its home in the modulator cabinet for Main Injector's RF station #7. It is one of three that failed on the previous night's shift, bringing the high energy physics program to a momentary halt. Carbon ash is all that is left of the other two.
0202 - "If You Say It Exploded You'll Make the Wrong People Nervous" by Alyssa Miller
The sun sets over Wilson Hall
0201 - "Wilson Sunset" by Timothy Chapman
On the way home, I look back at Wilson Hall.
0201 - "Wilson Hall at Night" by Eileen Berman
Sunset through the trees along B Road
0201 - "Sunset through the trees" by Thomas Nicol
SiDet is a facility for building scientific detectors at Fermilab. The building topped by a geodesic dome originally served as the assembly building for the 15-foot hydrogen bubble chamber.
0201 - "SiDet and Lab G at Sunset" by Marty Murphy
This is one of 12 power supplies used to provide electric current to the Main Injector bend magnets. As protons accelerate in the Main Injector, their energy changes from 8 GeV to 120 GeV in less than one second. 1 GeV equals 1 billion electronvolts. The bend magnet current needs to increase in order to make a magnetic field strong enough to keep the beam circulating in a controlled manner. The electric current in the magnet ramps from a few hundred amperes to more than 7,000 amperes as a function of increasing beam energy.
0131 - "MI-20 Upper Power Supply" by Marty Murphy
Experts worked tirelessly from early morning to afternoon swapping parts and checking readings to fix Linac's drift tube RF station no. 2 in the Linac Upper Gallery. Bill Pellico breathed a sigh of relief when they finally got the signal they were looking for, which was followed by much rejoicing from experimenters.
0131 - "Fussy Machine" by Alyssa Miller
Who's sporting that bristly smile?
0130 - "Wilson McWisk" by Susan Quarto
The east facing windows of the prairie-style Cryomodule Test Facility reflect the sunrise on a rare cloudless January morning.
0130 - "Sunrise windows at CMTF" by Paula Lambertz
Drew Feld, Ken Koch, Alex Sosa and other members of the Preaccelerator Group use their muscle to tighten vacuum connections on a fresh bottle of hydrogen. The volume of gas within, which lasts approximately eight months, is ionized in the magnetron source and accelerated through Linac and beyond, to the lab's various neutrino and fixed target experiments.
0130 - "Fresh Bottle of Beam" by Alyssa Miller
Fermilab Test Beam experimenters from T-1068, the beam test of the ATLAS SVX4 Telescope, manage great smiles at the end of an owl shift in the MTest Control Room at the Meson West Building.
0130 - "Experimenters smile after pulling an all-nighter" by JJ Schmidt
We had problems with a pond pump in the Main Injector on Monday. I met with members of Facilities Engineering Services Section and the Main Injector Department to change operation of the pumps when I saw this guy ambling along on the other side of the road from the MI20 pond pump vault. I grabbed my camera phone and snapped this shot of him as he crossed the berm over the Main Injector. #mobilemonday
0130 - "Coyote" by Marty Murphy
This shows the Roads and Grounds Department's scheduled brush pile burn on East Wilson Street site 70. Brush piles are a common result of restoration activities in various land management units at Fermilab. Clearing invasive honesysuckle and buckthorn from wooded areas is a very labor-intensive activity. Some piles are left for animal habitat, some are ground into chips, and some are burned to reduce the biomass, allowing better native plants to take hold.
0130 - "Brush Pile Burn" by James Santucci
Multicolored electrical distribution boxes located near the substation at the corner of A and B Roads.
0129 - "Rainbow electric" by Thomas Nicol
A peaceful Sunday afternoon in the Art Gallery listening to Beethoven by Spektral Quartet and looking at artwork by Ellen Sandor.
0129 - "Gallery Chamber Concert by Spektral Quartet" by Georgia Schwender
Sean Stoll of Brookhaven National Laboratory checking the prototype sPHENIX electromagnetic calorimeter on the MTEST beam of the Fermilab Test Beam Facility on Saturday night.
0128 - "sPHENIX Calorimeter Beam Test" by John s. Haggerty
George Ginther leads a group of high schoolers in Saturday Morning Physics on a tour of DZero, including a visit in the Tevatron tunnel.
0128 - "Saturday Morning Physics tour of the Tevatron Tunnel at DZero" by Elliott McCrory
Line dancers kicking it up for a good time at Kuhn Barn. They include Phyllis, Bonnie, Jamie, Leslie, Betsy, Violet, Diane, Rosemary, Cathy, Kelly and Debbie.
0128 - "Line Dancing at Kuhn Barn" by Karen Seifrid
Is E.T. visiting the Lederman Science Center?
0128 - "ET?" by Barbara Kristen
Curious employees can access the Central Utility Building from Cross Gallery if they know where to explore.
0127 - "The Secret Tunnel" by Alyssa Miller
Dan Schoo has been an engineer in the Accelerator Division Instrumentation Department for a number of years. His hobby is bird-based artworks, which adorn every inch of wall space in his office.
0127 - "Dan Schoo in his office" by Elliott McCrory
Many building and enclosures have automatic lighting, they will turn off after a certain amount of time.
0127 - "Bring your flashlight" by Stephen Baginski
Guests try the virtual reality tour "Neutrinos in a New Light" by 2016 Fermilab artist-in-residence Ellen Sandor as she watches.
0127 - "Art and science collide" by Georgia Schwender
Ann Nestander is a Senior Field Financial Manager for the Accelerator Division. Ann and the staff of AD financial people are the reason AD personnel can do everything from ordering parts for accelerator components to getting weekly or monthly paychecks. Thanks!
0127 - "Ann" by Marty Murphy
Wanda Newby's handiwork for the winding and wire chamber facility.
0126 - "Wanda Newby from the Scintillation Detector Development group at Lab 6" by Leticia Shaddix
The first trace of today's snowfall on the trees in Big Woods.
0126 - "Trees in Big Woods" by Thomas Nicol
Radio-frequency cavities are what we use to accelerate protons in all of our machines. Here, RF Technician Rachel Pfaff makes an adjustment to a Recycler Ring RF station. I was in the Main Control Room on Thursday, and beam went away due to a Recycler RF problem. As the Main Injector and Recycler Ring operations specialist, I went to the MI-60 RF gallery. A small team of RF exerts quickly diagnosed and fixed the problem and then proceeded to fine-tune some Main Injector and Recycler RF stations.
0126 - "Making Adjustments" by Marty Murphy
Joshua loves his vintage ride at Fermilab daycare!
0125 - "Vintage Discovery" by Bridgett Pygott
Safety personnel Joel Fulgham, Bill Higgins, Mike Vincent and Maddie Wolter spend a portion of the afternoon replacing expired Radiological Worker Permit RWP papers. Up to date RWPs inform employees who must enter the accelerator tunnels about potential radiation hazards in the areas they will be working and how they can protect themselves from said hazards. All employees must read and sign the RWPs before entering the tunnels.
0125 - "Keeping Us Safe" by Alyssa Miller
Janina Gielata works for the Particle Physics Division Scintillation Detection Development Group. Here she prepares an old CDF tile to use for a scintillator aging study by CMS.
0125 - "Janina Gielata works on old CDF tile for CMS study" by Leticia Shaddix
A tree in a corn field frames Wilson Hall in the distance.
0125 - "Fermilab Landscape #1" by Marty Murphy
Installation of the high-energy beam transport beamline at the Fermilab Accelerator Science and Technology is coming along nicely.
0125 - "FAST high-energy beam transport" by James Santucci
Tall grass leaves a lasting mark on an old service building.
0124 - "Windswept" by Kelli Rubrecht
A set of hardware storage drawers in the Linac Lower Gallery photographed from the floor.
0124 - "So Many Drawers" by Alyssa Miller
Ron Kellett takes a look at connections atop the radio-frequency quadrupole for the PIP-II Injector Test, or PIP2IT, at the Cryomodule Test Facility. CMTF is an accelerator R&D facility and PIP2IT is geared toward improving proton beam intensity and quality for Fermilab's users.
0124 - "PIP-II RFQ" by Marty Murphy
It seems like every day in 2017 so far has been gray and dreary.
0124 - "Enough already with the gray, dreary weather!" by Elliott McCrory
It's a deer.
0124 - "Deer" by Lori Limberg
Bert Gonzalez works in the Lab D cleanroom at SiDet using the coordinate measuring machine, which measures modules to micron accuracy.
0124 - "Bert Gonzalez working on modules for others" by Leticia Shaddix
Gray January skies frame the high-rise in the distance.
0123 - "Wilson Hall building in the distance" by Leticia Shaddix
We are curating an art exhibit by Angela Gonzales. The exhibit will be on display in the Fermilab Art Gallery on June 1. Her work is truly exceptional and thoughtful.
0123 - "Valerie Higgins, Fermilab's archivist holds painting by Angela Gonzales" by Georgia Schwender
Rachel Pfaff, Marty Murphy, Dave Pushka, Todd Johnson, Roger Dixon, Chris Jensen and others enjoy a lunch break in the Fermilab cafeteria.
0123 - "Lunchtime at the big, round table" by Elliott McCrory
The face of Wilson Hall after dark
0123 - "Beautiful Brutalism" by Marty Murphy
Withdrawing morning fog exposes fields prepped for spring crops.
0122 - "Withdrawing Fog" by Albert Dyer
Salah Chaurize is pictured adjusting a cooling element of an important component for extracting protons to be delivered to Fermilab's various accelerator beamline experiments.
0122 - "Salah and the Thyratron Cabinet" by Alyssa Miller
Morning Fog - Betz Prairie
0122 - "Morning Fog - Betz Prairie" by Timothy Chapman
Two foggy days in a row going to work. I should get a day off.
0122 - "Foggy way to work" by Stephen Baginski
For the anniversary kick-off celebration, people gave virtual-reality tours of artwork by artist-in-resident Ellen Sandor in the Fermilab Art Gallery.
0121 - "Minerba Betancourt demonstrates the VR by Ellen Sandor" by Georgia Schwender
Minerba Betancourt, left (pointing at the whiteboard) instructs these high school students from Saturday Morning Physics on how a neutrino beam is created.
0121 - "Leading a tour of high school students in the ROC-West" by Elliott McCrory
The Stockroom, located at Site 38 across from the fuel service center, is Fermilab's one-stop shop for anything from personal protective equipment to office supplies to pipe fittings. It also serves as storage for old bits of lab equipment and old accelerator beamline components.
0120 - "Stockroom Storage" by Alyssa Miller
High rise reflected in a parking lot puddle
0120 - "Soggy January" by Thomas Nicol
A view from the Wilson Hall crossover
0120 - "Indoor view" by Emil Huedem
A gray, overcast morning outside of Wilson Hall.
0120 - "Gris Misérables" by Marty Murphy
Testing on fast-timing photo tubes in the Photo Detector Timing Lab
0120 - "Anatoly Ronzhin and Jim Freeman test Fast Timing Photo Tubes" by Leticia Shaddix
Victor Martinez, Particle Physics Division Electrical Engineering Support, spends many of his noontime hours making music either outside the Industrial Center or in the high bay of the building, depending on the weather.
0119 - "Victor Martinez making music inside Industrial Center" by Thomas Nicol
I miss seeing the horses out in the field when they were not in the barn.
0119 - "Old horse barn at Fermilab" by Leticia Shaddix
Inside the new Mu2e building
0119 - "New building" by Emil Huedem
Denton Morris inspects an electrostatic septa. This septa is used to slowly extract protons from the Main Injector to the P1 beamline. The septa is comprised of about 1400 very thin 0.0004-inch-diameter wires that are perfectly aligned to form a plane, which you can see running along the left side of the image leading you to Denton's eyes. On the left side of the wire plane one can see a narrow dark channel; this is where extracted protons travel. They are bent by a static electric field that is created when the cathode barely visible on the left side of the wire channel is raised to a potential of 100-kV with respect to the wires, which are at ground potential. There is no electric field in the circulating beam channel - the main portion of the vacuum chamber you are looking down. Because the septa sits at very high voltages for many seconds at a time, all internal surfaces must be very smooth to prevent electric sparking. Consequently the metal inside the chamber is highly polished, which creates a lot of internal reflections.
0119 - "Inspecting an Electrostatic Extraction Septa" by Marty Murphy
Following the lines of the Wilson Hall building west side, it sure is way up there!
0118 - "Wilson Hall west side" by Leticia Shaddix
Fisheye view of the "Tracticious" sculpture in the courtyard of the Industrial Building Complex. IARC and Wilson Hall are also visible. Former Director Robert Wilson provided the artistic vision. and current longtime employee Tom Nicol provided the structural design of the sculpture. You can see Tom's fantastic pictures here in the DIFF gallery!
From FermiNews, Aug. 12, 1988:
"The sculpture is comprised of 16 stainless steel outer tubes, made from scrap cryostat tubes from Tevatron dipole magnets, and 16 inner tubes, which are 5 in., Schedule 40, carbon steel pipes from old well casings salvaged from the Fermilab "bone yard." Each outer tube is 39 ft long and 6-1/2 in. in diameter, and weigh 550 pounds apiece; the sculpture itself rises to a height of 36 ft."
0118 - "Tractricious Sculpture Fisheye" by Marty Murphy
0118 - "Fully Immersed" by Albert Dyer
Every Monday and Wednesday, the Accelerator Division Operations Department has a scheduling meeting "The Nine O'Clock Meeting" in the Huddle conference room. This was from today's meeting.
0118 - "9 a.m. Operations Meeting" by Elliott McCrory
0117 - "Vaia" by Marty Murphy
While the bison's are away the geese and ducks take advantage of the large water puddles in the pasture made by last night's rain.
0117 - "The geese will play when the bison are away" by Leticia Shaddix
0117 - "Taher Dining Services" by Albert Dyer
0117 - "Muscle Toning Class" by Barbara Kristen
0117 - "Muons" by Susan Quarto
I wasn't looking through a looking glass, rather my car's windshield after a ice storm. Ice looking at you.
0116 - "Through the looking wind shield" by Stephen Baginski
Straw rolls
0116 - "Straw rolls" by Thomas Nicol
Bison barn at sunrise
0115 - "Barn at Sunrise" by Timothy Chapman
Instead of following the yellow brick road, I'll follow the red tile path.
0114 - "The red tile road" by Stephen Baginski
Officer Angel Esquivel on Duty at Batavia Road Entrance
0114 - "Officer Angel Esquivel" by Barbara Kristen
A quiet evening at Industrial Center Building
0114 - "Industrial Center Building" by Barbara Kristen
On select Saturdays there are tours of the art gallery exhibit "Neutrinos in a New Light" by artist-in-residence Ellen Sandor, here Kurt explains the physics as the participant in the foreground experiences the virtual reality.
0114 - "'Neutrinos in a New Light' tour with Kurt Riesselmann" by Georgia Schwender
Mike Roman and Kevin Kuk work together on CCD development for the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument in the Lab D cleanroom at Sidet.
0113 - "Mike Roman and Kevin Kuk work together on CCD development for the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument" by Leticia Shaddix
Sunrise from The Outback
0113 - "Friday the 13th beginning of day at The Outback" by Ed Dijak
Venus is up just after sunset in the south-western sky. The frozen Reflecting Pond in front of Wilson Hall made this angle possible.
0112 - "Wilson Hall & the "Acqua Alle Funi" Sculpture Set Against an Evening Sky Featuring Venus" by Marty Murphy
Operations Specialist Sr. Bert Gonzalez sits in the Lab D cleanroom at Sidet and demonstrates how he sets hub I.D. on a module used for the USCMS FPix Upgrade.
0112 - "Bert Gonzalez sets hub I.D. on module for USCMS FPix upgrade in Lab D, Sidet" by Leticia Shaddix
All hands meeting today...
0112 - "All hands meeting today..." by Thomas Nicol
Wilson Hall atrium decorated for Fermilab's 50th Anniversary. Taken during the All-Hands kickoff party.
0112 - "All dressed up for a party." by Paula Lambertz
50th Ice Sculpture for All-Hands Meeting
0112 - "50th Ice Sculpture for All-Hands Meeting" by Georgia Schwender
These particular instruments are "Wild Heerbrugg", made in Switzerland, and were some of the first instrumentation to be used to measure and survey items in the early years of Fermilab. The one on the right is about 14'' tall. Many more can be seen on display at the Alignment & Metrology Department in the Outback building which behind Dzero.
0111 - "Survey & Alignment Instruments used at Fermilab" by Leticia Shaddix
Big Bird Hawk? with Wilson Hall looming in the background fog.
0111 - "Big Bird Hawk?" by Jim O'Leary
This PHSCologram Sculpture titled "Binary Bypass: Neutrinos for Data Communication, 2016" by Ellen Sandor, Chris Kemp, Diana Torres.
0111 - "Art Gallery Exhibit by Fermilab Artist in Residence 2016 Ellen Sandor" by Georgia Schwender
Accelerator Division Engineer Kevin Duel poses next to a newly installed electrostatic beam extraction septa in the Main Injector tunnel. The accelerator program was off for two days this week to accommodate the installation of the device. The picture was taken a few hours prior to the completion of the task.
0111 - "An Engineer in the Tunnel" by Marty Murphy
The NuMI Decay Pipe is a 275-meter long and 2-meter wide tunnel where secondary pion particle beam decays into neutrinos after going through the NuMI Horn. The tunnel is pitched at 3.3 degrees so that the resultant neutrino beam can be properly aligned between the Near on site at Fermilab and Far Ash River, MN NOvA detectors. The passageway, pictured here, runs along side the Decay Pipe, which is on the other side of the left wall. This picture was taken at a depth of about 225 feet underground.
0110 - "NuMI Decay Pipe Walkway" by Marty Murphy
At Users' Center Meeting Room: From Left to Right: A. Marchionni, M. E McCollum, R. Zwaska, D. Pushka, K. Fahey, C. Mossey, L. Hammond, I. Rakhno, M. Andrews, I. Tropin, J. Johnstone, C. Johnstone, C. Crowley, V. Papadimitriou, J. Hylen, L. Valerio, T. Kobilarcik, R. O'Sullivan, T. Hamernik, V. Bocean, R. Andrews, K. Williams, T. Lundin, S. Tariq
0110 - "LBNF Beamline 2017 New Year's Party at Users' Center" by Vaia Papadimitriou
Need to know where project North is in Lab C; just look up!
0110 - "Direction in Lab C" by Leticia Shaddix
Proton Source Scientist Kiyomi Seiya at Console #2 in the Main Control Room.
0109 - "Kiyomi in MCR" by Marty Murphy
IARC lunchroom...
0109 - "IARC lunchroom..." by Thomas Nicol
John Diamond left and Ning Liu of the Accelerator Division, Instrumentation Department, debug a new version of firmware for the toroids at PXIE.
0109 - "Debugging a front end at PXIE/CMTF" by Elliott McCrory
This is an SVX Prime Barrel Run 1A which was a part of the CDF Detector
0109 - "CDF Detector Parts on display at Sidet" by Leticia Shaddix
Cindy Joe and Chris Olsen watch over the accelerator complex on a cold Sunday morning.
0108 - "Owl Shift" by Kelli Rubrecht
Dave Harding
0108 - "Ask a Scientist" by Laura Paterno
Accelerator operators Michael Olander left and Michael Guzman minding the beam in the Main Control Room during their 12 hour shift in the Main Control Room.
0107 - "Saturday Shifters" by Reidar Hahn
Dan Hooper PPD/Astrophysics is the first lecture of the "Winter Term" of Saturday Morning Physics. There were about 70 high school science enthusiasts in attendance today.
0107 - "Dan Hooper lectures during Saturday Morning Physics" by Elliott McCrory
Jorge Montes, a Sr. Tech. Specialist in PPD, is inspecting the barrel for the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument DESI. The instrument he's using to complete the inspection is a large ultra-precise gantry style coordinate measuring machine CMM.
0106 - "Sr. Tech. Specialist Jorge Montes is inspecting the barrel for the DESI experiment." by Leticia Shaddix
Donovan Tooke in his office.
0106 - "Donovan Tooke" by Marty Murphy
Jeff Nelson left and Will Henninger of William and Mary working on a Proto DUNE high voltage test setup inside the 35 Ton Liquid Argon Cryostat located at PC-4.
0105 - "Thinking Inside the Box" by Reidar Hahn
Skunk near Eola Rd. Picture taken with a telephoto lens from a safe distance!
0105 - "Skunk!" by Marty Murphy
Mark Ruschman, Sr. Technical Specialist for the SuperCDMS SNOLAB Experiment, is preparing a sub-kelvin component test.
0105 - "Preparing a sub-kelvin component test for SuperCDMS/SNOLAB" by Leticia Shaddix
Late night teleconference with our India collaborators - Don Mitchell, Vincent Roger, Paul Derwent, Vikas Jain, Joe Ozelis l to r
0105 - "Late night teleconference with our India collaborators" by Thomas Nicol
Lauren Biron is the apple of many a googly eye. She wields words masterfully, spins multiple plates, and, as the lab's social media guru, connects with Fermilab followers the world over. She is also not above the rest of us, when the situation absolutely calls for it, in pretending to be awake through the application of plastic eyes to closed eyelids.
0105 - "Apple of my googly eye" by Leah Hesla
L to R Athula Wickremasinghe, Aleena Rafique, Jennifer Raaf, Catherine James, Joesph Zennamo, and Erica Snider working in the Remote Operations Center West where scientist monitor experiments at Fermilab.
0104 - "Working in ROC West" by Reidar Hahn
Sun Rise
0104 - "Sun rise entering into Fermilab" by Susan Quarto
Ramsey Auditorium and breezeway ceiling at the end of the day.
0104 - "Ramsey Auditorium" by Marty Murphy
Chris Mossey and Elaine McCluskey meet often to discuss the LBNF Project
0104 - "LBNF Managers in the Winter Morning" by Eileen Berman
Booster pond with CUB, ice and sun
0104 - "Booster pond with smooth ice and sun" by Robyn Madrak Plant
Night shot of the high rise, with the wind it was cold.
0103 - "Wilson Hall at night" by Stephen Baginski
Dave Ifversen, Phil Adamson, Steve Baginski
0103 - "Main Control Room" by Marty Murphy
Karie Badgley uses a borescope to locate and inspect carbon panels in the upper ring of the Muon g-2 experiment.
0103 - "Karie Badgley at g-2 Experiment" by Reidar Hahn
Foggy start to back to work week...
0103 - "Foggy start to back to work week..." by Thomas Nicol
Wilson Hall flags
0102 - "Wilson Hall flags" by Barbara Kristen
It's a holiday at Fermilab. I'm here. Why isn't everyone else?
0102 - "Holiday at the cafe" by Stephen Baginski
Rick Meaderdes and Mary Hobbs working the evening shift in the Communications Center.
0102 - "Evening Shift" by Reidar Hahn
Wilson Hall
0101 - "Wilson Hall" by Stephen Baginski
Wilson Hall at Fermilab shot from the south side on the evening of January 1, 2017
0101 - "Wilson Hall with Clouds" by Reidar Hahn
Eric S. & Mauser
0101 - "The Party's Over."
Dawn of a new year...
0101 - "Dawn of a new year..." by Thomas Nicol
Bubble Chamber
0101 - "Bubble Chamber" by Penelope Constanta
Working on the upcoming exhibit, "A Lasting Mark - Artist Angela Gonzales at Fermilab 1967-1998"
"Art Gallery Layout" by Georgia Schwender
Copyright for all images belongs to the photographer.